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package logs
// Common service logs.
const (
ServingRequest = "serving request..."
OperationFinishedSuccessfully = "operation finished successfully"
OperationFinishedWithError = "operation finished with error"
TryingToExecuteInContainer = "trying to execute in container..."
CouldNotGetCurrentEpochNumber = "could not get current epoch number"
ProcessEpoch = "process epoch"
ProcessingNode = "processing node..."
NoMoreNodesAbortPlacementIteration = "no more nodes, abort placement iteration"
InterruptPlacementIterationByContext = "interrupt placement iteration by context"
Notification = "notification"
const (
InnerringNonalphabetModeDoNotStopContainerEstimations = "non-alphabet mode, do not stop container estimations"
InnerringCantStopEpochEstimation = "can't stop epoch estimation"
InnerringCantMakeNotaryDepositInMainChain = "can't make notary deposit in main chain"
InnerringCantMakeNotaryDepositInSideChain = "can't make notary deposit in side chain"
InnerringNotaryDepositHasAlreadyBeenMade = "notary deposit has already been made"
InnerringCantGetInnerRingIndex = "can't get inner ring index"
InnerringCantGetInnerRingSize = "can't get inner ring size"
InnerringCantGetAlphabetIndex = "can't get alphabet index"
InnerringIgnoreValidatorVoteNodeNotInAlphabetRange = "ignore validator vote: node not in alphabet range"
InnerringIgnoreValidatorVoteEmptyValidatorsList = "ignore validator vote: empty validators list"
InnerringCantInvokeVoteMethodInAlphabetContract = "can't invoke vote method in alphabet contract"
InnerringCantGetLastProcessedMainChainBlockNumber = "can't get last processed main chain block number"
InnerringNotarySupport = "notary support"
InnerringAlphabetKeysSyncIsDisabled = "alphabet keys sync is disabled"
InnerringNoControlServerEndpointSpecified = "no Control server endpoint specified, service is disabled"
InnerringCantGetLastProcessedSideChainBlockNumber = "can't get last processed side chain block number"
InnerringFailedToSetGroupSignerScope = "failed to set group signer scope, continue with Global"
InnerringCantVoteForPreparedValidators = "can't vote for prepared validators"
InnerringNewBlock = "new block"
InnerringCantUpdatePersistentState = "can't update persistent state"
InnerringCloserError = "closer error"
InnerringReadConfigFromBlockchain = "read config from blockchain"
NotificatorNotificatorStartProcessingObjectNotifications = "notificator: start processing object notifications"
NotificatorNotificatorProcessingObjectNotification = "notificator: processing object notification"
PolicerCouldNotGetContainer = "could not get container"
PolicerCouldNotConfirmContainerRemoval = "could not confirm container removal"
PolicerCouldNotInhumeObjectWithMissingContainer = "could not inhume object with missing container"
PolicerCouldNotBuildPlacementVectorForObject = "could not build placement vector for object"
PolicerRedundantLocalObjectCopyDetected = "redundant local object copy detected"
PolicerReceiveObjectHeaderToCheckPolicyCompliance = "receive object header to check policy compliance"
PolicerConsiderNodeUnderMaintenanceAsOK = "consider node under maintenance as OK"
PolicerShortageOfObjectCopiesDetected = "shortage of object copies detected"
PolicerSomeOfTheCopiesAreStoredOnNodesUnderMaintenance = "some of the copies are stored on nodes under maintenance, save local copy"
PolicerRoutineStopped = "routine stopped"
PolicerFailureAtObjectSelectForReplication = "failure at object select for replication"
PolicerPoolSubmission = "pool submission"
PolicerUnableToProcessObj = "unable to process object"
ReplicatorFinishWork = "finish work"
ReplicatorCouldNotGetObjectFromLocalStorage = "could not get object from local storage"
ReplicatorCouldNotReplicateObject = "could not replicate object"
ReplicatorObjectSuccessfullyReplicated = "object successfully replicated"
TreeRedirectingTreeServiceQuery = "redirecting tree service query"
TreeBearerPresentedButNotAllowedByACL = "bearer presented but not allowed by ACL"
TreeCouldNotGetLastSynchronizedHeightForATree = "could not get last synchronized height for a tree"
TreeCouldNotUpdateLastSynchronizedHeightForATree = "could not update last synchronized height for a tree"
TreeSynchronizeTree = "synchronize tree"
TreeFailedToRunTreeSynchronizationOverAllNodes = "failed to run tree synchronization over all nodes"
TreeSyncingTrees = "syncing trees..."
TreeCouldNotFetchContainers = "could not fetch containers"
TreeTreesHaveBeenSynchronized = "trees have been synchronized"
TreeSyncingContainerTrees = "syncing container trees..."
TreeCouldNotSyncTrees = "could not sync trees"
TreeContainerTreesHaveBeenSynced = "container trees have been synced"
TreeCouldNotQueryTreesForSynchronization = "could not query trees for synchronization"
TreeRemovingRedundantTrees = "removing redundant trees..."
TreeCouldNotCheckIfContainerExisted = "could not check if the container ever existed"
TreeCouldNotRemoveRedundantTree = "could not remove redundant tree"
TreeCouldNotCalculateContainerNodes = "could not calculate container nodes"
TreeFailedToApplyReplicatedOperation = "failed to apply replicated operation"
TreeDoNotSendUpdateToTheNode = "do not send update to the node"
TreeFailedToSentUpdateToTheNode = "failed to sent update to the node"
TreeErrorDuringReplication = "error during replication"
PersistentCouldNotGetSessionFromPersistentStorage = "could not get session from persistent storage"
PersistentCouldNotDeleteSToken = "could not delete token"
PersistentCouldNotCleanUpExpiredTokens = "could not clean up expired tokens"
ControllerReportIsAlreadyStarted = "report is already started"
TombstoneCouldNotGetTheTombstoneTheSource = "tombstone getter: could not get the tombstone the source"
DeleteNoSplitInfoObjectIsPHY = "no split info, object is PHY"
DeleteAssemblingChain = "assembling chain..."
DeleteCollectingChildren = "collecting children..."
DeleteSupplementBySplitID = "supplement by split ID"
DeleteFormingTombstoneStructure = "forming tombstone structure..."
DeleteTombstoneStructureSuccessfullyFormedSaving = "tombstone structure successfully formed, saving..."
DeleteFormingSplitInfo = "forming split info..."
DeleteSplitInfoSuccessfullyFormedCollectingMembers = "split info successfully formed, collecting members..."
DeleteMembersSuccessfullyCollected = "members successfully collected"
GetRemoteCallFailed = "remote call failed"
GetCanNotAssembleTheObject = "can not assemble the object"
GetTryingToAssembleTheObject = "trying to assemble the object..."
GetAssemblingSplittedObject = "assembling splitted object..."
GetAssemblingSplittedObjectCompleted = "assembling splitted object completed"
GetFailedToAssembleSplittedObject = "failed to assemble splitted object"
GetCouldNotGenerateContainerTraverser = "could not generate container traverser"
GetCouldNotConstructRemoteNodeClient = "could not construct remote node client"
GetCouldNotWriteHeader = "could not write header"
GetCouldNotWritePayloadChunk = "could not write payload chunk"
GetLocalGetFailed = "local get failed"
GetReturnResultDirectly = "return result directly"
GetCompletingTheOperation = "completing the operation"
GetRequestedObjectWasMarkedAsRemoved = "requested object was marked as removed"
GetRequestedObjectIsVirtual = "requested object is virtual"
GetRequestedRangeIsOutOfObjectBounds = "requested range is out of object bounds"
PutAdditionalContainerBroadcastFailure = "additional container broadcast failure"
SearchReturnResultDirectly = "return result directly"
SearchCouldNotConstructRemoteNodeClient = "could not construct remote node client"
SearchRemoteOperationFailed = "remote operation failed"
SearchCouldNotGenerateContainerTraverser = "could not generate container traverser"
SearchCouldNotWriteObjectIdentifiers = "could not write object identifiers"
SearchLocalOperationFailed = "local operation failed"
UtilObjectServiceError = "object service error"
UtilCouldNotPushTaskToWorkerPool = "could not push task to worker pool"
V2CantCheckIfRequestFromInnerRing = "can't check if request from inner ring"
V2CantCheckIfRequestFromContainerNode = "can't check if request from container node"
NatsNatsConnectionWasLost = "nats: connection was lost"
NatsNatsReconnectedToTheServer = "nats: reconnected to the server"
NatsNatsClosingConnectionAsTheContextIsDone = "nats: closing connection as the context is done"
NatsConnectedToEndpoint = "nats: successfully connected to endpoint"
ControllerStartingToAnnounceTheValuesOfTheMetrics = "starting to announce the values of the metrics"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeIteratorOverLocallyCollectedMetrics = "could not initialize iterator over locally collected metrics"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeAnnouncementAccumulator = "could not initialize announcement accumulator"
ControllerIteratorOverLocallyCollectedMetricsAborted = "iterator over locally collected metrics aborted"
ControllerCouldNotFinishWritingLocalAnnouncements = "could not finish writing local announcements"
ControllerTrustAnnouncementSuccessfullyFinished = "trust announcement successfully finished"
ControllerAnnouncementIsAlreadyStarted = "announcement is already started"
ControllerAnnouncementSuccessfullyInterrupted = "announcement successfully interrupted"
ControllerAnnouncementIsNotStartedOrAlreadyInterrupted = "announcement is not started or already interrupted"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeIteratorOverLocallyAccumulatedAnnouncements = "could not initialize iterator over locally accumulated announcements"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeResultTarget = "could not initialize result target"
ControllerIteratorOverLocalAnnouncementsAborted = "iterator over local announcements aborted"
ControllerCouldNotFinishWritingLoadEstimations = "could not finish writing load estimations"
RouteCouldNotInitializeWriterProvider = "could not initialize writer provider"
RouteCouldNotInitializeWriter = "could not initialize writer"
RouteCouldNotPutTheValue = "could not put the value"
RouteCouldNotCloseRemoteServerWriter = "could not close remote server writer"
ClientCouldNotRestoreBlockSubscriptionAfterRPCSwitch = "could not restore block subscription after RPC switch"
ClientCouldNotRestoreNotificationSubscriptionAfterRPCSwitch = "could not restore notification subscription after RPC switch"
ClientCouldNotRestoreNotaryNotificationSubscriptionAfterRPCSwitch = "could not restore notary notification subscription after RPC switch"
ClientCouldNotEstablishConnectionToTheSwitchedRPCNode = "could not establish connection to the switched RPC node"
ClientConnectionToTheNewRPCNodeHasBeenEstablished = "connection to the new RPC node has been established"
ClientSwitchingToTheNextRPCNode = "switching to the next RPC node"
ClientCouldNotEstablishConnectionToAnyRPCNode = "could not establish connection to any RPC node"
ClientCouldNotCreateClientToTheHigherPriorityNode = "could not create client to the higher priority node"
ClientSwitchedToTheHigherPriorityRPC = "switched to the higher priority RPC"
ClientCouldNotRestoreSideChainSubscriptionsUsingNode = "could not restore side chain subscriptions using node"
ClientNotaryDepositHasAlreadyBeenMade = "notary deposit has already been made"
ClientNotaryDepositInvoke = "notary deposit invoke"
ClientNotaryRequestWithPreparedMainTXInvoked = "notary request with prepared main TX invoked"
ClientNotaryRequestInvoked = "notary request invoked"
ClientNeoClientInvoke = "neo client invoke"
ClientNativeGasTransferInvoke = "native gas transfer invoke"
ClientBatchGasTransferInvoke = "batch gas transfer invoke"
ClientCantGetBlockchainHeight = "can't get blockchain height"
ClientCantGetBlockchainHeight243 = "can't get blockchain height"
EventCouldNotSubmitHandlerToWorkerPool = "could not Submit handler to worker pool"
EventCouldNotStartListenToEvents = "could not start listen to events"
EventStopEventListenerByError = "stop event listener by error"
EventStopEventListenerByContext = "stop event listener by context"
EventStopEventListenerByNotificationChannel = "stop event listener by notification channel"
EventNilNotificationEventWasCaught = "nil notification event was caught"
EventStopEventListenerByNotaryChannel = "stop event listener by notary channel"
EventNilNotaryEventWasCaught = "nil notary event was caught"
EventStopEventListenerByBlockChannel = "stop event listener by block channel"
EventNilBlockWasCaught = "nil block was caught"
EventListenerWorkerPoolDrained = "listener worker pool drained"
EventEventParserNotSet = "event parser not set"
EventCouldNotParseNotificationEvent = "could not parse notification event"
EventNotificationHandlersForParsedNotificationEventWereNotRegistered = "notification handlers for parsed notification event were not registered"
EventSkipExpiredMainTXNotaryEvent = "skip expired main TX notary event"
EventCouldNotPrepareAndValidateNotaryEvent = "could not prepare and validate notary event"
EventNotaryParserNotSet = "notary parser not set"
EventCouldNotParseNotaryEvent = "could not parse notary event"
EventNotaryHandlersForParsedNotificationEventWereNotRegistered = "notary handlers for parsed notification event were not registered"
EventIgnoreNilEventParser = "ignore nil event parser"
EventListenerHasBeenAlreadyStartedIgnoreParser = "listener has been already started, ignore parser"
EventRegisteredNewEventParser = "registered new event parser"
EventIgnoreNilEventHandler = "ignore nil event handler"
EventIgnoreHandlerOfEventWoParser = "ignore handler of event w/o parser"
EventRegisteredNewEventHandler = "registered new event handler"
EventIgnoreNilNotaryEventParser = "ignore nil notary event parser"
EventListenerHasBeenAlreadyStartedIgnoreNotaryParser = "listener has been already started, ignore notary parser"
EventIgnoreNilNotaryEventHandler = "ignore nil notary event handler"
EventIgnoreHandlerOfNotaryEventWoParser = "ignore handler of notary event w/o parser"
EventIgnoreNilBlockHandler = "ignore nil block handler"
SubscriberRemoteNotificationChannelHasBeenClosed = "remote notification channel has been closed"
SubscriberCantCastNotifyEventValueToTheNotifyStruct = "can't cast notify event value to the notify struct"
SubscriberNewNotificationEventFromSidechain = "new notification event from sidechain"
SubscriberCantCastBlockEventValueToBlock = "can't cast block event value to block"
SubscriberCantCastNotifyEventValueToTheNotaryRequestStruct = "can't cast notify event value to the notary request struct"
SubscriberUnsupportedNotificationFromTheChain = "unsupported notification from the chain"
BlobovniczaCreatingDirectoryForBoltDB = "creating directory for BoltDB"
BlobovniczaOpeningBoltDB = "opening BoltDB"
BlobovniczaInitializing = "initializing..."
BlobovniczaAlreadyInitialized = "already initialized"
BlobovniczaCreatingBucketForSizeRange = "creating bucket for size range"
BlobovniczaClosingBoltDB = "closing BoltDB"
BlobovniczaObjectWasRemovedFromBucket = "object was removed from bucket"
BlobstorOpening = "opening..."
BlobstorInitializing = "initializing..."
BlobstorClosing = "closing..."
BlobstorCouldntCloseStorage = "couldn't close storage"
BlobstorErrorOccurredDuringObjectExistenceChecking = "error occurred during object existence checking"
BlobstorErrorOccurredDuringTheIteration = "error occurred during the iteration"
EngineShardHasBeenRemoved = "shard has been removed"
EngineCouldNotCloseRemovedShard = "could not close removed shard"
EngineCouldNotOpenShardClosingAndSkipping = "could not open shard, closing and skipping"
EngineCouldNotClosePartiallyInitializedShard = "could not close partially initialized shard"
EngineCouldNotInitializeShardClosingAndSkipping = "could not initialize shard, closing and skipping"
EngineCouldNotCloseShard = "could not close shard"
EngineCouldNotReloadAShard = "could not reload a shard"
EngineAddedNewShard = "added new shard"
EngineCouldNotMarkObjectForShardRelocation = "could not mark object for shard relocation"
EngineCouldNotPutObjectToShard = "could not put object to shard"
EngineErrorDuringSearchingForObjectChildren = "error during searching for object children"
EngineCouldNotInhumeObjectInShard = "could not inhume object in shard"
EngineStartingRemovalOfLocallyredundantCopies = "starting removal of locally-redundant copies"
EngineStartedDuplicatesRemovalRoutine = "started duplicates removal routine"
EngineFinishedRemovalOfLocallyredundantCopies = "finished removal of locally-redundant copies"
EngineRemovingAnObjectWithoutFullLockingCheck = "removing an object without full locking check"
EngineInterruptProcessingTheExpiredLocks = "interrupt processing the expired locks"
EngineInterruptProcessingTheDeletedLocks = "interrupt processing the deleted locks"
EngineFailedToMoveShardInDegradedreadonlyModeMovingToReadonly = "failed to move shard in degraded-read-only mode, moving to read-only"
EngineFailedToMoveShardInReadonlyMode = "failed to move shard in read-only mode"
EngineShardIsMovedInReadonlyModeDueToErrorThreshold = "shard is moved in read-only mode due to error threshold"
EngineShardIsMovedInDegradedModeDueToErrorThreshold = "shard is moved in degraded mode due to error threshold"
EngineModeChangeIsInProgressIgnoringSetmodeRequest = "mode change is in progress, ignoring set-mode request"
EngineStartedShardsEvacuation = "started shards evacuation"
EngineFinishedSuccessfullyShardsEvacuation = "shards evacuation finished successfully"
EngineFinishedWithErrorShardsEvacuation = "shards evacuation finished with error"
EngineObjectIsMovedToAnotherShard = "object is moved to another shard"
MetabaseMissingMatcher = "missing matcher"
MetabaseErrorInFKBTSelection = "error in FKBT selection"
MetabaseCantDecodeListBucketLeaf = "can't decode list bucket leaf"
MetabaseUnknownOperation = "unknown operation"
MetabaseCantIterateOverTheBucket = "can't iterate over the bucket"
MetabaseCouldNotIterateOverTheBuckets = "could not iterate over the buckets"
MetabaseCreatedDirectoryForMetabase = "created directory for Metabase"
MetabaseOpenedBoltDBInstanceForMetabase = "opened boltDB instance for Metabase"
MetabaseCheckingMetabaseVersion = "checking metabase version"
ShardCantSelectAllObjects = "can't select all objects"
ShardSettingShardMode = "setting shard mode"
ShardShardModeSetSuccessfully = "shard mode set successfully"
ShardCouldNotMarkObjectForShardRelocationInMetabase = "could not mark object for shard relocation in metabase"
ShardCantDeleteObjectFromWriteCache = "can't delete object from write cache"
ShardCantGetStorageIDFromMetabase = "can't get storage ID from metabase"
ShardCantRemoveObjectFromBlobStor = "can't remove object from blobStor"
ShardFetchingObjectWithoutMeta = "fetching object without meta"
ShardObjectIsMissingInWritecache = "object is missing in write-cache"
ShardFailedToFetchObjectFromWritecache = "failed to fetch object from write-cache"
ShardCantPutObjectToTheWritecacheTryingBlobstor = "can't put object to the write-cache, trying blobstor"
ShardMetaObjectCounterRead = "meta: object counter read"
ShardMetaCantReadContainerList = "meta: can't read container list"
ShardMetaCantReadContainerSize = "meta: can't read container size"
ShardMetaInfoPresentButObjectNotFound = "meta info was present, but the object is missing"
ShardMetabaseFailureSwitchingMode = "metabase failure, switching mode"
ShardCantMoveShardToReadonlySwitchMode = "can't move shard to readonly, switch mode"
ShardCouldNotUnmarshalObject = "could not unmarshal object"
ShardCouldNotCloseShardComponent = "could not close shard component"
ShardCantOpenMetabaseMoveToADegradedMode = "can't open metabase, move to a degraded mode"
ShardCantInitializeMetabaseMoveToADegradedreadonlyMode = "can't initialize metabase, move to a degraded-read-only mode"
ShardTryingToRestoreReadwriteMode = "trying to restore read-write mode"
ShardStopEventListenerByClosedChannel = "stop event listener by closed channel"
ShardCouldNotSubmitGCJobToWorkerPool = "could not submit GC job to worker pool"
ShardGCIsStopped = "GC is stopped"
ShardWaitingForGCWorkersToStop = "waiting for GC workers to stop..."
ShardIteratorOverMetabaseGraveyardFailed = "iterator over metabase graveyard failed"
ShardCouldNotDeleteTheObjects = "could not delete the objects"
ShardIteratorOverExpiredObjectsFailed = "iterator over expired objects failed"
ShardCouldNotInhumeTheObjects = "could not inhume the objects"
ShardStartedExpiredTombstonesHandling = "started expired tombstones handling"
ShardIteratingTombstones = "iterating tombstones"
ShardShardIsInADegradedModeSkipCollectingExpiredTombstones = "shard is in a degraded mode, skip collecting expired tombstones"
ShardIteratorOverGraveyardFailed = "iterator over graveyard failed"
ShardHandlingExpiredTombstonesBatch = "handling expired tombstones batch"
ShardFinishedExpiredTombstonesHandling = "finished expired tombstones handling"
ShardIteratorOverExpiredLocksFailed = "iterator over expired locks failed"
ShardCouldNotMarkTombstonesAsGarbage = "could not mark tombstones as garbage"
ShardCouldNotDropExpiredGraveRecords = "could not drop expired grave records"
ShardFailureToUnlockObjects = "failure to unlock objects"
ShardFailureToMarkLockersAsGarbage = "failure to mark lockers as garbage"
ShardFailureToGetExpiredUnlockedObjects = "failure to get expired unlocked objects"
ShardCouldNotMarkObjectToDeleteInMetabase = "could not mark object to delete in metabase"
WritecacheBadgerInitExperimental = "initializing badger-backed experimental writecache"
WritecacheTriedToFlushItemsFromWritecache = "tried to flush items from write-cache"
WritecacheWaitingForChannelsToFlush = "waiting for channels to flush"
WritecacheFillingFlushMarksForObjectsInFSTree = "filling flush marks for objects in FSTree"
WritecacheFinishedUpdatingFSTreeFlushMarks = "finished updating FSTree flush marks"
WritecacheFillingFlushMarksForObjectsInDatabase = "filling flush marks for objects in database"
WritecacheFinishedUpdatingFlushMarks = "finished updating flush marks"
WritecacheCantRemoveObjectsFromTheDatabase = "can't remove objects from the database"
WritecacheCantParseAddress = "can't parse address"
WritecacheCantRemoveObjectFromWritecache = "can't remove object from write-cache"
WritecacheDBValueLogGCRunCompleted = "value log GC run completed"
WritecacheBadgerObjAlreadyScheduled = "object already scheduled for flush"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetObjectFromLevel = "could not get object from level"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotReadPayloadRangeFromOpenedBlobovnicza = "could not read payload range from opened blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotReadPayloadRangeFromActiveBlobovnicza = "could not read payload range from active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCloseBlobovnicza = "could not close Blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaSuccessfullyClosedOnEvict = "blobovnicza successfully closed on evict"
BlobovniczatreeUpdatingActiveBlobovnicza = "updating active blobovnicza..."
BlobovniczatreeActiveBlobovniczaSuccessfullyUpdated = "active blobovnicza successfully updated"
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaSuccessfullyActivated = "blobovnicza successfully activated"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotRemoveObjectFromLevel = "could not remove object from level"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotRemoveObjectFromOpenedBlobovnicza = "could not remove object from opened blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotRemoveObjectFromActiveBlobovnicza = "could not remove object from active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetActiveBlobovnicza = "could not get active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaOverflowed = "blobovnicza overflowed"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotUpdateActiveBlobovnicza = "could not update active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotPutObjectToActiveBlobovnicza = "could not put object to active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotReadObjectFromOpenedBlobovnicza = "could not read object from opened blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetObjectFromActiveBlobovnicza = "could not get object from active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeInitializingBlobovniczas = "initializing Blobovnicza's"
BlobovniczatreeReadonlyModeSkipBlobovniczasInitialization = "read-only mode, skip blobovniczas initialization..."
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaSuccessfullyInitializedClosing = "blobovnicza successfully initialized, closing..."
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCloseActiveBlobovnicza = "could not close active blobovnicza"
AlphabetTick = "tick"
AlphabetAlphabetProcessorWorkerPoolDrained = "alphabet processor worker pool drained"
AlphabetNonAlphabetModeIgnoreGasEmissionEvent = "non alphabet mode, ignore gas emission event"
AlphabetNodeIsOutOfAlphabetRangeIgnoreGasEmissionEvent = "node is out of alphabet range, ignore gas emission event"
AlphabetCantInvokeAlphabetEmitMethod = "can't invoke alphabet emit method"
AlphabetStorageNodeEmissionIsOff = "storage node emission is off"
AlphabetCantGetNetmapSnapshotToEmitGasToStorageNodes = "can't get netmap snapshot to emit gas to storage nodes"
AlphabetGasEmission = "gas emission"
AlphabetCantParseNodePublicKey = "can't parse node public key"
AlphabetCantTransferGas = "can't transfer gas"
AlphabetCantTransferGasToWallet = "can't transfer gas to wallet"
AlphabetAlphabetWorkerPool = "alphabet worker pool"
BalanceBalanceWorkerPoolDrained = "balance worker pool drained"
BalanceNonAlphabetModeIgnoreBalanceLock = "non alphabet mode, ignore balance lock"
BalanceCantSendLockAssetTx = "can't send lock asset tx"
BalanceBalanceWorkerPool = "balance worker pool"
ContainerContainerWorkerPool = "container worker pool"
ContainerContainerProcessorWorkerPoolDrained = "container processor worker pool drained"
ContainerNonAlphabetModeIgnoreContainerPut = "non alphabet mode, ignore container put"
ContainerPutContainerCheckFailed = "put container check failed"
ContainerCouldNotApprovePutContainer = "could not approve put container"
ContainerNonAlphabetModeIgnoreContainerDelete = "non alphabet mode, ignore container delete"
ContainerDeleteContainerCheckFailed = "delete container check failed"
ContainerCouldNotApproveDeleteContainer = "could not approve delete container"
ContainerNonAlphabetModeIgnoreSetEACL = "non alphabet mode, ignore set EACL"
ContainerSetEACLCheckFailed = "set EACL check failed"
ContainerCouldNotApproveSetEACL = "could not approve set EACL"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreBind = "non alphabet mode, ignore bind"
FrostFSInvalidManageKeyEvent = "invalid manage key event"
FrostFSCouldNotDecodeScriptHashFromBytes = "could not decode script hash from bytes"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreConfig = "non alphabet mode, ignore config"
FrostFSCantRelaySetConfigEvent = "can't relay set config event"
FrostFSFrostfsWorkerPool = "frostfs worker pool"
FrostFSFrostfsProcessorWorkerPoolDrained = "frostfs processor worker pool drained"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreDeposit = "non alphabet mode, ignore deposit"
FrostFSCantTransferAssetsToBalanceContract = "can't transfer assets to balance contract"
FrostFSDoubleMintEmissionDeclined = "double mint emission declined"
FrostFSCantGetGasBalanceOfTheNode = "can't get gas balance of the node"
FrostFSGasBalanceThresholdHasBeenReached = "gas balance threshold has been reached"
FrostFSCantTransferNativeGasToReceiver = "can't transfer native gas to receiver"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreWithdraw = "non alphabet mode, ignore withdraw"
FrostFSCantCreateLockAccount = "can't create lock account"
FrostFSCantLockAssetsForWithdraw = "can't lock assets for withdraw"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreCheque = "non alphabet mode, ignore cheque"
FrostFSCantTransferAssetsToFedContract = "can't transfer assets to fed contract"
GovernanceNewEvent = "new event"
GovernanceGovernanceWorkerPoolDrained = "governance worker pool drained"
GovernanceNonAlphabetModeIgnoreAlphabetSync = "non alphabet mode, ignore alphabet sync"
GovernanceCantFetchAlphabetListFromMainNet = "can't fetch alphabet list from main net"
GovernanceCantFetchAlphabetListFromSideChain = "can't fetch alphabet list from side chain"
GovernanceCantMergeAlphabetListsFromMainNetAndSideChain = "can't merge alphabet lists from main net and side chain"
GovernanceNoGovernanceUpdateAlphabetListHasNotBeenChanged = "no governance update, alphabet list has not been changed"
GovernanceAlphabetListHasBeenChangedStartingUpdate = "alphabet list has been changed, starting update"
GovernanceCantVoteForSideChainCommittee = "can't vote for side chain committee"
GovernanceFinishedAlphabetListUpdate = "finished alphabet list update"
GovernanceCantFetchInnerRingListFromSideChain = "can't fetch inner ring list from side chain"
GovernanceCantCreateNewInnerRingListWithNewAlphabetKeys = "can't create new inner ring list with new alphabet keys"
GovernanceUpdateOfTheInnerRingList = "update of the inner ring list"
GovernanceCantUpdateInnerRingListWithNewAlphabetKeys = "can't update inner ring list with new alphabet keys"
GovernanceCantUpdateListOfNotaryNodesInSideChain = "can't update list of notary nodes in side chain"
GovernanceCantUpdateListOfAlphabetNodesInFrostfsContract = "can't update list of alphabet nodes in frostfs contract"
NetmapNetmapWorkerPool = "netmap worker pool"
NetmapTick = "tick"
NetmapNetmapWorkerPoolDrained = "netmap worker pool drained"
NetmapNetmapCleanUpRoutineIsDisabled518 = "netmap clean up routine is disabled"
NetmapNonAlphabetModeIgnoreNewNetmapCleanupTick = "non alphabet mode, ignore new netmap cleanup tick"
NetmapCantDecodePublicKeyOfNetmapNode = "can't decode public key of netmap node"
NetmapVoteToRemoveNodeFromNetmap = "vote to remove node from netmap"
NetmapCantInvokeNetmapUpdateState = "can't invoke netmap.UpdateState"
NetmapCantIterateOnNetmapCleanerCache = "can't iterate on netmap cleaner cache"
NetmapCantGetEpochDuration = "can't get epoch duration"
NetmapCantGetTransactionHeight = "can't get transaction height"
NetmapCantResetEpochTimer = "can't reset epoch timer"
NetmapCantGetNetmapSnapshotToPerformCleanup = "can't get netmap snapshot to perform cleanup"
NetmapCantStartContainerSizeEstimation = "can't start container size estimation"
NetmapNonAlphabetModeIgnoreNewEpochTick = "non alphabet mode, ignore new epoch tick"
NetmapNextEpoch = "next epoch"
NetmapCantInvokeNetmapNewEpoch = "can't invoke netmap.NewEpoch"
NetmapNonAlphabetModeIgnoreNewPeerNotification = "non alphabet mode, ignore new peer notification"
NetmapNonhaltNotaryTransaction = "non-halt notary transaction"
NetmapCantParseNetworkMapCandidate = "can't parse network map candidate"
NetmapCouldNotVerifyAndUpdateInformationAboutNetworkMapCandidate = "could not verify and update information about network map candidate"
NetmapApprovingNetworkMapCandidate = "approving network map candidate"
NetmapCantInvokeNetmapAddPeer = "can't invoke netmap.AddPeer"
NetmapNonAlphabetModeIgnoreUpdatePeerNotification = "non alphabet mode, ignore update peer notification"
NetmapPreventSwitchingNodeToMaintenanceState = "prevent switching node to maintenance state"
NetmapCantInvokeNetmapUpdatePeer = "can't invoke netmap.UpdatePeer"
FrostFSIRInternalError = "internal error"
FrostFSIRCouldNotShutdownHTTPServer = "could not shutdown HTTP server"
FrostFSIRApplicationStopped = "application stopped"
FrostFSIRCouldntCreateRPCClientForEndpoint = "could not create RPC client for endpoint"
FrostFSIRCreatedRPCClientForEndpoint = "created RPC client for endpoint"
FrostFSIRReloadExtraWallets = "reload extra wallets"
FrostFSNodeStartListeningEndpoint = "start listening endpoint"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotReadCertificateFromFile = "could not read certificate from file"
FrostFSNodeCantListenGRPCEndpoint = "can't listen gRPC endpoint"
FrostFSNodeStopListeningGRPCEndpoint = "stop listening gRPC endpoint"
FrostFSNodeStoppingGRPCServer = "stopping gRPC server..."
FrostFSNodeGRPCCannotShutdownGracefullyForcingStop = "gRPC cannot shutdown gracefully, forcing stop"
FrostFSNodeGRPCServerStoppedSuccessfully = "gRPC server stopped successfully"
FrostFSNodeWaitingForAllProcessesToStop = "waiting for all processes to stop"
FrostFSNodeStartedLocalNodesMaintenance = "started local node's maintenance"
FrostFSNodeStoppedLocalNodesMaintenance = "stopped local node's maintenance"
FrostFSNodeFailedToAttachShardToEngine = "failed to attach shard to engine"
FrostFSNodeShardAttachedToEngine = "shard attached to engine"
FrostFSNodeClosingComponentsOfTheStorageEngine = "closing components of the storage engine..."
FrostFSNodeStorageEngineClosingFailure = "storage engine closing failure"
FrostFSNodeAllComponentsOfTheStorageEngineClosedSuccessfully = "all components of the storage engine closed successfully"
FrostFSNodeBootstrappingWithTheMaintenanceState = "bootstrapping with the maintenance state"
FrostFSNodeBootstrappingWithOnlineState = "bootstrapping with online state"
FrostFSNodeTerminationSignalHasBeenReceivedStopping = "termination signal has been received, stopping..."
FrostFSNodeTerminationSignalProcessingIsComplete = "termination signal processing is complete"
FrostFSNodeInternalApplicationError = "internal application error"
FrostFSNodeInternalErrorProcessingIsComplete = "internal error processing is complete"
FrostFSNodeSIGHUPHasBeenReceivedRereadingConfiguration = "SIGHUP has been received, rereading configuration..."
FrostFSNodeSIGHUPSkip = "node not ready for reconfiguration, skipped SIGHUP"
FrostFSNodeShutdownSkip = "node already is going to shutting down, skipped shutdown"
FrostFSNodeShutdownWhenNotReady = "node is going to shutting down when subsystems still initializing"
FrostFSNodeConfigurationReading = "configuration reading"
FrostFSNodeLoggerConfigurationPreparation = "logger configuration preparation"
FrostFSNodeTracingConfigationUpdated = "tracing configation updated"
FrostFSNodeStorageEngineConfigurationUpdate = "storage engine configuration update"
FrostFSNodeUpdatedConfigurationApplying = "updated configuration applying"
FrostFSNodeConfigurationHasBeenReloadedSuccessfully = "configuration has been reloaded successfully"
FrostFSNodeReadNewlyCreatedContainerAfterTheNotification = "read newly created container after the notification"
FrostFSNodeContainerCreationEventsReceipt = "container creation event's receipt"
FrostFSNodeContainerRemovalEventsReceipt = "container removal event's receipt"
FrostFSNodeSaveUsedSpaceAnnouncementInContract = "save used space announcement in contract"
FrostFSNodeFailedToCalculateContainerSizeInStorageEngine = "failed to calculate container size in storage engine"
FrostFSNodeContainerSizeInStorageEngineCalculatedSuccessfully = "container size in storage engine calculated successfully"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotListContainers = "notificator: could not list containers"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotSelectObjectsFromContainer = "notificator: could not select objects from container"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotProcessObject = "notificator: could not process object"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorFinishedProcessingObjectNotifications = "notificator: finished processing object notifications"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotWriteObjectNotification = "could not write object notification"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotGetMaxObjectSizeValue = "could not get max object size value"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotInhumeMarkRedundantCopyAsGarbage = "could not inhume mark redundant copy as garbage"
FrostFSNodeFailedInitTracing = "failed init tracing"
FrostFSNodeFailedShutdownTracing = "failed shutdown tracing"
FrostFSNodeFailedToCreateNeoRPCClient = "failed to create neo RPC client"
FrostFSNodeClosingMorphComponents = "closing morph components..."
FrostFSNodeFailedToSetGroupSignerScopeContinueWithGlobal = "failed to set group signer scope, continue with Global"
FrostFSNodeNotarySupport = "notary support"
FrostFSNodeMorphcacheTTLFetchedFromNetwork = "morph.cache_ttl fetched from network"
FrostFSNodeNotaryDepositHasAlreadyBeenMade = "notary deposit has already been made"
FrostFSNodeCantGetLastProcessedSideChainBlockNumber = "can't get last processed side chain block number"
FrostFSNodeNewEpochEventFromSidechain = "new epoch event from sidechain"
FrostFSNodeNewBlock = "new block"
FrostFSNodeCantUpdatePersistentState = "can't update persistent state"
FrostFSNodeCantSendRebootstrapTx = "can't send re-bootstrap tx"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotUpdateNodeStateOnNewEpoch = "could not update node state on new epoch"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotMakeNotaryDeposit = "could not make notary deposit"
FrostFSNodeInitialNetworkState = "initial network state"
FrostFSNodeTreeServiceIsNotEnabledSkipInitialization = "tree service is not enabled, skip initialization"
FrostFSNodeCouldNotSynchronizeTreeService = "could not synchronize Tree Service"
FrostFSNodeRemovingAllTreesForContainer = "removing all trees for container"
FrostFSNodeContainerRemovalEventReceivedButTreesWerentRemoved = "container removal event received, but trees weren't removed"
FrostFSNodeCantListenGRPCEndpointControl = "can't listen gRPC endpoint (control)"
FrostFSNodePolicerIsDisabled = "policer is disabled"
CommonApplicationStarted = "application started"
ShardGCCollectingExpiredObjectsStarted = "collecting expired objects started"
ShardGCCollectingExpiredObjectsCompleted = "collecting expired objects completed"
ShardGCCollectingExpiredLocksStarted = "collecting expired locks started"
ShardGCCollectingExpiredLocksCompleted = "collecting expired locks completed"
ShardGCRemoveGarbageStarted = "garbage remove started"
ShardGCRemoveGarbageCompleted = "garbage remove completed"
EngineShardsEvacuationFailedToCount = "failed to get total objects count to evacuate"
EngineShardsEvacuationFailedToListObjects = "failed to list objects to evacuate"
EngineShardsEvacuationFailedToReadObject = "failed to read object to evacuate"
EngineShardsEvacuationFailedToMoveObject = "failed to evacuate object to other node"
ShardGCFailedToGetExpiredWithLinked = "failed to get expired objects with linked"
ShardDeleteCantDeleteFromWriteCache = "can't delete object from write cache"
FrostFSNodeNodeIsUnderMaintenanceSkipInitialBootstrap = "the node is under maintenance, skip initial bootstrap"
EngineCouldNotChangeShardModeToDisabled = "could not change shard mode to disabled"
NetmapNodeAlreadyInCandidateListOnlineSkipInitialBootstrap = "the node is already in candidate list with online state, skip initial bootstrap"
RPConnectionLost = "RPC connection lost, attempting reconnect"
RPCNodeSwitchFailure = "can't switch RPC node"
FSTreeCantReadFile = "can't read a file"
FSTreeCantUnmarshalObject = "can't unmarshal an object"
FSTreeCantFushObjectBlobstor = "can't flush an object to blobstor"
FSTreeCantUpdateID = "can't update object storage ID"
FSTreeCantDecodeDBObjectAddress = "can't decode object address from the DB"
PutSingleRedirectFailure = "failed to redirect PutSingle request"
StorageIDRetrievalFailure = "can't get storage ID from metabase"
ObjectRemovalFailureBlobStor = "can't remove object from blobStor"
CandidateStatusPriority = "candidate status is different from the netmap status, the former takes priority"
TombstoneExpirationParseFailure = "tombstone getter: could not parse tombstone expiration epoch"
FrostFSNodeCantUpdateObjectStorageID = "can't update object storage ID"
FrostFSNodeCantFlushObjectToBlobstor = "can't flush an object to blobstor"
FrostFSNodeCantDecodeObjectAddressFromDB = "can't decode object address from the DB"
FrostFSNodeCantUnmarshalObjectFromDB = "can't unmarshal an object from the DB"
RuntimeSoftMemoryLimitUpdated = "soft runtime memory limit value updated"
RuntimeSoftMemoryDefinedWithGOMEMLIMIT = "soft runtime memory defined with GOMEMLIMIT environment variable, config value skipped"
FailedToCountWritecacheItems = "failed to count writecache items"
AttemtToCloseAlreadyClosedBlobovnicza = "attempt to close an already closed blobovnicza"