#!/usr/bin/make -f SHELL=bash # GOBIN is used only to install neo-go and allows to override # the location of written binary. export GOBIN ?= $(shell pwd)/bin NEOGO ?= $(GOBIN)/cli VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --dirty --match "v*" --always --abbrev=8 2>/dev/null || cat VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo "develop") .PHONY: all build clean test neo-go .PHONY: alphabet mainnet morph nns sidechain build: neo-go all all: sidechain mainnet sidechain: alphabet morph nns alphabet_sc = alphabet morph_sc = audit balance container frostfsid netmap proxy reputation subnet mainnet_sc = frostfs processing nns_sc = nns define sc_template $(2)$(1)/$(1)_contract.nef: $(2)$(1)/$(1)_contract.go $(NEOGO) contract compile -i $(2)$(1) -c $(if $(2),$(2),$(1)/)config.yml -m $(2)$(1)/config.json -o $(2)$(1)/$(1)_contract.nef $(if $(2),$(2)$(1)/$(1)_contract.go: alphabet/alphabet.go alphabet/alphabet.tpl go run alphabet/alphabet.go ) endef $(foreach sc,$(alphabet_sc),$(eval $(call sc_template,$(sc)))) $(foreach sc,$(morph_sc),$(eval $(call sc_template,$(sc)))) $(foreach sc,$(mainnet_sc),$(eval $(call sc_template,$(sc)))) $(foreach sc,$(nns_sc),$(eval $(call sc_template,$(sc)))) alphabet: $(foreach sc,$(alphabet_sc),$(sc)/$(sc)_contract.nef) morph: $(foreach sc,$(morph_sc),$(sc)/$(sc)_contract.nef) mainnet: $(foreach sc,$(mainnet_sc),$(sc)/$(sc)_contract.nef) nns: $(foreach sc,$(nns_sc),$(sc)/$(sc)_contract.nef) neo-go: @go list -f '{{.Path}}/...@{{.Version}}' -m github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go \ | xargs go install -v test: @go test ./tests/... clean: find . -name '*.nef' -exec rm -rf {} \; find . -name 'config.json' -exec rm -rf {} \; rm -rf ./bin/ mr_proper: clean for sc in $(alphabet_sc); do\ rm -rf alphabet/$$sc; \ done archive: build @tar --transform "s|^./|frostfs-contract-$(VERSION)/|" \ -czf frostfs-contract-$(VERSION).tar.gz \ $(shell find . -name '*.nef' -o -name 'config.json')