forked from TrueCloudLab/neoneo-go
Get new blocks directly from the Blockchain. It may lead to some duplications (as we'll also receive our own blocks), but at the same time it's more correct, because technically we can also get blocks via other means besides network server like RPC (submitblock call). And it simplifies network server at the same time.
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package consensus
import (
coreb ""
// cacheMaxCapacity is the default cache capacity taken
// from C# implementation
const cacheMaxCapacity = 100
// defaultTimePerBlock is a period between blocks which is used in NEO.
const defaultTimePerBlock = 15 * time.Second
// Service represents consensus instance.
type Service interface {
// Start initializes dBFT and starts event loop for consensus service.
// It must be called only when sufficient amount of peers are connected.
// OnPayload is a callback to notify Service about new received payload.
OnPayload(p *Payload)
// OnTransaction is a callback to notify Service about new received transaction.
OnTransaction(tx *transaction.Transaction)
// GetPayload returns Payload with specified hash if it is present in the local cache.
GetPayload(h util.Uint256) *Payload
type service struct {
log *zap.Logger
// cache is a fifo cache which stores recent payloads.
cache *relayCache
// txx is a fifo cache which stores miner transactions.
txx *relayCache
dbft *dbft.DBFT
// messages and transactions are channels needed to process
// everything in single thread.
messages chan Payload
transactions chan *transaction.Transaction
// blockEvents is used to pass a new block event to the consensus
// process.
blockEvents chan *coreb.Block
lastProposal []util.Uint256
wallet *wallet.Wallet
// Config is a configuration for consensus services.
type Config struct {
// Logger is a logger instance.
Logger *zap.Logger
// Broadcast is a callback which is called to notify server
// about new consensus payload to sent.
Broadcast func(p *Payload)
// RelayBlock is a callback that is called to notify server
// about the new block that needs to be broadcasted.
RelayBlock func(b *coreb.Block)
// Chain is a core.Blockchainer instance.
Chain core.Blockchainer
// RequestTx is a callback to which will be called
// when a node lacks transactions present in a block.
RequestTx func(h ...util.Uint256)
// TimePerBlock minimal time that should pass before next block is accepted.
TimePerBlock time.Duration
// Wallet is a local-node wallet configuration.
Wallet *wallet.Config
// NewService returns new consensus.Service instance.
func NewService(cfg Config) (Service, error) {
if cfg.TimePerBlock <= 0 {
cfg.TimePerBlock = defaultTimePerBlock
if cfg.Logger == nil {
return nil, errors.New("empty logger")
srv := &service{
Config: cfg,
log: cfg.Logger,
cache: newFIFOCache(cacheMaxCapacity),
txx: newFIFOCache(cacheMaxCapacity),
messages: make(chan Payload, 100),
transactions: make(chan *transaction.Transaction, 100),
blockEvents: make(chan *coreb.Block, 1),
if cfg.Wallet == nil {
return srv, nil
var err error
if srv.wallet, err = wallet.NewWalletFromFile(cfg.Wallet.Path); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer srv.wallet.Close()
srv.dbft = dbft.New(
dbft.WithWatchOnly(func() bool { return false }),
dbft.WithNewBlock(func() block.Block { return new(neoBlock) }),
dbft.WithNewConsensusPayload(func() payload.ConsensusPayload { p := new(Payload); p.message = &message{}; return p }),
dbft.WithNewPrepareRequest(func() payload.PrepareRequest { return new(prepareRequest) }),
dbft.WithNewPrepareResponse(func() payload.PrepareResponse { return new(prepareResponse) }),
dbft.WithNewChangeView(func() payload.ChangeView { return new(changeView) }),
dbft.WithNewCommit(func() payload.Commit { return new(commit) }),
dbft.WithNewRecoveryRequest(func() payload.RecoveryRequest { return new(recoveryRequest) }),
dbft.WithNewRecoveryMessage(func() payload.RecoveryMessage { return new(recoveryMessage) }),
if srv.dbft == nil {
return nil, errors.New("can't initialize dBFT")
return srv, nil
var (
_ block.Transaction = (*transaction.Transaction)(nil)
_ block.Block = (*neoBlock)(nil)
func (s *service) Start() {
go s.eventLoop()
func (s *service) eventLoop() {
for {
select {
case hv := <-s.dbft.Timer.C():
s.log.Debug("timer fired",
zap.Uint32("height", hv.Height),
zap.Uint("view", uint(hv.View)))
case msg := <-s.messages:
fields := []zap.Field{
zap.Uint16("from", msg.validatorIndex),
zap.Stringer("type", msg.Type()),
if msg.Type() == payload.RecoveryMessageType {
rec := msg.GetRecoveryMessage().(*recoveryMessage)
if rec.preparationHash == nil {
req := rec.GetPrepareRequest(&msg, s.dbft.Validators, uint16(s.dbft.PrimaryIndex))
if req != nil {
h := req.Hash()
rec.preparationHash = &h
fields = append(fields,
zap.Int("#preparation", len(rec.preparationPayloads)),
zap.Int("#commit", len(rec.commitPayloads)),
zap.Int("#changeview", len(rec.changeViewPayloads)),
zap.Bool("#request", rec.prepareRequest != nil),
zap.Bool("#hash", rec.preparationHash != nil))
s.log.Debug("received message", fields...)
case tx := <-s.transactions:
case b := <-s.blockEvents:
// We also receive our own blocks here, so check for index.
if b.Index >= s.dbft.BlockIndex {
s.log.Debug("new block in the chain",
zap.Uint32("dbft index", s.dbft.BlockIndex),
zap.Uint32("chain index", s.Chain.BlockHeight()))
func (s *service) validatePayload(p *Payload) bool {
validators := s.getValidators()
if int(p.validatorIndex) >= len(validators) {
return false
pub := validators[p.validatorIndex]
h := pub.(*publicKey).GetScriptHash()
return p.Verify(h)
func (s *service) getKeyPair(pubs []crypto.PublicKey) (int, crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey) {
for i := range pubs {
sh := pubs[i].(*publicKey).GetScriptHash()
acc := s.wallet.GetAccount(sh)
if acc == nil {
key, err := keys.NEP2Decrypt(acc.EncryptedWIF, s.Config.Wallet.Password)
if err != nil {
return i, &privateKey{PrivateKey: key}, &publicKey{PublicKey: key.PublicKey()}
return -1, nil, nil
// OnPayload handles Payload receive.
func (s *service) OnPayload(cp *Payload) {
log := s.log.With(zap.Stringer("hash", cp.Hash()))
if !s.validatePayload(cp) {
log.Debug("can't validate payload")
} else if s.cache.Has(cp.Hash()) {
log.Debug("payload is already in cache")
if s.dbft == nil {
log.Debug("dbft is nil")
// decode payload data into message
if cp.message == nil {
if err := cp.decodeData(); err != nil {
log.Debug("can't decode payload data")
// we use switch here because other payloads could be possibly added in future
switch cp.Type() {
case payload.PrepareRequestType:
req := cp.GetPrepareRequest().(*prepareRequest)
s.lastProposal = req.transactionHashes
s.messages <- *cp
func (s *service) OnTransaction(tx *transaction.Transaction) {
if s.dbft != nil {
s.transactions <- tx
// GetPayload returns payload stored in cache.
func (s *service) GetPayload(h util.Uint256) *Payload {
p := s.cache.Get(h)
if p == nil {
return (*Payload)(nil)
cp := *p.(*Payload)
return &cp
func (s *service) broadcast(p payload.ConsensusPayload) {
switch p.Type() {
case payload.PrepareRequestType:
pr := p.GetPrepareRequest().(*prepareRequest)
pr.minerTx = *s.txx.Get(pr.transactionHashes[0]).(*transaction.Transaction)
if err := p.(*Payload).Sign(s.dbft.Priv.(*privateKey)); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't sign consensus payload", zap.Error(err))
func (s *service) getTx(h util.Uint256) block.Transaction {
if tx := s.txx.Get(h); tx != nil {
return tx.(*transaction.Transaction)
tx, _, _ := s.Config.Chain.GetTransaction(h)
// this is needed because in case of absent tx dBFT expects to
// get nil interface, not a nil pointer to any concrete type
if tx != nil {
return tx
return nil
func (s *service) verifyBlock(b block.Block) bool {
coreb := &b.(*neoBlock).Block
for _, tx := range coreb.Transactions {
if err := s.Chain.VerifyTx(tx, coreb); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("invalid transaction in proposed block", zap.Stringer("hash", tx.Hash()))
return false
return true
func (s *service) processBlock(b block.Block) {
bb := &b.(*neoBlock).Block
bb.Script = *(s.getBlockWitness(bb))
if err := s.Chain.AddBlock(bb); err != nil {
// The block might already be added via the regular network
// interaction.
if _, errget := s.Chain.GetBlock(bb.Hash()); errget != nil {
s.log.Warn("error on add block", zap.Error(err))
} else {
func (s *service) getBlockWitness(b *coreb.Block) *transaction.Witness {
dctx := s.dbft.Context
pubs := convertKeys(dctx.Validators)
sigs := make(map[*keys.PublicKey][]byte)
for i := range pubs {
if p := dctx.CommitPayloads[i]; p != nil && p.ViewNumber() == dctx.ViewNumber {
sigs[pubs[i]] = p.GetCommit().Signature()
m := s.dbft.Context.M()
verif, err := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(m, pubs)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't create multisig redeem script", zap.Error(err))
return nil
var invoc []byte
for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(pubs) && j < m; i++ {
if sig, ok := sigs[pubs[i]]; ok {
invoc = append(invoc, byte(opcode.PUSHBYTES64))
invoc = append(invoc, sig...)
return &transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: invoc,
VerificationScript: verif,
func (s *service) getBlock(h util.Uint256) block.Block {
b, err := s.Chain.GetBlock(h)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &neoBlock{Block: *b}
func (s *service) getVerifiedTx(count int) []block.Transaction {
pool := s.Config.Chain.GetMemPool()
var txx []mempool.TxWithFee
if s.dbft.ViewNumber > 0 {
txx = make([]mempool.TxWithFee, 0, len(s.lastProposal))
for i := range s.lastProposal {
if tx, fee, ok := pool.TryGetValue(s.lastProposal[i]); ok {
txx = append(txx, mempool.TxWithFee{Tx: tx, Fee: fee})
if len(txx) < len(s.lastProposal)/2 {
txx = pool.GetVerifiedTransactions()
} else {
txx = pool.GetVerifiedTransactions()
if len(txx) > 0 {
txx = s.Config.Chain.ApplyPolicyToTxSet(txx)
res := make([]block.Transaction, len(txx)+1)
var netFee util.Fixed8
for i := range txx {
res[i+1] = txx[i].Tx
netFee += txx[i].Fee
var txOuts []transaction.Output
if netFee != 0 {
sh := s.wallet.GetChangeAddress()
if sh.Equals(util.Uint160{}) {
pk := s.dbft.Pub.(*publicKey)
sh = pk.GetScriptHash()
txOuts = []transaction.Output{{
AssetID: core.UtilityTokenID(),
Amount: netFee,
ScriptHash: sh,
for {
nonce := rand.Uint32()
res[0] = &transaction.Transaction{
Type: transaction.MinerType,
Version: 0,
Data: &transaction.MinerTX{Nonce: nonce},
Attributes: nil,
Inputs: nil,
Outputs: txOuts,
Scripts: nil,
Trimmed: false,
if tx, _, _ := s.Chain.GetTransaction(res[0].Hash()); tx == nil {
return res
func (s *service) getValidators(txx ...block.Transaction) []crypto.PublicKey {
var (
pKeys []*keys.PublicKey
err error
if len(txx) == 0 {
pKeys, err = s.Chain.GetValidators()
} else {
ntxx := make([]*transaction.Transaction, len(txx))
for i := range ntxx {
ntxx[i] = txx[i].(*transaction.Transaction)
pKeys, err = s.Chain.GetValidators(ntxx...)
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("error while trying to get validators", zap.Error(err))
pubs := make([]crypto.PublicKey, len(pKeys))
for i := range pKeys {
pubs[i] = &publicKey{PublicKey: pKeys[i]}
return pubs
func (s *service) getConsensusAddress(validators ...crypto.PublicKey) (h util.Uint160) {
pubs := convertKeys(validators)
script, err := smartcontract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(s.dbft.M(), pubs)
if err != nil {
return crypto.Hash160(script)
func convertKeys(validators []crypto.PublicKey) (pubs []*keys.PublicKey) {
pubs = make([]*keys.PublicKey, len(validators))
for i, k := range validators {
pubs[i] = k.(*publicKey).PublicKey