| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| body | [DeleteResponse.Body](#object.DeleteResponse.Body) | | Body of delete object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| body | [GetRangeHashRequest.Body](#object.GetRangeHashRequest.Body) | | Body of get range hash object request message. |
| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| body | [GetRangeHashResponse.Body](#object.GetRangeHashResponse.Body) | | Body of get range hash object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| body | [GetRangeResponse.Body](#object.GetRangeResponse.Body) | | Body of get range object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| address | [refs.Address](#refs.Address) | | Address of the requested object. |
| raw | [bool](#bool) | | Carries the raw option flag of the request. Raw request is sent to receive only the objects that are physically stored on the server. |
| body | [GetResponse.Body](#object.GetResponse.Body) | | Body of get object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
### Message GetResponse.Body
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| init | [GetResponse.Body.Init](#object.GetResponse.Body.Init) | | Initialization parameters of the object stream. |
| chunk | [bytes](#bytes) | | Part of the object payload. |
### Message GetResponse.Body.Init
Initialization parameters of the object got from NeoFS.
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| object_id | [refs.ObjectID](#refs.ObjectID) | | Object ID |
| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| raw | [bool](#bool) | | Carries the raw option flag of the request. Raw request is sent to receive only the headers of the objects that are physically stored on the server. |
| body | [HeadResponse.Body](#object.HeadResponse.Body) | | Body of head object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| object_id | [refs.ObjectID](#refs.ObjectID) | | Object ID, where available |
| signature | [service.Signature](#service.Signature) | | Object signature, were available |
| header | [Header](#object.Header) | | Header of the object to save in the system. |
| copies_number | [uint32](#uint32) | | Number of the object copies to store within the RPC call. Default zero value is processed according to the container placement rules. |
| body | [PutResponse.Body](#object.PutResponse.Body) | | Body of put object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| meta_header | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | Carries request verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| body | [SearchResponse.Body](#object.SearchResponse.Body) | | Body of search object response message. |
| meta_header | [service.ResponseMetaHeader](#service.ResponseMetaHeader) | | Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate message transport and does not affect request execution. |
| verify_header | [service.ResponseVerificationHeader](#service.ResponseVerificationHeader) | | Carries response verification information. This header is used to authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness of transmission. |
| homomorphic_hash | [bytes](#bytes) | | Homomorphic hash of the object payload. |
| session_token | [service.SessionToken](#service.SessionToken) | | Session token, if it was used during Object creation. Need it to verify integrity and authenticity out of Request scope. |
| parent | [refs.ObjectID](#refs.ObjectID) | | Identifier of the origin object. Parent and children objects must be within the same container. Parent object_id is known only to the minor child. |
| object_id | [refs.ObjectID](#refs.ObjectID) | | Object's unique identifier. Object is content-addressed. It means id will change if header or payload changes. It's calculated as a hash of header field, which contains hash of object's payload |
| signature | [service.Signature](#service.Signature) | | Signed object_id |
| <aname="int32"/> int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int |
| <aname="int64"/> int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long |
| <aname="sint32"/> sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int |
| <aname="sint64"/> sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long |
| <aname="fixed32"/> fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int |
| <aname="fixed64"/> fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long |
| <aname="sfixed32"/> sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int |