# N3 Testnet Storage node configuration There is a prepared configuration for NeoFS Storage Node deployment in N3 Testnet. The easiest way to deploy a Storage Node is to use the prepared docker image and run it with docker-compose. ## Build image Prepared **frostfs-storage-testnet** image is available at Docker Hub. However, if you need to rebuild it for some reason, run `make image-storage-testnet` command. ``` $ make image-storage-testnet ... Successfully built ab0557117b02 Successfully tagged nspccdev/neofs-storage-testnet:0.25.1 ``` ## Deploy node To run a storage node in N3 Testnet environment, you should deposit GAS assets, update docker-compose file and start the node. ### Deposit The Storage Node owner should deposit GAS to NeoFS smart contract. It generates a bit of sidechain GAS in the node's wallet. Sidechain GAS is used to send bootstrap tx. First, obtain GAS in N3 Testnet chain. You can do that with [faucet](https://neowish.ngd.network) service. Then, make a deposit by transferring GAS to NeoFS contract in N3 Testnet. You can provide scripthash in the `data` argument of transfer tx to make a deposit to a specified account. Otherwise, deposit is made to the tx sender. NeoFS contract scripthash in N3 Testnet is `b65d8243ac63983206d17e5221af0653a7266fa1`, so the address is `NadZ8YfvkddivcFFkztZgfwxZyKf1acpRF`. See a deposit example with `neo-go`. ``` neo-go wallet nep17 transfer -w wallet.json -r https://rpc01.testnet.n3.nspcc.ru:21331 \ --from NXxRAFPqPstaPByndKMHuC8iGcaHgtRY3m \ --to NadZ8YfvkddivcFFkztZgfwxZyKf1acpRF \ --token GAS \ --amount 1 ``` ### Configure Next, configure `node_config.env` file. Change endpoints values. Both should contain your **public** IP. ``` NEOFS_GRPC_0_ENDPOINT= NEOFS_NODE_ADDRESSES= ``` Set up your [UN/LOCODE](https://unece.org/trade/cefact/unlocode-code-list-country-and-territory) attribute. ``` NEOFS_GRPC_0_ENDPOINT= NEOFS_NODE_ADDRESSES= NEOFS_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_2=UN-LOCODE:RU LED ``` You can validate UN/LOCODE attribute in [NeoFS LOCODE database](https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-locode-db/releases/tag/v0.1.0) with frostfs-cli. ``` $ frostfs-cli util locode info --db ./locode_db --locode 'RU LED' Country: Russia Location: Saint Petersburg (ex Leningrad) Continent: Europe Subdivision: [SPE] Sankt-Peterburg Coordinates: 59.53, 30.15 ``` It is recommended to pass the node's key as a file. To do so, convert your wallet WIF to 32-byte hex (via `frostfs-cli` for example) and save it to a file. ``` // Print WIF in a 32-byte hex format $ frostfs-cli util keyer Kwp4Q933QujZLUCcn39tzY94itNQJS4EjTp28oAMzuxMwabm3p1s PrivateKey 11ab917cd99170cb8d0d48e78fca317564e6b3aaff7f7058952d6175cdca0f56 PublicKey 02be8b2e837cab232168f5c3303f1b985818b7583682fb49026b8d2f43df7c1059 WIF Kwp4Q933QujZLUCcn39tzY94itNQJS4EjTp28oAMzuxMwabm3p1s Wallet3.0 Nfzmk7FAZmEHDhLePdgysQL2FgkJbaEMpQ ScriptHash3.0 dffe39998f50d42f2e06807866161cd0440b4bdc ScriptHash3.0BE dc4b0b44d01c16667880062e2fd4508f9939fedf // Save 32-byte hex into a file $ echo '11ab917cd99170cb8d0d48e78fca317564e6b3aaff7f7058952d6175cdca0f56' | xxd -r -p > my_wallet.key ``` Then, specify the path to this file in `docker-compose.yml` ```yaml volumes: - frostfs_storage:/storage - ./my_wallet.key:/node.key ``` NeoFS objects will be stored on your machine. By default, docker-compose is configured to store objects in named docker volume `frostfs_storage`. You can specify a directory on the filesystem to store objects there. ```yaml volumes: - /home/username/frostfs/rc3/storage:/storage - ./my_wallet.key:/node.key ``` ### Start Run the node with `docker-compose up` command and stop it with `docker-compose down`. ### Debug To print node logs, use `docker logs frostfs-testnet`. To print debug messages in log, set up log level to debug with this env: ```yaml environment: - NEOFS_LOGGER_LEVEL=debug ```