2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
*** Settings ***
2021-06-24 16:51:59 +03:00
Variables ../../../variables/common.py
2021-09-08 20:31:52 +03:00
2021-09-20 17:17:15 +03:00
Library Collections
Library neofs.py
Library payment_neogo.py
Library acl.py
2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
2021-06-24 16:51:59 +03:00
Resource common_steps_acl_extended.robot
Resource ../${RESOURCES}/payment_operations.robot
Resource ../${RESOURCES}/setup_teardown.robot
Resource ../../../variables/eacl_tables.robot
2021-04-26 13:30:40 +03:00
2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
*** Test cases ***
Extended ACL Operations
[Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with extended ACL.
[Tags] ACL eACL NeoFS NeoCLI
[Timeout] 20 min
2021-06-01 15:07:31 +03:00
[Setup] Setup
2021-04-26 13:30:40 +03:00
2021-09-08 20:31:52 +03:00
${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${USER_KEY} = Prepare Wallet And Deposit
2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
Log Check extended ACL with simple object
Generate files ${SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE}
2021-09-08 20:31:52 +03:00
Check eACL Deny and Allow All User ${USER_KEY}
2021-04-26 13:30:40 +03:00
2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
Log Check extended ACL with complex object
Generate files ${COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE}
2021-09-08 20:31:52 +03:00
Check eACL Deny and Allow All User ${USER_KEY}
2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
2021-06-01 15:07:31 +03:00
[Teardown] Teardown acl_extended_action_user
2021-04-26 13:30:40 +03:00
2021-04-02 17:29:41 +03:00
*** Keywords ***
Check eACL Deny and Allow All User
2021-09-08 20:31:52 +03:00
[Arguments] ${USER_KEY}