2020-07-14 03:05:22 +03:00

110 lines
7.6 KiB

*** Settings ***
Variables ../../variables/
Library ${RESOURCES}/
Library ${RESOURCES}/
Library ${RESOURCES}/
Library ${RESOURCES}/
Library ${RESOURCES}/
Library ${RESOURCES}/
*** Variables ***
&{FILE_USR_HEADER} = key1=1 key2='abc'
*** Test cases ***
NeoFS Complex Object Operations
[Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with complex object.
[Tags] Object NeoFS NeoCLI
[Timeout] 15 min
${PRIV_KEY} = Generate Neo private key
${PUB_KEY} = Get Neo public key ${PRIV_KEY}
${ADDR} = Get Neo address ${PRIV_KEY}
${TX} = Request NeoFS Deposit ${PUB_KEY}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX}
Get Transaction ${TX}
# Due to develop branch with zero-payment for container and different blockchains for payment.
# Temporarily removed.
# ${BALANCE} = Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 1 min
# ... Get Balance ${PUB_KEY}
# Expected Balance ${PUB_KEY} 0 50
${CID} = Create container ${PRIV_KEY}
Container Existing ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID}
# Due to develop branch with zero-payment for container and different blockchains for payment.
# Fail will be ignored temporarily.
# Run Keyword And Ignore Error
# ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec
# ... Expected Balance ${PUB_KEY} ${BALANCE} -0.00001424
${SIZE} = Set Variable 20e+6
${FILE} = Generate file of bytes ${SIZE}
${FILE_HASH} = Get file hash ${FILE}
${S_OID} = Put object to NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${FILE} ${CID}
${H_OID} = Put object to NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${FILE} ${CID} &{FILE_USR_HEADER}
@{Link_obj_S} = Verify linked objects ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID} ${SIZE}
@{Link_obj_H} = Verify linked objects ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${H_OID} ${SIZE}
@{Full_obj_list} = Create List @{Link_obj_S} @{Link_obj_H} ${S_OID} ${H_OID}
Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${EMPTY} @{Full_obj_list}
# Next keyword has been removed due to
# Validate storage policy for object ${PRIV_KEY} 2 ${CID} ${S_OID}
${SGID} = Create storage group ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID} ${H_OID}
@{S_OBJ_SG} = Create List ${SGID}
@{S_OBJ_ALL} = Create List ${S_OID} ${H_OID} ${SGID}
@{S_OBJ_H} = Create List ${H_OID}
Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --sg @{S_OBJ_SG}
Get storage group ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${SGID}
Get object from NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID} s_file_read
Get object from NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID} h_file_read
Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --root @{S_OBJ_ALL}
# Check sub-objects
Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --root @{S_OBJ_H} &{FILE_USR_HEADER}
Head object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID} ${True}
Head object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${H_OID} ${True} &{FILE_USR_HEADER}
Run Keyword And Expect Error REGEXP:User header (\\w+=\\w+\\s?)+ was not found
... Head object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${H_OID} ${False} &{FILE_USR_HEADER}
Verify file hash s_file_read ${FILE_HASH}
Verify file hash h_file_read ${FILE_HASH}
&{ID_OBJ_S} = Create Dictionary ID=${S_OID}
Delete object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID}
Verify Head tombstone ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID}
# Removed due to tombstones zombies.
# Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec
# ... Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --root @{EMPTY} &{ID_OBJ_S}
# Run Keyword And Expect Error *
# ... Get object from NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID} s_file_read_2
&{ID_OBJ_H} = Create Dictionary ID=${H_OID}
Delete object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${H_OID}
Verify Head tombstone ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${H_OID}
# Removed due to tombstones zombies.
# Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --root @{EMPTY} &{FILE_USR_HEADER}
# Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec
# ... Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --root @{EMPTY} &{ID_OBJ_H}
# Run Keyword And Expect Error *
# ... Get object from NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${H_OID} s_file_read_2
&{SGID_OBJ} = Create Dictionary ID=${SGID}
Delete object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${SGID}
Verify Head tombstone ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${SGID}
# Removed due to tombstones zombies.
# Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} --sg @{EMPTY}
# Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec
# ... Search object ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${EMPTY} @{EMPTY} &{SGID_OBJ}
# Run Keyword And Expect Error *
# ... Get object from NeoFS ${PRIV_KEY} ${CID} ${SGID} s_file_read_2
Cleanup File ${FILE}
Cleanup File s_file_read
Cleanup File h_file_read
Run Keyword And Expect Error Error: 's_file_read_2' file not found
... Cleanup File s_file_read_2