diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9e69faba..e8570dc7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Support this project with a :star:
| path | string | false | `"."` | Specify a relative path under
`$GITHUB_WORKSPACE` to locate the repository.
| quotepath | string | false | `"true"` | Use non ascii characters to
match files and output the
filenames completely verbatim by setting
this to `false` |
| separator | string | false | `" "` | Split character for output strings
-| sha | string | true | `"${{ github.sha }}"` | Specify a different commit SHA
used for comparing changes |
+| sha | string | false | `"${{ github.sha }}"` | Specify a different commit SHA
used for comparing changes |
| since | string | false | | Get changed files for commits
whose timestamp is older than
the given time. |
| until | string | false | | Get changed files for commits
whose timestamp is earlier than
the given time. |