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package netmap
import (
type (
// Node is a wrapper over NodeInfo.
Node struct {
ID uint64
Index int
Capacity uint64
Price uint64
AttrMap map[string]string
// Nodes represents slice of graph leafs.
Nodes []*Node
// NodeState is an enumeration of various states of the NeoFS node.
type NodeState uint32
// NodeAttribute represents v2 compatible attribute of the NeoFS Storage Node.
type NodeAttribute netmap.Attribute
// NodeInfo represents v2 compatible descriptor of the NeoFS node.
type NodeInfo netmap.NodeInfo
const (
_ NodeState = iota
// NodeStateOffline is network unavailable state.
// NodeStateOnline is an active state in the network.
// Enumeration of well-known attributes.
const (
CapacityAttr = "Capacity"
PriceAttr = "Price"
var _ hrw.Hasher = (*Node)(nil)
// Hash is a function from hrw.Hasher interface. It is implemented
// to support weighted hrw therefore sort function sorts nodes
// based on their `N` value.
func (n Node) Hash() uint64 {
return n.ID
// NodesFromInfo converts slice of NodeInfo to a generic node slice.
func NodesFromInfo(infos []NodeInfo) Nodes {
nodes := make(Nodes, len(infos))
for i := range infos {
nodes[i] = newNodeV2(i, &infos[i])
return nodes
func newNodeV2(index int, ni *NodeInfo) *Node {
n := &Node{
ID: hrw.Hash(ni.PublicKey()),
Index: index,
AttrMap: make(map[string]string, len(ni.Attributes())),
NodeInfo: ni,
for _, attr := range ni.Attributes() {
switch attr.Key() {
case CapacityAttr:
n.Capacity, _ = strconv.ParseUint(attr.Value(), 10, 64)
case PriceAttr:
n.Price, _ = strconv.ParseUint(attr.Value(), 10, 64)
n.AttrMap[attr.Key()] = attr.Value()
return n
// Weights returns slice of nodes weights W.
func (n Nodes) Weights(wf weightFunc) []float64 {
w := make([]float64, 0, len(n))
for i := range n {
w = append(w, wf(n[i]))
return w
// Attribute returns value of attribute k.
func (n *Node) Attribute(k string) string {
return n.AttrMap[k]
// GetBucketWeight computes weight for a Bucket.
func GetBucketWeight(ns Nodes, a aggregator, wf weightFunc) float64 {
for i := range ns {
return a.Compute()
// NodeStateFromV2 converts v2 NodeState to NodeState.
func NodeStateFromV2(s netmap.NodeState) NodeState {
switch s {
return 0
case netmap.Online:
return NodeStateOnline
case netmap.Offline:
return NodeStateOffline
// ToV2 converts NodeState to v2 NodeState.
func (s NodeState) ToV2() netmap.NodeState {
switch s {
return netmap.UnspecifiedState
case NodeStateOffline:
return netmap.Offline
case NodeStateOnline:
return netmap.Online
func (s NodeState) String() string {
switch s {
case NodeStateOffline:
return "OFFLINE"
case NodeStateOnline:
return "ONLINE"
// NewNodeAttribute creates and returns new NodeAttribute instance.
func NewNodeAttribute() *NodeAttribute {
return NewNodeAttributeFromV2(new(netmap.Attribute))
// NodeAttributeFromV2 converts v2 node Attribute to NodeAttribute.
func NewNodeAttributeFromV2(a *netmap.Attribute) *NodeAttribute {
return (*NodeAttribute)(a)
// ToV2 converts NodeAttribute to v2 node Attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) ToV2() *netmap.Attribute {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a)
// Key returns key to the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Key() string {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// SetKey sets key to the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) SetKey(key string) {
// Value returns value of the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Value() string {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// SetValue sets value of the node attribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) SetValue(val string) {
// ParentKeys returns list of parent keys.
func (a *NodeAttribute) ParentKeys() []string {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// SetParentKeys sets list of parent keys.
func (a *NodeAttribute) SetParentKeys(keys ...string) {
// Marshal marshals NodeAttribute into a protobuf binary form.
// Buffer is allocated when the argument is empty.
// Otherwise, the first buffer is used.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Marshal(b ...[]byte) ([]byte, error) {
var buf []byte
if len(b) > 0 {
buf = b[0]
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of NodeAttribute.
func (a *NodeAttribute) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// MarshalJSON encodes NodeAttribute to protobuf JSON format.
func (a *NodeAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// UnmarshalJSON decodes NodeAttribute from protobuf JSON format.
func (a *NodeAttribute) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Attribute)(a).
// NewNodeInfo creates and returns new NodeInfo instance.
func NewNodeInfo() *NodeInfo {
return NewNodeInfoFromV2(new(netmap.NodeInfo))
// NewNodeInfoFromV2 converts v2 NodeInfo to NodeInfo.
func NewNodeInfoFromV2(i *netmap.NodeInfo) *NodeInfo {
return (*NodeInfo)(i)
// ToV2 converts NodeInfo to v2 NodeInfo.
func (i *NodeInfo) ToV2() *netmap.NodeInfo {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i)
// PublicKey returns public key of the node in a binary format.
func (i *NodeInfo) PublicKey() []byte {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).
// SetPublicKey sets public key of the node in a binary format.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetPublicKey(key []byte) {
// Address returns network endpoint address of the node.
func (i *NodeInfo) Address() string {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).
// SetAddress sets network endpoint address of the node.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetAddress(addr string) {
// Attributes returns list of the node attributes.
func (i *NodeInfo) Attributes() []*NodeAttribute {
as := (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).
res := make([]*NodeAttribute, 0, len(as))
for i := range as {
res = append(res, NewNodeAttributeFromV2(as[i]))
return res
// SetAttributes sets list of the node attributes.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetAttributes(as ...*NodeAttribute) {
asV2 := make([]*netmap.Attribute, 0, len(as))
for i := range as {
asV2 = append(asV2, as[i].ToV2())
// State returns node state.
func (i *NodeInfo) State() NodeState {
return NodeStateFromV2(
// SetState sets node state.
func (i *NodeInfo) SetState(s NodeState) {
// Marshal marshals NodeInfo into a protobuf binary form.
// Buffer is allocated when the argument is empty.
// Otherwise, the first buffer is used.
func (i *NodeInfo) Marshal(b ...[]byte) ([]byte, error) {
var buf []byte
if len(b) > 0 {
buf = b[0]
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of NodeInfo.
func (i *NodeInfo) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).
// MarshalJSON encodes NodeInfo to protobuf JSON format.
func (i *NodeInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).
// UnmarshalJSON decodes NodeInfo from protobuf JSON format.
func (i *NodeInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.NodeInfo)(i).