package network

import (


// AddressGroup represents list of network addresses of the node.
// List is sorted by priority of use.
type AddressGroup []Address

// StringifyGroup returns concatenation of all addresses
// from the AddressGroup.
// The result is order-dependent.
func StringifyGroup(x AddressGroup) string {
	var s string

	iterateAllAddresses(x, func(addr Address) {
		s += addr.String()

	return s

// IterateAddresses iterates over all network addresses of the node.
// Breaks iterating on handler's true return.
// Handler should not be nil.
func (x AddressGroup) IterateAddresses(f func(Address) bool) {
	for i := range x {
		if f(x[i]) {

// iterateAllAddresses iterates over all network addresses of g
// and passes each of them to f.
func iterateAllAddresses(g AddressGroup, f func(Address)) {
	g.IterateAddresses(func(addr Address) bool {
		return false

// Len returns number of addresses in AddressGroup.
func (x AddressGroup) Len() int {
	return len(x)

// Less returns true if i-th address in AddressGroup supports TLS
// and j-th one doesn't.
func (x AddressGroup) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return x[i].isTLSEnabled() && !x[j].isTLSEnabled()

// Swap swaps i-th and j-th addresses in AddressGroup.
func (x AddressGroup) Swap(i, j int) {
	x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]

// MultiAddressIterator is an interface of network address group.
type MultiAddressIterator interface {
	// Must iterate over network addresses and pass each one
	// to the handler until it returns true.
	IterateAddresses(func(string) bool)

	// Must return number of addresses in group.
	NumberOfAddresses() int

// FromIterator forms AddressGroup from MultiAddressIterator structure.
// The result is sorted with sort.Sort.
// Returns an error in the absence of addresses or if any of the addresses are incorrect.
func (x *AddressGroup) FromIterator(iter MultiAddressIterator) error {
	as := *x

	addrNum := iter.NumberOfAddresses()
	if addrNum <= 0 {
		return errors.New("missing network addresses")

	if cap(as) >= addrNum {
		as = as[:0]
	} else {
		as = make(AddressGroup, 0, addrNum)

	err := iterateParsedAddresses(iter, func(a Address) error {
		as = append(as, a)
		return nil

	if err == nil {
		*x = as

	return err

// iterateParsedAddresses parses each address from MultiAddressIterator and passes it to f
// until 1st parsing failure or f's error.
func iterateParsedAddresses(iter MultiAddressIterator, f func(s Address) error) (err error) {
	iter.IterateAddresses(func(s string) bool {
		var a Address

		err = a.FromString(s)
		if err != nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("could not parse address from string: %w", err)
			return true

		err = f(a)

		return err != nil


// WriteToNodeInfo writes AddressGroup to netmap.NodeInfo structure.
func WriteToNodeInfo(g AddressGroup, ni *netmap.NodeInfo) {
	num := g.Len()
	addrs := make([]string, 0, num)

	iterateAllAddresses(g, func(addr Address) {
		addrs = append(addrs, addr.String())


// Intersects checks if two AddressGroup have
// at least one common address.
func (x AddressGroup) Intersects(x2 AddressGroup) bool {
	for i := range x {
		for j := range x2 {
			if x[i].equal(x2[j]) {
				return true

	return false