package object import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" objectV2 "" internalclient "" "" "" "" sessionCli "" cid "" "" "" "" ) const ( putExpiresOnFlag = "expires-on" noProgressFlag = "no-progress" notificationFlag = "notify" ) var putExpiredOn uint64 var objectPutCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "put", Short: "Put object to NeoFS", Long: "Put object to NeoFS", Run: putObject, } func initObjectPutCmd() { commonflags.Init(objectPutCmd) commonflags.InitSession(objectPutCmd) flags := objectPutCmd.Flags() flags.String("file", "", "File with object payload") _ = objectPutCmd.MarkFlagFilename("file") _ = objectPutCmd.MarkFlagRequired("file") flags.String("cid", "", "Container ID") _ = objectPutCmd.MarkFlagRequired("cid") flags.String("attributes", "", "User attributes in form of Key1=Value1,Key2=Value2") flags.Bool("disable-filename", false, "Do not set well-known filename attribute") flags.Bool("disable-timestamp", false, "Do not set well-known timestamp attribute") flags.Uint64VarP(&putExpiredOn, putExpiresOnFlag, "e", 0, "Last epoch in the life of the object") flags.Bool(noProgressFlag, false, "Do not show progress bar") flags.String(notificationFlag, "", "Object notification in the form of *epoch*:*topic*; '-' topic means using default") } func putObject(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) { pk := key.GetOrGenerate(cmd) var ownerID user.ID user.IDFromKey(&ownerID, pk.PublicKey) var cnr cid.ID readCID(cmd, &cnr) filename := cmd.Flag("file").Value.String() f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDONLY, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "", fmt.Errorf("can't open file '%s': %w", filename, err)) } attrs, err := parseObjectAttrs(cmd) common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "can't parse object attributes: %w", err) expiresOn, _ := cmd.Flags().GetUint64(putExpiresOnFlag) if expiresOn > 0 { var expAttrFound bool expAttrValue := strconv.FormatUint(expiresOn, 10) for i := range attrs { if attrs[i].Key() == objectV2.SysAttributeExpEpoch { attrs[i].SetValue(expAttrValue) expAttrFound = true break } } if !expAttrFound { index := len(attrs) attrs = append(attrs, object.Attribute{}) attrs[index].SetKey(objectV2.SysAttributeExpEpoch) attrs[index].SetValue(expAttrValue) } } obj := object.New() obj.SetContainerID(cnr) obj.SetOwnerID(&ownerID) obj.SetAttributes(attrs...) notificationInfo, err := parseObjectNotifications(cmd) common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "can't parse object notification information: %w", err) if notificationInfo != nil { obj.SetNotification(*notificationInfo) } var prm internalclient.PutObjectPrm sessionCli.Prepare(cmd, cnr, nil, pk, &prm) Prepare(cmd, &prm) prm.SetHeader(obj) var p *pb.ProgressBar noProgress, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(noProgressFlag) if noProgress { prm.SetPayloadReader(f) } else { fi, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { cmd.PrintErrf("Failed to get file size, progress bar is disabled: %v\n", err) prm.SetPayloadReader(f) } else { p = pb.New64(fi.Size()) p.Output = cmd.OutOrStdout() prm.SetPayloadReader(p.NewProxyReader(f)) prm.SetHeaderCallback(func(o *object.Object) { p.Start() }) } } res, err := internalclient.PutObject(prm) if p != nil { p.Finish() } common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "rpc error: %w", err) cmd.Printf("[%s] Object successfully stored\n", filename) cmd.Printf(" ID: %s\n CID: %s\n", res.ID(), cnr) } func parseObjectAttrs(cmd *cobra.Command) ([]object.Attribute, error) { var rawAttrs []string raw := cmd.Flag("attributes").Value.String() if len(raw) != 0 { rawAttrs = strings.Split(raw, ",") } attrs := make([]object.Attribute, len(rawAttrs), len(rawAttrs)+2) // name + timestamp attributes for i := range rawAttrs { kv := strings.SplitN(rawAttrs[i], "=", 2) if len(kv) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid attribute format: %s", rawAttrs[i]) } attrs[i].SetKey(kv[0]) attrs[i].SetValue(kv[1]) } disableFilename, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("disable-filename") if !disableFilename { filename := filepath.Base(cmd.Flag("file").Value.String()) index := len(attrs) attrs = append(attrs, object.Attribute{}) attrs[index].SetKey(object.AttributeFileName) attrs[index].SetValue(filename) } disableTime, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("disable-timestamp") if !disableTime { index := len(attrs) attrs = append(attrs, object.Attribute{}) attrs[index].SetKey(object.AttributeTimestamp) attrs[index].SetValue(strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)) } return attrs, nil } func parseObjectNotifications(cmd *cobra.Command) (*object.NotificationInfo, error) { const ( separator = ":" useDefaultTopic = "-" ) raw := cmd.Flag(notificationFlag).Value.String() if raw == "" { return nil, nil } rawSlice := strings.SplitN(raw, separator, 2) if len(rawSlice) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("notification must be in the form of: *epoch*%s*topic*, got %s", separator, raw) } ni := new(object.NotificationInfo) epoch, err := strconv.ParseUint(rawSlice[0], 10, 64) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse notification epoch %s: %w", rawSlice[0], err) } ni.SetEpoch(epoch) if rawSlice[1] == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect empty topic: use %s to force using default topic", useDefaultTopic) } if rawSlice[1] != useDefaultTopic { ni.SetTopic(rawSlice[1]) } return ni, nil }