Anna Shaleva 6dbae7edc4 rpcclient: fix WS-client unsubscription process
Do not block subscribers until the unsubscription request to RPC server
is completed. Otherwise, another notification may be received from the
RPC server which will block the unsubscription process.

At the same time, fix event-based waiter. We must not block the receiver
channel during unsubscription because there's a chance that subsequent
event will be sent by the server. We need to read this event in order not
to block the WSClient's readloop.
2022-11-16 23:44:30 +03:00

305 lines
15 KiB

package basicchain
import (
const neoAmount = 99999000
// Various contract IDs that were deployed to basic chain.
const (
RublesContractID = int32(1)
VerifyContractID = int32(2)
VerifyWithArgsContractID = int32(3)
NNSContractID = int32(4)
NFSOContractID = int32(5)
StorageContractID = int32(6)
const (
// RublesOldTestvalue is a value initially stored by `testkey` key inside Rubles contract.
RublesOldTestvalue = "testvalue"
// RublesNewTestvalue is an updated value of Rubles' storage item with `testkey` key.
RublesNewTestvalue = "newtestvalue"
// InitSimple initializes chain with simple contracts from 'examples' folder.
// It's not as complicated as chain got after Init and may be used for tests where
// chain with a small amount of data is needed and for historical functionality testing.
// Needs a path to the root directory.
func InitSimple(t *testing.T, rootpath string, e *neotest.Executor) {
// examplesPrefix is a prefix of the example smart-contracts.
var examplesPrefix = filepath.Join(rootpath, "examples")
deployExample := func(t *testing.T, name string) util.Uint160 {
_, h := newDeployTx(t, e, e.Validator,
filepath.Join(examplesPrefix, name, name+".go"),
filepath.Join(examplesPrefix, name, name+".yml"),
return h
// Block #1: deploy storage contract (examples/storage/storage.go).
storageHash := deployExample(t, "storage")
storageValidatorInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(storageHash)
// Block #2: put (1, 1) kv pair.
storageValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, 1, "put", 1, 1)
// Block #3: put (2, 2) kv pair.
storageValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, 2, "put", 2, 2)
// Block #4: update (1, 1) -> (1, 2).
storageValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, 1, "put", 1, 2)
// Block #5: deploy runtime contract (examples/runtime/runtime.go).
_ = deployExample(t, "runtime")
// Init pushes some predefined set of transactions into the given chain, it needs a path to
// the root project directory.
func Init(t *testing.T, rootpath string, e *neotest.Executor) {
if !e.Chain.GetConfig().P2PSigExtensions {
t.Fatal("P2PSigExtensions should be enabled to init basic chain")
var (
// examplesPrefix is a prefix of the example smart-contracts.
examplesPrefix = filepath.Join(rootpath, "examples")
// testDataPrefix is used to retrieve smart contracts that should be deployed to
// Basic chain.
testDataPrefix = filepath.Join(rootpath, "internal", "basicchain", "testdata")
notaryModulePath = filepath.Join(rootpath, "pkg", "services", "notary")
gasHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Gas)
neoHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Neo)
policyHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Policy)
notaryHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Notary)
designationHash := e.NativeHash(t, nativenames.Designation)
t.Logf("native GAS hash: %v", gasHash)
t.Logf("native NEO hash: %v", neoHash)
t.Logf("native Policy hash: %v", policyHash)
t.Logf("native Notary hash: %v", notaryHash)
t.Logf("Block0 hash: %s", e.Chain.GetHeaderHash(0).StringLE())
acc0 := e.Validator.(neotest.MultiSigner).Single(2) // priv0 index->order and order->index conversion
priv0ScriptHash := acc0.ScriptHash()
acc1 := e.Validator.(neotest.MultiSigner).Single(0) // priv1 index->order and order->index conversion
priv1ScriptHash := acc1.ScriptHash()
neoValidatorInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(neoHash)
gasValidatorInvoker := e.ValidatorInvoker(gasHash)
neoPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(neoHash, acc0)
gasPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(gasHash, acc0)
designateSuperInvoker := e.NewInvoker(designationHash, e.Validator, e.Committee)
deployContractFromPriv0 := func(t *testing.T, path, contractName string, configPath string, expectedID int32) (util.Uint256, util.Uint256, util.Uint160) {
txDeployHash, cH := newDeployTx(t, e, acc0, path, configPath, true)
b := e.TopBlock(t)
return b.Hash(), txDeployHash, cH
e.CheckGASBalance(t, priv0ScriptHash, big.NewInt(5000_0000)) // gas bounty
// Block #1: move 1000 GAS and neoAmount NEO to priv0.
txMoveNeo := neoValidatorInvoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), priv0ScriptHash, neoAmount, nil)
txMoveGas := gasValidatorInvoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(), priv0ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)), nil)
b := e.AddNewBlock(t, txMoveNeo, txMoveGas)
e.CheckHalt(t, txMoveNeo.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txMoveGas.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
t.Logf("Block1 hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
bw := io.NewBufBinWriter()
require.NoError(t, bw.Err)
jsonB, err := b.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Block1 base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
t.Logf("Block1 JSON: %s", string(jsonB))
require.NoError(t, bw.Err)
jsonH, err := b.Header.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Header1 base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()))
t.Logf("Header1 JSON: %s", string(jsonH))
jsonTxMoveNeo, err := txMoveNeo.MarshalJSON()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("txMoveNeo hash: %s", txMoveNeo.Hash().StringLE())
t.Logf("txMoveNeo JSON: %s", string(jsonTxMoveNeo))
t.Logf("txMoveNeo base64: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(txMoveNeo.Bytes()))
t.Logf("txMoveGas hash: %s", txMoveGas.Hash().StringLE())
e.EnsureGASBalance(t, priv0ScriptHash, func(balance *big.Int) bool { return balance.Cmp(big.NewInt(1000*native.GASFactor)) >= 0 })
// info for getblockheader rpc tests
t.Logf("header hash: %s", b.Hash().StringLE())
buf := io.NewBufBinWriter()
t.Logf("header: %s", hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))
// Block #2: deploy test_contract (Rubles contract).
cfgPath := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "test_contract.yml")
block2H, txDeployH, cHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "test_contract.go"), "Rubl", cfgPath, RublesContractID)
t.Logf("txDeploy: %s", txDeployH.StringLE())
t.Logf("Block2 hash: %s", block2H.StringLE())
// Block #3: invoke `putValue` method on the test_contract.
rublPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(cHash, acc0)
txInvH := rublPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "putValue", "testkey", RublesOldTestvalue)
t.Logf("txInv: %s", txInvH.StringLE())
// Block #4: transfer 1000 NEO from priv0 to priv1.
neoPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 1000, nil)
// Block #5: initialize rubles contract and transfer 1000 rubles from the contract to priv0.
initTx := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "init")
transferTx := e.NewUnsignedTx(t, rublPriv0Invoker.Hash, "transfer", cHash, priv0ScriptHash, 1000, nil)
e.SignTx(t, transferTx, 1500_0000, acc0) // Set system fee manually to avoid verification failure.
e.AddNewBlock(t, initTx, transferTx)
e.CheckHalt(t, initTx.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, transferTx.Hash(), stackitem.Make(true))
t.Logf("receiveRublesTx: %v", transferTx.Hash().StringLE())
// Block #6: transfer 123 rubles from priv0 to priv1
transferTxH := rublPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 123, nil)
t.Logf("sendRublesTx: %v", transferTxH.StringLE())
// Block #7: push verification contract into the chain.
verifyPath := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "verify", "verification_contract.go")
verifyCfg := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "verify", "verification_contract.yml")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, verifyPath, "Verify", verifyCfg, VerifyContractID)
// Block #8: deposit some GAS to notary contract for priv0.
transferTxH = gasPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, notaryHash, 10_0000_0000, []interface{}{priv0ScriptHash, int64(e.Chain.BlockHeight() + 1000)})
t.Logf("notaryDepositTxPriv0: %v", transferTxH.StringLE())
// Block #9: designate new Notary node.
ntr, err := wallet.NewWalletFromFile(path.Join(notaryModulePath, "./testdata/notary1.json"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, ntr.Accounts[0].Decrypt("one", ntr.Scrypt))
designateSuperInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "designateAsRole",
int64(noderoles.P2PNotary), []interface{}{ntr.Accounts[0].PublicKey().Bytes()})
t.Logf("Designated Notary node: %s", hex.EncodeToString(ntr.Accounts[0].PublicKey().Bytes()))
// Block #10: push verification contract with arguments into the chain.
verifyPath = filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "verify_args", "verification_with_args_contract.go")
verifyCfg = filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "verify_args", "verification_with_args_contract.yml")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, verifyPath, "VerifyWithArgs", verifyCfg, VerifyWithArgsContractID) // block #10
// Block #11: push NameService contract into the chain.
nsPath := filepath.Join(examplesPrefix, "nft-nd-nns")
nsConfigPath := filepath.Join(nsPath, "nns.yml")
_, _, nsHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, nsPath, nsPath, nsConfigPath, NNSContractID) // block #11
nsCommitteeInvoker := e.CommitteeInvoker(nsHash)
nsPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(nsHash, acc0)
// Block #12: transfer funds to committee for further NS record registration.
gasValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer",
e.Validator.ScriptHash(), e.Committee.ScriptHash(), 1000_00000000, nil) // block #12
// Block #13: add `.com` root to NNS.
nsCommitteeInvoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "addRoot", "com") // block #13
// Block #14: register `` via NNS.
registerTxH := nsPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "register",
"", priv0ScriptHash) // block #14
res := e.GetTxExecResult(t, registerTxH)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(res.Events)) // transfer
tokenID, err := res.Events[0].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[3].TryBytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("NNS token #1 ID (hex): %s", hex.EncodeToString(tokenID))
// Block #15: set A record type with priv0 owner via NNS.
nsPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, "setRecord", "", int64(nns.A), "") // block #15
// Block #16: invoke `test_contract.go`: put new value with the same key to check `getstate` RPC call
txPutNewValue := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "testkey", RublesNewTestvalue) // tx1
// Invoke `test_contract.go`: put values to check `findstates` RPC call.
txPut1 := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "aa", "v1") // tx2
txPut2 := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "aa10", "v2") // tx3
txPut3 := rublPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "putValue", "aa50", "v3") // tx4
e.AddNewBlock(t, txPutNewValue, txPut1, txPut2, txPut3) // block #16
e.CheckHalt(t, txPutNewValue.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txPut1.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txPut2.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
e.CheckHalt(t, txPut3.Hash(), stackitem.NewBool(true))
// Block #17: deploy NeoFS Object contract (NEP11-Divisible).
nfsPath := filepath.Join(examplesPrefix, "nft-d")
nfsConfigPath := filepath.Join(nfsPath, "nft.yml")
_, _, nfsHash := deployContractFromPriv0(t, nfsPath, nfsPath, nfsConfigPath, NFSOContractID) // block #17
nfsPriv0Invoker := e.NewInvoker(nfsHash, acc0)
nfsPriv1Invoker := e.NewInvoker(nfsHash, acc1)
// Block #18: mint 1.00 NFSO token by transferring 10 GAS to NFSO contract.
containerID := util.Uint256{1, 2, 3}
objectID := util.Uint256{4, 5, 6}
txGas0toNFSH := gasPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer",
priv0ScriptHash, nfsHash, 10_0000_0000, []interface{}{containerID.BytesBE(), objectID.BytesBE()}) // block #18
res = e.GetTxExecResult(t, txGas0toNFSH)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(res.Events)) // GAS transfer + NFSO transfer
tokenID, err = res.Events[1].Item.Value().([]stackitem.Item)[3].TryBytes()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("NFSO token #1 ID (hex): %s", hex.EncodeToString(tokenID))
// Block #19: transfer 0.25 NFSO from priv0 to priv1.
nfsPriv0Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, 25, tokenID, nil) // block #19
// Block #20: transfer 1000 GAS to priv1.
gasValidatorInvoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", e.Validator.ScriptHash(),
priv1ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)), nil) // block #20
// Block #21: transfer 0.05 NFSO from priv1 back to priv0.
nfsPriv1Invoker.Invoke(t, true, "transfer", priv1ScriptHash, priv0ScriptHash, 5, tokenID, nil) // block #21
// Block #22: deploy storage_contract (Storage contract for `traverseiterator` and `terminatesession` RPC calls test).
storagePath := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "storage", "storage_contract.go")
storageCfg := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "storage", "storage_contract.yml")
_, _, _ = deployContractFromPriv0(t, storagePath, "Storage", storageCfg, StorageContractID)
// Block #23: add FAULTed transaction to check WSClient waitloops.
faultedInvoker := e.NewInvoker(cHash, acc0)
faultedH := faultedInvoker.InvokeScriptCheckFAULT(t, []byte{byte(opcode.ABORT)}, []neotest.Signer{acc0}, "at instruction 0 (ABORT): ABORT")
t.Logf("FAULTed transaction:\n\thash LE: %s\n\tblock index: %d", faultedH.StringLE(), e.Chain.BlockHeight())
// Compile contract to test `invokescript` RPC call
invokePath := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "invoke", "invokescript_contract.go")
invokeCfg := filepath.Join(testDataPrefix, "invoke", "invoke.yml")
_, _ = newDeployTx(t, e, acc0, invokePath, invokeCfg, false)
// Prepare some transaction for future submission.
txSendRaw := neoPriv0Invoker.PrepareInvoke(t, "transfer", priv0ScriptHash, priv1ScriptHash, int64(fixedn.Fixed8FromInt64(1000)), nil)
t.Logf("sendrawtransaction: \n\tbase64: %s\n\tHash LE: %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bw.Bytes()), txSendRaw.Hash().StringLE())
sr20, err := e.Chain.GetStateModule().GetStateRoot(20)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("Block #20 stateroot LE: %s", sr20.Root.StringLE())
func newDeployTx(t *testing.T, e *neotest.Executor, sender neotest.Signer, sourcePath, configPath string, deploy bool) (util.Uint256, util.Uint160) {
c := neotest.CompileFile(t, sender.ScriptHash(), sourcePath, configPath)
t.Logf("contract (%s): \n\tHash: %s\n\tAVM: %s", sourcePath, c.Hash.StringLE(), base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(c.NEF.Script))
if deploy {
return e.DeployContractBy(t, sender, c, nil), c.Hash
return util.Uint256{}, c.Hash