Evgenii Stratonikov fd70f28b47 [#236] *: Notify user on success
Add notifications to:
- container put, delete, setEACL
- netmap addPeer, updateState

Because notifications are limited in size (currently arguments should be
less than 1024 bytes) provide only minimal information, such as entity
ID (container ID or node public key).

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2022-04-13 12:14:35 +03:00

823 lines
23 KiB

package container
import (
type (
storageNode struct {
info []byte
Container struct {
value []byte
sig interop.Signature
pub interop.PublicKey
token []byte
ExtendedACL struct {
value []byte
sig interop.Signature
pub interop.PublicKey
token []byte
estimation struct {
from interop.PublicKey
size int
containerSizes struct {
cid []byte
estimations []estimation
const (
neofsIDContractKey = "identityScriptHash"
balanceContractKey = "balanceScriptHash"
netmapContractKey = "netmapScriptHash"
nnsContractKey = "nnsScriptHash"
nnsRootKey = "nnsRoot"
nnsHasAliasKey = "nnsHasAlias"
notaryDisabledKey = "notary"
// RegistrationFeeKey is a key in netmap config which contains fee for container registration.
RegistrationFeeKey = "ContainerFee"
// AliasFeeKey is a key in netmap config which contains fee for nice-name registration.
AliasFeeKey = "ContainerAliasFee"
// V2 format
containerIDSize = 32 // SHA256 size
singleEstimatePrefix = "est"
estimateKeyPrefix = "cnr"
estimatePostfixSize = 10
// CleanupDelta contains number of last epochs for which container estimations are present.
CleanupDelta = 3
// TotalCleanupDelta contains number of epochs after which estimation
// will be removed by epoch tick cleanup if any node didn't updated
// container size and/or container was removed. Must be greater than CleanupDelta.
TotalCleanupDelta = CleanupDelta + 1
// NotFoundError is returned if container is missing.
NotFoundError = "container does not exist"
// default SOA record field values
defaultRefresh = 3600 // 1 hour
defaultRetry = 600 // 10 min
defaultExpire = 604800 // 1 week
defaultTTL = 3600 // 1 hour
var (
eACLPrefix = []byte("eACL")
// OnNEP11Payment is needed for registration with contract as owner to work.
func OnNEP11Payment(a interop.Hash160, b int, c []byte, d interface{}) {
func _deploy(data interface{}, isUpdate bool) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
if isUpdate {
args := data.([]interface{})
args := data.(struct {
notaryDisabled bool
addrNetmap interop.Hash160
addrBalance interop.Hash160
addrID interop.Hash160
addrNNS interop.Hash160
nnsRoot string
if len(args.addrNetmap) != interop.Hash160Len ||
len(args.addrBalance) != interop.Hash160Len ||
len(args.addrID) != interop.Hash160Len {
panic("incorrect length of contract script hash")
storage.Put(ctx, netmapContractKey, args.addrNetmap)
storage.Put(ctx, balanceContractKey, args.addrBalance)
storage.Put(ctx, neofsIDContractKey, args.addrID)
storage.Put(ctx, nnsContractKey, args.addrNNS)
storage.Put(ctx, nnsRootKey, args.nnsRoot)
// initialize the way to collect signatures
storage.Put(ctx, notaryDisabledKey, args.notaryDisabled)
if args.notaryDisabled {
runtime.Log("container contract notary disabled")
// add NNS root for container alias domains
registerNiceNameTLD(args.addrNNS, args.nnsRoot)
runtime.Log("container contract initialized")
func registerNiceNameTLD(addrNNS interop.Hash160, nnsRoot string) {
isAvail := contract.Call(addrNNS, "isAvailable", contract.AllowCall|contract.ReadStates,
if !isAvail {
res := contract.Call(addrNNS, "register", contract.All,
nnsRoot, runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash(), "",
defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL).(bool)
if !res {
panic("can't register NNS TLD")
// Update method updates contract source code and manifest. Can be invoked
// only by committee.
func Update(script []byte, manifest []byte, data interface{}) {
if !common.HasUpdateAccess() {
panic("only committee can update contract")
contract.Call(interop.Hash160(management.Hash), "update",
contract.All, script, manifest, common.AppendVersion(data))
runtime.Log("container contract updated")
// Put method creates new container if it was invoked by Alphabet nodes
// of the Inner Ring. Otherwise it produces containerPut notification.
// Container should be stable marshaled Container structure from API.
// Signature is a RFC6979 signature of Container.
// PublicKey contains public key of the signer.
// Token is optional and should be stable marshaled SessionToken structure from
// API.
func Put(container []byte, signature interop.Signature, publicKey interop.PublicKey, token []byte) {
PutNamed(container, signature, publicKey, token, "", "")
// PutNamed is similar to put but also sets a TXT record in nns contract.
// Note that zone must exist.
func PutNamed(container []byte, signature interop.Signature,
publicKey interop.PublicKey, token []byte,
name, zone string) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
ownerID := ownerFromBinaryContainer(container)
containerID := crypto.Sha256(container)
neofsIDContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
cnr := Container{
value: container,
sig: signature,
pub: publicKey,
token: token,
var (
needRegister bool
nnsContractAddr interop.Hash160
domain string
if name != "" {
if zone == "" {
zone = storage.Get(ctx, nnsRootKey).(string)
nnsContractAddr = storage.Get(ctx, nnsContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
domain = name + "." + zone
needRegister = checkNiceNameAvailable(nnsContractAddr, domain)
alphabet := common.AlphabetNodes()
from := common.WalletToScriptHash(ownerID)
netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
balanceContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, balanceContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
containerFee := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "config", contract.ReadOnly, RegistrationFeeKey).(int)
balance := contract.Call(balanceContractAddr, "balanceOf", contract.ReadOnly, from).(int)
if name != "" {
aliasFee := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "config", contract.ReadOnly, AliasFeeKey).(int)
containerFee += aliasFee
if balance < containerFee*len(alphabet) {
panic("insufficient balance to create container")
if notaryDisabled {
nodeKey := common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
runtime.Notify("containerPut", container, signature, publicKey, token)
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{container, signature, publicKey}, []byte("put"))
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
} else {
multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress()
// todo: check if new container with unique container id
details := common.ContainerFeeTransferDetails(containerID)
for i := 0; i < len(alphabet); i++ {
node := alphabet[i]
to := contract.CreateStandardAccount(node)
contract.Call(balanceContractAddr, "transferX",
addContainer(ctx, containerID, ownerID, cnr)
if name != "" {
if needRegister {
res := contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "register", contract.All,
domain, runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash(), "",
defaultRefresh, defaultRetry, defaultExpire, defaultTTL).(bool)
if !res {
panic("can't register the domain " + domain)
contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "addRecord", contract.All,
domain, 16 /* TXT */, std.Base58Encode(containerID))
key := append([]byte(nnsHasAliasKey), containerID...)
storage.Put(ctx, key, domain)
if len(token) == 0 { // if container created directly without session
contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "addKey", contract.All, ownerID, [][]byte{publicKey})
runtime.Log("added new container")
runtime.Notify("PutSuccess", containerID, publicKey)
// checkNiceNameAvailable checks if nice name is available for the container.
// It panics if the name is taken. Returned value specifies if new domain registration is needed.
func checkNiceNameAvailable(nnsContractAddr interop.Hash160, domain string) bool {
isAvail := contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "isAvailable",
contract.ReadStates|contract.AllowCall, domain).(bool)
if isAvail {
return true
owner := contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "ownerOf",
contract.ReadStates|contract.AllowCall, domain).(string)
if owner != string(common.CommitteeAddress()) && owner != string(runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash()) {
panic("committee or container contract must own registered domain")
res := contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "getRecords",
contract.ReadStates|contract.AllowCall, domain, 16 /* TXT */)
if res != nil {
panic("name is already taken")
return false
// Delete method removes container from contract storage if it was
// invoked by Alphabet nodes of the Inner Ring. Otherwise it produces
// containerDelete notification.
// Signature is a RFC6979 signature of container ID.
// Token is optional and should be stable marshaled SessionToken structure from
// API.
// If a container doesn't exist it panics with NotFoundError.
func Delete(containerID []byte, signature interop.Signature, token []byte) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if ownerID == nil {
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet := common.AlphabetNodes()
nodeKey := common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
runtime.Notify("containerDelete", containerID, signature, token)
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{containerID, signature}, []byte("delete"))
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
} else {
multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress()
key := append([]byte(nnsHasAliasKey), containerID...)
domain := storage.Get(ctx, key).(string)
if len(domain) != 0 {
storage.Delete(ctx, key)
// We should do `getRecord` first because NNS record could be deleted
// by other means (expiration, manual) thus leading to failing `deleteRecord`
// and inability to delete container. We should also check that we own the record in case.
nnsContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, nnsContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
res := contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "getRecords", contract.ReadStates|contract.AllowCall, domain, 16 /* TXT */)
if res != nil && std.Base58Encode(containerID) == string(res.([]interface{})[0].(string)) {
contract.Call(nnsContractAddr, "deleteRecords", contract.All, domain, 16 /* TXT */)
removeContainer(ctx, containerID, ownerID)
runtime.Log("remove container")
runtime.Notify("DeleteSuccess", containerID)
// Get method returns structure that contains stable marshaled Container structure,
// signature, public key of the container creator and stable marshaled SessionToken
// structure if it was provided.
// If a container doesn't exist it panics with NotFoundError.
func Get(containerID []byte) Container {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
cnt := getContainer(ctx, containerID)
if len(cnt.value) == 0 {
return cnt
// Owner method returns 25 byte Owner ID of the container.
// If a container doesn't exist it panics with NotFoundError.
func Owner(containerID []byte) []byte {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
owner := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if owner == nil {
return owner
// List method returns list of all container IDs owned by specified owner.
func List(owner []byte) [][]byte {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
if len(owner) == 0 {
return getAllContainers(ctx)
var list [][]byte
it := storage.Find(ctx, owner, storage.ValuesOnly)
for iterator.Next(it) {
id := iterator.Value(it).([]byte)
list = append(list, id)
return list
// SetEACL method sets new extended ACL table related to the contract
// if it was invoked by Alphabet nodes of the Inner Ring. Otherwise it produces
// setEACL notification.
// EACL should be stable marshaled EACLTable structure from API.
// Signature is a RFC6979 signature of Container.
// PublicKey contains public key of the signer.
// Token is optional and should be stable marshaled SessionToken structure from
// API.
// If a container doesn't exist it panics with NotFoundError.
func SetEACL(eACL []byte, signature interop.Signature, publicKey interop.PublicKey, token []byte) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
// V2 format
// get container ID
offset := int(eACL[1])
offset = 2 + offset + 4
containerID := eACL[offset : offset+32]
ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if ownerID == nil {
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet := common.AlphabetNodes()
nodeKey := common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
runtime.Notify("setEACL", eACL, signature, publicKey, token)
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{eACL}, []byte("setEACL"))
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
} else {
multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress()
rule := ExtendedACL{
value: eACL,
sig: signature,
pub: publicKey,
token: token,
key := append(eACLPrefix, containerID...)
common.SetSerialized(ctx, key, rule)
runtime.Notify("SetEACLSuccess", containerID, publicKey)
// EACL method returns structure that contains stable marshaled EACLTable structure,
// signature, public key of the extended ACL setter and stable marshaled SessionToken
// structure if it was provided.
// If a container doesn't exist it panics with NotFoundError.
func EACL(containerID []byte) ExtendedACL {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if ownerID == nil {
return getEACL(ctx, containerID)
// PutContainerSize method saves container size estimation in contract
// memory. Can be invoked only by Storage nodes from the network map. Method
// checks witness based on the provided public key of the Storage node.
// If a container doesn't exist it panics with NotFoundError.
func PutContainerSize(epoch int, cid []byte, usedSize int, pubKey interop.PublicKey) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
if getOwnerByID(ctx, cid) == nil {
if !isStorageNode(ctx, pubKey) {
panic("method must be invoked by storage node from network map")
key := estimationKey(epoch, cid, pubKey)
s := estimation{
from: pubKey,
size: usedSize,
storage.Put(ctx, key, std.Serialize(s))
updateEstimations(ctx, epoch, cid, pubKey, false)
runtime.Log("saved container size estimation")
// GetContainerSize method returns container ID and slice of container
// estimations. Container estimation includes public key of the Storage Node
// that registered estimation and value of estimation.
// Use ID obtained from ListContainerSizes method. Estimations are removed
// from contract storage every epoch, see NewEpoch method, therefore method
// can return different results in different epochs.
func GetContainerSize(id []byte) containerSizes {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
// V2 format
// this `id` expected to be from `ListContainerSizes`
// therefore it is not contains postfix, we ignore it in the cut.
ln := len(id)
cid := id[ln-containerIDSize : ln]
return getContainerSizeEstimation(ctx, id, cid)
// ListContainerSizes method returns IDs of container size estimations
// that has been registered for specified epoch.
func ListContainerSizes(epoch int) [][]byte {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
var buf interface{} = epoch
key := []byte(estimateKeyPrefix)
key = append(key, buf.([]byte)...)
it := storage.Find(ctx, key, storage.KeysOnly)
uniq := map[string]struct{}{}
for iterator.Next(it) {
storageKey := iterator.Value(it).([]byte)
ln := len(storageKey)
storageKey = storageKey[:ln-estimatePostfixSize]
uniq[string(storageKey)] = struct{}{}
var result [][]byte
for k := range uniq {
result = append(result, []byte(k))
return result
// NewEpoch method removes all container size estimations from epoch older than
// epochNum + 3. Can be invoked only by NewEpoch method of the Netmap contract.
func NewEpoch(epochNum int) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
if notaryDisabled {
indirectCall := common.FromKnownContract(
if !indirectCall {
panic("method must be invoked by inner ring")
} else {
multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress()
cleanupContainers(ctx, epochNum)
// StartContainerEstimation method produces StartEstimation notification.
// Can be invoked only by Alphabet nodes of the Inner Ring.
func StartContainerEstimation(epoch int) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
var ( // for invocation collection without notary
alphabet []interop.PublicKey
nodeKey []byte
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes()
nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
panic("method must be invoked by inner ring")
} else {
multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress()
if notaryDisabled {
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{epoch}, []byte("startEstimation"))
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
runtime.Notify("StartEstimation", epoch)
runtime.Log("notification has been produced")
// StopContainerEstimation method produces StopEstimation notification.
// Can be invoked only by Alphabet nodes of the Inner Ring.
func StopContainerEstimation(epoch int) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
var ( // for invocation collection without notary
alphabet []interop.PublicKey
nodeKey []byte
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet = common.AlphabetNodes()
nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
panic("method must be invoked by inner ring")
} else {
multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress()
if notaryDisabled {
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{epoch}, []byte("stopEstimation"))
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
runtime.Notify("StopEstimation", epoch)
runtime.Log("notification has been produced")
// Version returns version of the contract.
func Version() int {
return common.Version
func addContainer(ctx storage.Context, id, owner []byte, container Container) {
containerListKey := append(owner, id...)
storage.Put(ctx, containerListKey, id)
common.SetSerialized(ctx, id, container)
func removeContainer(ctx storage.Context, id []byte, owner []byte) {
containerListKey := append(owner, id...)
storage.Delete(ctx, containerListKey)
storage.Delete(ctx, id)
func getAllContainers(ctx storage.Context) [][]byte {
var list [][]byte
it := storage.Find(ctx, []byte{}, storage.KeysOnly)
for iterator.Next(it) {
key := iterator.Value(it).([]byte) // it MUST BE `storage.KeysOnly`
// V2 format
if len(key) == containerIDSize {
list = append(list, key)
return list
func getEACL(ctx storage.Context, cid []byte) ExtendedACL {
key := append(eACLPrefix, cid...)
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if data != nil {
return std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(ExtendedACL)
return ExtendedACL{value: []byte{}, sig: interop.Signature{}, pub: interop.PublicKey{}, token: []byte{}}
func getContainer(ctx storage.Context, cid []byte) Container {
data := storage.Get(ctx, cid)
if data != nil {
return std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(Container)
return Container{value: []byte{}, sig: interop.Signature{}, pub: interop.PublicKey{}, token: []byte{}}
func getOwnerByID(ctx storage.Context, cid []byte) []byte {
container := getContainer(ctx, cid)
if len(container.value) == 0 {
return nil
return ownerFromBinaryContainer(container.value)
func ownerFromBinaryContainer(container []byte) []byte {
// V2 format
offset := int(container[1])
offset = 2 + offset + 4 // version prefix + version size + owner prefix
return container[offset : offset+25] // offset + size of owner
func estimationKey(epoch int, cid []byte, key interop.PublicKey) []byte {
var buf interface{} = epoch
hash := crypto.Ripemd160(key)
result := []byte(estimateKeyPrefix)
result = append(result, buf.([]byte)...)
result = append(result, cid...)
return append(result, hash[:estimatePostfixSize]...)
func getContainerSizeEstimation(ctx storage.Context, key, cid []byte) containerSizes {
var estimations []estimation
it := storage.Find(ctx, key, storage.ValuesOnly|storage.DeserializeValues)
for iterator.Next(it) {
est := iterator.Value(it).(estimation)
estimations = append(estimations, est)
return containerSizes{
cid: cid,
estimations: estimations,
// isStorageNode looks into _previous_ epoch network map, because storage node
// announce container size estimation of previous epoch.
func isStorageNode(ctx storage.Context, key interop.PublicKey) bool {
netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
snapshot := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "snapshot", contract.ReadOnly, 1).([]storageNode)
for i := range snapshot {
// V2 format
nodeInfo := snapshot[i].info
nodeKey := nodeInfo[2:35] // offset:2, len:33
if common.BytesEqual(key, nodeKey) {
return true
return false
func updateEstimations(ctx storage.Context, epoch int, cid []byte, pub interop.PublicKey, isUpdate bool) {
h := crypto.Ripemd160(pub)
estKey := append([]byte(singleEstimatePrefix), cid...)
estKey = append(estKey, h...)
var newEpochs []int
rawList := storage.Get(ctx, estKey).([]byte)
if rawList != nil {
epochs := std.Deserialize(rawList).([]int)
for _, oldEpoch := range epochs {
if !isUpdate && epoch-oldEpoch > CleanupDelta {
key := append([]byte(estimateKeyPrefix), convert.ToBytes(oldEpoch)...)
key = append(key, cid...)
key = append(key, h[:estimatePostfixSize]...)
storage.Delete(ctx, key)
} else {
newEpochs = append(newEpochs, oldEpoch)
newEpochs = append(newEpochs, epoch)
common.SetSerialized(ctx, estKey, newEpochs)
func cleanupContainers(ctx storage.Context, epoch int) {
it := storage.Find(ctx, []byte(estimateKeyPrefix), storage.KeysOnly)
for iterator.Next(it) {
k := iterator.Value(it).([]byte)
// V2 format
nbytes := k[len(estimateKeyPrefix) : len(k)-containerIDSize-estimatePostfixSize]
var n interface{} = nbytes
if epoch-n.(int) > TotalCleanupDelta {
storage.Delete(ctx, k)