decentralisedkev f8979fe7af
Fix lint errors (#182)
* golint and minor changes to make code readable
2019-03-17 18:26:35 +00:00

451 lines
12 KiB

// This impl uses channels to simulate the queue handler with the actor model.
// A suitable number k ,should be set for channel size, because if #numOfMsg > k,
// we lose determinism. k chosen should be large enough that when filled, it shall indicate that
// the peer has stopped responding, since we do not have a pingMSG, we will need another way to shut down
// peers
package peer
import (
const (
maxOutboundConnections = 100
protocolVer = protocol.DefaultVersion
handshakeTimeout = 30 * time.Second
idleTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // If no message received after idleTimeout, then peer disconnects
// nodes will have `responseTime` seconds to reply with a response
responseTime = 120 * time.Second
// the stall detector will check every `tickerInterval` to see if messages
// are overdue. Should be less than `responseTime`
tickerInterval = 30 * time.Second
// The input buffer size is the amount of mesages that
// can be buffered into the channel to receive at once before
// blocking, and before determinism is broken
inputBufferSize = 100
// The output buffer size is the amount of messages that
// can be buffered into the channel to send at once before
// blocking, and before determinism is broken.
outputBufferSize = 100
// pingInterval = 20 * time.Second //Not implemented in neo clients
var (
errHandShakeTimeout = errors.New("Handshake timed out, peers have " + string(handshakeTimeout) + " Seconds to Complete the handshake")
// Peer represents a peer on the neo network
type Peer struct {
config LocalConfig
conn net.Conn
// atomic vals
disconnected int32
//unchangeable state: concurrent safe
addr string
protoVer protocol.Version
port uint16
inbound bool
userAgent string
services protocol.ServiceFlag
createdAt time.Time
relay bool
statemutex sync.Mutex
verackReceived bool
versionKnown bool
inch chan func() // will handle all incoming connections from peer
outch chan func() // will handle all outcoming connections from peer
quitch chan struct{}
// NewPeer returns a new NEO peer
func NewPeer(con net.Conn, inbound bool, cfg LocalConfig) *Peer {
p := Peer{}
p.inch = make(chan func(), inputBufferSize)
p.outch = make(chan func(), outputBufferSize)
p.quitch = make(chan struct{}, 1)
p.inbound = inbound
p.config = cfg
p.conn = con
p.createdAt = time.Now()
p.addr = p.conn.RemoteAddr().String()
p.Detector = stall.NewDetector(responseTime, tickerInterval)
// TODO: set the unchangeable states
return &p
// Write to a peer
func (p *Peer) Write(msg wire.Messager) error {
return wire.WriteMessage(p.conn, p.config.Net, msg)
// Read to a peer
func (p *Peer) Read() (wire.Messager, error) {
return wire.ReadMessage(p.conn, p.config.Net)
// Disconnect disconnects a peer and closes the connection
func (p *Peer) Disconnect() {
// return if already disconnected
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) != 0 {
atomic.AddInt32(&p.disconnected, 1)
fmt.Println("Disconnected Peer with address", p.RemoteAddr().String())
// Port returns the peers port
func (p *Peer) Port() uint16 {
return p.port
// CreatedAt returns the time at which the connection was made
func (p *Peer) CreatedAt() time.Time {
return p.createdAt
// CanRelay returns true, if the peer can relay information
func (p *Peer) CanRelay() bool {
return p.relay
// LocalAddr returns this node's local address
func (p *Peer) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return p.conn.LocalAddr()
// RemoteAddr returns the remote address of the connected peer
func (p *Peer) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return p.conn.RemoteAddr()
// Services returns the services offered by the peer
func (p *Peer) Services() protocol.ServiceFlag {
return p.config.Services
//Inbound returns true whether this peer is an inbound peer
func (p *Peer) Inbound() bool {
return p.inbound
// UserAgent returns this nodes, useragent
func (p *Peer) UserAgent() string {
return p.config.UserAgent
// IsVerackReceived returns true, if this node has
// received a verack from this peer
func (p *Peer) IsVerackReceived() bool {
return p.verackReceived
//NotifyDisconnect returns once the peer has disconnected
// Blocking
func (p *Peer) NotifyDisconnect() bool {
fmt.Println("Peer has not disconnected yet")
fmt.Println("Peer has just disconnected")
return true
//End of Exposed API functions//
// PingLoop not impl. in neo yet, adding it now
// will cause this client to disconnect from all other implementations
func (p *Peer) PingLoop() { /*not implemented in other neo clients*/ }
// Run is used to start communicating with the peer
// completes the handshake and starts observing
// for messages coming in
func (p *Peer) Run() error {
err := p.Handshake()
go p.StartProtocol()
go p.ReadLoop()
go p.WriteLoop()
//go p.PingLoop() // since it is not implemented. It will disconnect all other impls.
return err
// StartProtocol run as a go-routine, will act as our queue for messages
// should be ran after handshake
func (p *Peer) StartProtocol() {
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) == 0 {
select {
case f := <-p.inch:
case <-p.quitch:
break loop
case <-p.Detector.Quitch:
fmt.Println("Peer stalled, disconnecting")
break loop
// ReadLoop Will block on the read until a message is read
// Should only be called after handshake is complete
// on a seperate go-routine.
func (p *Peer) ReadLoop() {
idleTimer := time.AfterFunc(idleTimeout, func() {
fmt.Println("Timing out peer")
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) == 0 {
idleTimer.Reset(idleTimeout) // reset timer on each loop
readmsg, err := p.Read()
// Message read; stop Timer
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Err on read", err) // This will also happen if Peer is disconnected
break loop
// Remove message as pending from the stall detector
switch msg := readmsg.(type) {
case *payload.VersionMessage:
fmt.Println("Already received a Version, disconnecting. " + p.RemoteAddr().String())
break loop // We have already done the handshake, break loop and disconnect
case *payload.VerackMessage:
if p.verackReceived {
fmt.Println("Already received a Verack, disconnecting. " + p.RemoteAddr().String())
break loop
p.statemutex.Lock() // This should not happen, however if it does, then we should set it.
p.verackReceived = true
case *payload.AddrMessage:
case *payload.GetAddrMessage:
case *payload.GetBlocksMessage:
case *payload.BlockMessage:
case *payload.HeadersMessage:
case *payload.GetHeadersMessage:
case *payload.InvMessage:
case *payload.GetDataMessage:
case *payload.TXMessage:
fmt.Println("Cannot recognise message", msg.Command()) //Do not disconnect peer, just Log Message
// WriteLoop will Queue all messages to be written to the peer.
func (p *Peer) WriteLoop() {
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnected) == 0 {
select {
case f := <-p.outch:
case <-p.Detector.Quitch: // if the detector quits, disconnect peer
// OnGetData is called when a GetData message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetData(msg *payload.GetDataMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnInv != nil {
fmt.Println("That was an getdata Message please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
//OnTX is callwed when a TX message is received
func (p *Peer) OnTX(msg *payload.TXMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
getdata, err := payload.NewGetDataMessage(payload.InvTypeTx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Eor", err)
id, err := msg.Tx.ID()
// OnInv is called when a Inv message is received
func (p *Peer) OnInv(msg *payload.InvMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnInv != nil {
p.config.OnInv(p, msg)
fmt.Println("That was an inv Message please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnGetHeaders is called when a GetHeaders message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetHeaders(msg *payload.GetHeadersMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnGetHeaders != nil {
fmt.Println("That was a getheaders message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnAddr is called when a Addr message is received
func (p *Peer) OnAddr(msg *payload.AddrMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnAddr != nil {
p.config.OnAddr(p, msg)
fmt.Println("That was a addr message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnGetAddr is called when a GetAddr message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetAddr(msg *payload.GetAddrMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnGetAddr != nil {
p.config.OnGetAddr(p, msg)
fmt.Println("That was a getaddr message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnGetBlocks is called when a GetBlocks message is received
func (p *Peer) OnGetBlocks(msg *payload.GetBlocksMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnGetBlocks != nil {
fmt.Println("That was a getblocks message, please pass func down through config", msg.Command())
// OnBlocks is called when a Blocks message is received
func (p *Peer) OnBlocks(msg *payload.BlockMessage) {
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnBlock != nil {
p.config.OnBlock(p, msg)
// OnVersion Listener will be called
// during the handshake, any error checking should be done here for the versionMessage.
// This should only ever be called during the handshake. Any other place and the peer will disconnect.
func (p *Peer) OnVersion(msg *payload.VersionMessage) error {
if msg.Nonce == p.config.Nonce {
return errors.New("Self connection, disconnecting Peer")
p.versionKnown = true
p.port = msg.Port = msg.Services
p.userAgent = string(msg.UserAgent)
p.createdAt = time.Now()
p.relay = msg.Relay
return nil
// OnHeaders is called when a Headers message is received
func (p *Peer) OnHeaders(msg *payload.HeadersMessage) {
fmt.Println("We have received the headers")
p.inch <- func() {
if p.config.OnHeader != nil {
p.config.OnHeader(p, msg)
// RequestHeaders will write a getheaders to this peer
func (p *Peer) RequestHeaders(hash util.Uint256) error {
c := make(chan error, 0)
p.outch <- func() {
getHeaders, err := payload.NewGetHeadersMessage([]util.Uint256{hash}, util.Uint256{})
err = p.Write(getHeaders)
c <- err
return <-c
// RequestBlocks will ask this peer for a set of blocks
func (p *Peer) RequestBlocks(hashes []util.Uint256) error {
c := make(chan error, 0)
p.outch <- func() {
getdata, err := payload.NewGetDataMessage(payload.InvTypeBlock)
err = getdata.AddHashes(hashes)
if err != nil {
c <- err
err = p.Write(getdata)
c <- err
return <-c