Roman Khimov db027ad9c5 vm: zero GAS means no GAS, use fee data to properly limit execution
We were accepting transactions with zero system fee, but we shouldn't do
that. Also, transaction's verification execution has to be limited by network
2020-07-14 08:37:29 +03:00

438 lines
14 KiB

package core
import (
// multisig address which possess all NEO
var neoOwner = testchain.MultisigScriptHash()
// newTestChain should be called before newBlock invocation to properly setup
// global state.
func newTestChain(t *testing.T) *Blockchain {
unitTestNetCfg, err := config.Load("../../config", testchain.Network())
require.NoError(t, err)
chain, err := NewBlockchain(storage.NewMemoryStore(), unitTestNetCfg.ProtocolConfiguration, zaptest.NewLogger(t))
require.NoError(t, err)
go chain.Run()
return chain
func (bc *Blockchain) newBlock(txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block {
lastBlock := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block)
return newBlock(bc.config, lastBlock.Index+1, lastBlock.Hash(), txs...)
func newBlock(cfg config.ProtocolConfiguration, index uint32, prev util.Uint256, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) *block.Block {
validators, _ := validatorsFromConfig(cfg)
vlen := len(validators)
valScript, _ := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(
witness := transaction.Witness{
VerificationScript: valScript,
b := &block.Block{
Base: block.Base{
Network: testchain.Network(),
Version: 0,
PrevHash: prev,
Timestamp: uint64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())*1000 + uint64(index),
Index: index,
NextConsensus: witness.ScriptHash(),
Script: witness,
ConsensusData: block.ConsensusData{
PrimaryIndex: 0,
Nonce: 1111,
Transactions: txs,
err := b.RebuildMerkleRoot()
if err != nil {
b.Script.InvocationScript = testchain.Sign(b.GetSignedPart())
return b
func (bc *Blockchain) genBlocks(n int) ([]*block.Block, error) {
blocks := make([]*block.Block, n)
lastHash := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block).Hash()
lastIndex := bc.topBlock.Load().(*block.Block).Index
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
blocks[i] = newBlock(bc.config, uint32(i)+lastIndex+1, lastHash)
if err := bc.AddBlock(blocks[i]); err != nil {
return blocks, err
lastHash = blocks[i].Hash()
return blocks, nil
func getDecodedBlock(t *testing.T, i int) *block.Block {
data, err := getBlockData(i)
require.NoError(t, err)
b, err := hex.DecodeString(data["raw"].(string))
require.NoError(t, err)
block := block.New(testchain.Network())
require.NoError(t, testserdes.DecodeBinary(b, block))
return block
func getBlockData(i int) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("test_data/block_%d.json", i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &data); err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, err
func newDumbBlock() *block.Block {
return &block.Block{
Base: block.Base{
Network: testchain.Network(),
Version: 0,
PrevHash: hash.Sha256([]byte("a")),
MerkleRoot: hash.Sha256([]byte("b")),
Timestamp: 100500,
Index: 1,
NextConsensus: hash.Hash160([]byte("a")),
Script: transaction.Witness{
VerificationScript: []byte{0x51}, // PUSH1
InvocationScript: []byte{0x61}, // NOP
ConsensusData: block.ConsensusData{
PrimaryIndex: 0,
Nonce: 1111,
Transactions: []*transaction.Transaction{
transaction.New(testchain.Network(), []byte{byte(opcode.PUSH1)}, 0),
// This function generates "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc" file which contains data
// for RPC unit tests. It also is a nice integration test.
// To generate new "../rpc/testdata/testblocks.acc", follow the steps:
// 1. Set saveChain down below to true
// 2. Run tests with `$ make test`
func TestCreateBasicChain(t *testing.T) {
const saveChain = false
const prefix = "../rpc/server/testdata/"
// To make enough GAS.
const numOfEmptyBlocks = 200
// Increase in case if you need more blocks
const validUntilBlock = numOfEmptyBlocks + 1000
// To be incremented after each created transaction to keep chain constant.
var testNonce uint32 = 1
// Use as nonce when new transaction is created to avoid random data in tests.
getNextNonce := func() uint32 {
return testNonce
const neoAmount = 99999000
bc := newTestChain(t)
defer bc.Close()
gasHash := bc.contracts.GAS.Hash
neoHash := bc.contracts.NEO.Hash
t.Logf("native GAS hash: %v", gasHash)
t.Logf("native NEO hash: %v", neoHash)
priv0 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(0)
priv0ScriptHash := priv0.GetScriptHash()
require.Equal(t, big.NewInt(0), bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(priv0ScriptHash))
// Move some NEO to one simple account.
txMoveNeo := newNEP5Transfer(neoHash, neoOwner, priv0ScriptHash, neoAmount)
txMoveNeo.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txMoveNeo.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txMoveNeo.Sender = neoOwner
txMoveNeo.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{{
Account: neoOwner,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, signTx(bc, txMoveNeo))
// Move some GAS to one simple account.
txMoveGas := newNEP5Transfer(gasHash, neoOwner, priv0ScriptHash, int64(util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)))
txMoveGas.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txMoveGas.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txMoveGas.Sender = neoOwner
txMoveGas.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{{
Account: neoOwner,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, signTx(bc, txMoveGas))
b := bc.newBlock(txMoveNeo, txMoveGas)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
t.Logf("txMoveNeo: %s", txMoveNeo.Hash().StringLE())
t.Logf("txMoveGas: %s", txMoveGas.Hash().StringLE())
require.True(t, bc.GetUtilityTokenBalance(priv0ScriptHash).Cmp(big.NewInt(1000*native.GASFactor)) >= 0)
// info for getblockheader rpc tests
t.Logf("header hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
t.Logf("header: %s", hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))
acc0, err := wallet.NewAccountFromWIF(priv0.WIF())
require.NoError(t, err)
// Push some contract into the chain.
avm, err := ioutil.ReadFile(prefix + "test_contract.avm")
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("contractHash: %s", hash.Hash160(avm).StringLE())
script := io.NewBufBinWriter()
m := manifest.NewManifest(hash.Hash160(avm))
m.ABI.EntryPoint.Name = "Main"
m.ABI.EntryPoint.Parameters = []manifest.Parameter{
manifest.NewParameter("method", smartcontract.StringType),
manifest.NewParameter("params", smartcontract.ArrayType),
m.ABI.EntryPoint.ReturnType = smartcontract.BoolType
m.Features = smartcontract.HasStorage
bs, err := m.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, bs)
emit.Bytes(script.BinWriter, avm)
emit.Syscall(script.BinWriter, "System.Contract.Create")
txScript := script.Bytes()
txDeploy := transaction.New(testchain.Network(), txScript, 100*native.GASFactor)
txDeploy.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txDeploy.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txDeploy.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txDeploy, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txDeploy))
b = bc.newBlock(txDeploy)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
t.Logf("txDeploy: %s", txDeploy.Hash().StringLE())
// Now invoke this contract.
script = io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(script.BinWriter, hash.Hash160(avm), "Put", "testkey", "testvalue")
txInv := transaction.New(testchain.Network(), script.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
txInv.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txInv.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txInv.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txInv, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txInv))
b = bc.newBlock(txInv)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
t.Logf("txInv: %s", txInv.Hash().StringLE())
priv1 := testchain.PrivateKeyByID(1)
txNeo0to1 := newNEP5Transfer(neoHash, priv0ScriptHash, priv1.GetScriptHash(), 1000)
txNeo0to1.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txNeo0to1.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txNeo0to1.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
txNeo0to1.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txNeo0to1, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txNeo0to1))
b = bc.newBlock(txNeo0to1)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
sh := hash.Hash160(avm)
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(w.BinWriter, sh, "init")
initTx := transaction.New(testchain.Network(), w.Bytes(), 1*native.GASFactor)
initTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
initTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
initTx.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, initTx, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(initTx))
transferTx := newNEP5Transfer(sh, sh, priv0.GetScriptHash(), 1000)
transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
transferTx.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
transferTx.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(transferTx))
b = bc.newBlock(initTx, transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
t.Logf("recieveRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
transferTx = newNEP5Transfer(sh, priv0.GetScriptHash(), priv1.GetScriptHash(), 123)
transferTx.Nonce = getNextNonce()
transferTx.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
transferTx.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
transferTx.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, transferTx, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(transferTx))
b = bc.newBlock(transferTx)
require.NoError(t, bc.AddBlock(b))
t.Logf("sendRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
if saveChain {
outStream, err := os.Create(prefix + "testblocks.acc")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer outStream.Close()
writer := io.NewBinWriterFromIO(outStream)
count := bc.BlockHeight() + 1
writer.WriteU32LE(count - 1)
for i := 1; i < int(count); i++ {
bh := bc.GetHeaderHash(i)
b, err := bc.GetBlock(bh)
require.NoError(t, err)
bytes, err := testserdes.EncodeBinary(b)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, writer.Err)
// Prepare some transaction for future submission.
txSendRaw := newNEP5Transfer(neoHash, priv0ScriptHash, priv1.GetScriptHash(), int64(util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)))
txSendRaw.ValidUntilBlock = validUntilBlock
txSendRaw.Nonce = getNextNonce()
txSendRaw.Sender = priv0ScriptHash
txSendRaw.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{{
Account: priv0ScriptHash,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
require.NoError(t, addNetworkFee(bc, txSendRaw, acc0))
require.NoError(t, acc0.SignTx(txSendRaw))
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
t.Logf("sendrawtransaction: %s", hex.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
func newNEP5Transfer(sc, from, to util.Uint160, amount int64) *transaction.Transaction {
w := io.NewBufBinWriter()
emit.AppCallWithOperationAndArgs(w.BinWriter, sc, "transfer", from, to, amount)
emit.Opcode(w.BinWriter, opcode.ASSERT)
script := w.Bytes()
return transaction.New(testchain.Network(), script, 10000000)
func addSender(txs ...*transaction.Transaction) error {
for _, tx := range txs {
tx.Sender = neoOwner
return nil
func addCosigners(txs ...*transaction.Transaction) {
for _, tx := range txs {
tx.Cosigners = []transaction.Cosigner{{
Account: neoOwner,
Scopes: transaction.CalledByEntry,
AllowedContracts: nil,
AllowedGroups: nil,
func signTx(bc *Blockchain, txs ...*transaction.Transaction) error {
validators := bc.GetStandByValidators()
rawScript, err := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(len(bc.config.StandbyValidators)/2+1, validators)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fail to sign tx")
for _, tx := range txs {
size := io.GetVarSize(tx)
netFee, sizeDelta := CalculateNetworkFee(rawScript)
tx.NetworkFee += netFee
size += sizeDelta
tx.NetworkFee += int64(size) * bc.FeePerByte()
data := tx.GetSignedPart()
tx.Scripts = []transaction.Witness{{
InvocationScript: testchain.Sign(data),
VerificationScript: rawScript,
return nil
func addNetworkFee(bc *Blockchain, tx *transaction.Transaction, sender *wallet.Account) error {
size := io.GetVarSize(tx)
netFee, sizeDelta := CalculateNetworkFee(sender.Contract.Script)
tx.NetworkFee += netFee
size += sizeDelta
for _, cosigner := range tx.Cosigners {
contract := bc.GetContractState(cosigner.Account)
if contract != nil {
netFee, sizeDelta = CalculateNetworkFee(contract.Script)
tx.NetworkFee += netFee
size += sizeDelta
tx.NetworkFee += int64(size) * bc.FeePerByte()
return nil