Leonard Lyubich a2c2241356 [] storage engine: Inhume object in one shard
In previous implementation StorageEngine.Inhume operation forced Shard
.Inhume call on all internal shards. There is a need to inhume object in a
single shard. To achieve this, Inhume operation is performed in next steps:

 1. iterate over sorted shards, check object presence through Exists call;
 2. if object exists at any shard in step 1 => inhume it and return on
 3. if no shards contain the object => iterate over sorted shards again and
    try to inhume the object at first possible shard;
 4. if all Inhume calls are failed => return an error.

Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
2021-02-15 18:58:18 +03:00

82 lines
2 KiB

package engine
import (
objectSDK ""
// InhumePrm encapsulates parameters for inhume operation.
type InhumePrm struct {
addr, tombstone *objectSDK.Address
// InhumeRes encapsulates results of inhume operation.
type InhumeRes struct{}
// WithTarget sets object address that should be inhumed and tombstone address
// as the reason for inhume operation.
func (p *InhumePrm) WithTarget(addr, tombstone *objectSDK.Address) *InhumePrm {
if p != nil {
p.addr = addr
p.tombstone = tombstone
return p
var errInhumeFailure = errors.New("inhume operation failed")
// Inhume calls metabase. Inhume method to mark object as removed. It won't be
// removed physically from shard until `Delete` operation.
func (e *StorageEngine) Inhume(prm *InhumePrm) (*InhumeRes, error) {
shPrm := new(shard.InhumePrm).WithTarget(prm.addr, prm.tombstone)
res := e.inhume(prm.addr, shPrm, true)
if res == nil {
res = e.inhume(prm.addr, shPrm, false)
if res == nil {
return nil, errInhumeFailure
return res, nil
func (e *StorageEngine) inhume(addr *objectSDK.Address, prm *shard.InhumePrm, checkExists bool) (res *InhumeRes) {
e.iterateOverSortedShards(addr, func(_ int, sh *shard.Shard) (stop bool) {
if checkExists {
exRes, err := sh.Exists(new(shard.ExistsPrm).
if err != nil {
// TODO: smth wrong with shard, need to be processed
e.log.Warn("could not check for presents in shard",
zap.Stringer("shard", sh.ID()),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
} else if !exRes.Exists() {
_, err := sh.Inhume(prm)
if err != nil {
// TODO: smth wrong with shard, need to be processed
e.log.Warn("could not inhume object in shard",
zap.Stringer("shard", sh.ID()),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
} else {
res = new(InhumeRes)
return err == nil