description:"Include `all_old_new_renamed_files` output. Note this can generate a large output See: [#501]("
description:"File and directory patterns used to detect changes (Defaults to the entire repo if unset) **NOTE:** Multiline file/directory patterns should not include quotes."
description:"YAML used to define a set of file patterns to detect changes"
description:"Source file(s) used to populate the `files_yaml` input. [Example]("
description:'Separator used to split the `files_yaml_from_source_file` input'
description:"YAML used to define a set of file patterns to ignore changes"
description:"Source file(s) used to populate the `files_ignore_yaml` input. [Example]("
description:'Separator used to split the `files_ignore_yaml_from_source_file` input'
description:"Exclude changes outside the current directory and show path names relative to it. **NOTE:** This requires you to specify the top level directory via the `path` input."
description:"Output unique changed directories instead of filenames. **NOTE:** This returns `.` for changed files located in the current working directory which defaults to `$GITHUB_WORKSPACE`."
description:"Use the last commit on the remote branch as the `base_sha`. Defaults to the last non-merge commit on the target branch for pull request events and the previous remote commit of the current branch for push events."
description:"Write outputs to the `output_dir` defaults to `.github/outputs` folder. **NOTE:** This creates a `.txt` file by default and a `.json` file if `json` is set to `true`."
description:"Returns only files that are Renamed and lists their old and new names. **NOTE:** This requires setting `include_all_old_new_renamed_files` to `true`. Also, keep in mind that this output is global and wouldn't be nested in outputs generated when the `*_yaml_*` input is used. (R)"
description:"Returns `true` when any of the filenames provided using the `files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs has changed. i.e. *using a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)*."
description:"Returns `true` when only files provided using the `files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs has changed. i.e. *using a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)*."
description:"Returns all other changed files not listed in the files input i.e. *using a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)*."
description:"Returns `true` when any of the filenames provided using the `files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs has been modified. i.e. *using a combination of all added, copied, modified, renamed, and deleted files (ACMRD)*."
description:"Returns all other modified files not listed in the files input i.e. *a combination of all added, copied, modified, and deleted files (ACMRD)*"