import * as core from '@actions/core' import {Env} from './env' import {Inputs} from './inputs' import { canDiffCommits, getHeadSha, getParentSha, getPreviousGitTag, getRemoteBranchHeadSha, gitFetch, gitFetchSubmodules, gitLog, verifyCommitSha } from './utils' const getCurrentSHA = async ({ env, inputs, workingDirectory }: { env: Env inputs: Inputs workingDirectory: string }): Promise => { let currentSha = inputs.sha core.debug('Getting current SHA...') if (inputs.until) { core.debug(`Getting base SHA for '${inputs.until}'...`) try { currentSha = await gitLog({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ '--format=%H', '-n', '1', '--date', 'local', '--until', inputs.until ] }) } catch (error) { core.error( `Invalid until date: ${inputs.until}. ${(error as Error).message}` ) throw error } } else { if (!currentSha) { if ( env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_SHA && (await verifyCommitSha({ sha: env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_SHA, cwd: workingDirectory, showAsErrorMessage: false })) === 0 ) { currentSha = env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_SHA } else { currentSha = await getHeadSha({cwd: workingDirectory}) } } } await verifyCommitSha({sha: currentSha, cwd: workingDirectory}) core.debug(`Current SHA: ${currentSha}`) return currentSha } export interface DiffResult { previousSha: string currentSha: string currentBranch: string targetBranch: string diff: string initialCommit?: boolean } export const getSHAForPushEvent = async ( inputs: Inputs, env: Env, workingDirectory: string, isShallow: boolean, hasSubmodule: boolean, gitExtraArgs: string[], isTag: boolean ): Promise => { let targetBranch = env.GITHUB_REF_NAME const currentBranch = targetBranch let initialCommit = false if (isShallow) {'Repository is shallow, fetching more history...') if (isTag) { const sourceBranch = env.GITHUB_EVENT_BASE_REF.replace('refs/heads/', '') || env.GITHUB_EVENT_RELEASE_TARGET_COMMITISH await gitFetch({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}`, 'origin', `+refs/heads/${sourceBranch}:refs/remotes/origin/${sourceBranch}` ] }) } else { await gitFetch({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}`, 'origin', `+refs/heads/${targetBranch}:refs/remotes/origin/${targetBranch}` ] }) } if (hasSubmodule) { await gitFetchSubmodules({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}` ] }) } } const currentSha = await getCurrentSHA({env, inputs, workingDirectory}) let previousSha = inputs.baseSha const diff = '..' if (previousSha && currentSha && currentBranch && targetBranch) { if (previousSha === currentSha) { core.error( `Similar commit hashes detected: previous sha: ${previousSha} is equivalent to the current sha: ${currentSha}.` ) core.error( `Please verify that both commits are valid, and increase the fetch_depth to a number higher than ${inputs.fetchDepth}.` ) throw new Error('Similar commit hashes detected.') } await verifyCommitSha({sha: previousSha, cwd: workingDirectory}) core.debug(`Previous SHA: ${previousSha}`) return { previousSha, currentSha, currentBranch, targetBranch, diff } } if (!previousSha) { core.debug('Getting previous SHA...') if (inputs.since) { core.debug(`Getting base SHA for '${inputs.since}'...`) try { const allCommitsFrom = await gitLog({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: ['--format=%H', '--date', 'local', '--since', inputs.since] }) if (allCommitsFrom) { const allCommitsFromArray = allCommitsFrom.split('\n') previousSha = allCommitsFromArray[allCommitsFromArray.length - 1] } } catch (error) { core.error( `Invalid since date: ${inputs.since}. ${(error as Error).message}` ) throw error } } else if (isTag) { core.debug('Getting previous SHA for tag...') const {sha, tag} = await getPreviousGitTag({cwd: workingDirectory}) previousSha = sha targetBranch = tag } else { core.debug('Getting previous SHA for last remote commit...') if (env.GITHUB_EVENT_FORCED === 'false' || !env.GITHUB_EVENT_FORCED) { previousSha = env.GITHUB_EVENT_BEFORE } if ( !previousSha || previousSha === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ) { previousSha = await getParentSha({ cwd: workingDirectory }) } else if ( (await verifyCommitSha({ sha: previousSha, cwd: workingDirectory, showAsErrorMessage: false })) !== 0 ) { core.warning( `Previous commit ${previousSha} is not valid. Using parent commit.` ) previousSha = await getParentSha({ cwd: workingDirectory }) } if (!previousSha || previousSha === currentSha) { previousSha = await getParentSha({ cwd: workingDirectory }) if (!previousSha) { core.warning('Initial commit detected no previous commit found.') initialCommit = true previousSha = currentSha } } } } await verifyCommitSha({sha: previousSha, cwd: workingDirectory}) core.debug(`Previous SHA: ${previousSha}`) core.debug(`Target branch: ${targetBranch}`) core.debug(`Current branch: ${currentBranch}`) if (!initialCommit && previousSha === currentSha) { core.error( `Similar commit hashes detected: previous sha: ${previousSha} is equivalent to the current sha: ${currentSha}.` ) core.error( `Please verify that both commits are valid, and increase the fetch_depth to a number higher than ${inputs.fetchDepth}.` ) throw new Error('Similar commit hashes detected.') } return { previousSha, currentSha, currentBranch, targetBranch, diff, initialCommit } } export const getSHAForPullRequestEvent = async ( inputs: Inputs, env: Env, workingDirectory: string, isShallow: boolean, hasSubmodule: boolean, gitExtraArgs: string[] ): Promise => { let targetBranch = env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_BASE_REF const currentBranch = env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_REF if (inputs.sinceLastRemoteCommit) { targetBranch = currentBranch } if (isShallow) {'Repository is shallow, fetching more history...') let prFetchExitCode = await gitFetch({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', 'origin', `pull/${env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}/head:${currentBranch}` ] }) if (prFetchExitCode !== 0) { prFetchExitCode = await gitFetch({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}`, 'origin', `+refs/heads/${currentBranch}*:refs/remotes/origin/${currentBranch}*` ] }) } if (prFetchExitCode !== 0) { throw new Error( 'Failed to fetch pull request branch. Please ensure "persist-credentials" is set to "true" when checking out the repository. See:' ) } if (!inputs.sinceLastRemoteCommit) { core.debug('Fetching target branch...') await gitFetch({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}`, 'origin', `+refs/heads/${targetBranch}:refs/remotes/origin/${targetBranch}` ] }) if (hasSubmodule) { await gitFetchSubmodules({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}` ] }) } }'Completed fetching more history.') } const currentSha = await getCurrentSHA({env, inputs, workingDirectory}) let previousSha = inputs.baseSha let diff = '...' if (previousSha && currentSha && currentBranch && targetBranch) { if (previousSha === currentSha) { core.error( `Similar commit hashes detected: previous sha: ${previousSha} is equivalent to the current sha: ${currentSha}.` ) core.error( `Please verify that both commits are valid, and increase the fetch_depth to a number higher than ${inputs.fetchDepth}.` ) throw new Error('Similar commit hashes detected.') } await verifyCommitSha({sha: previousSha, cwd: workingDirectory}) core.debug(`Previous SHA: ${previousSha}`) return { previousSha, currentSha, currentBranch, targetBranch, diff } } if ( !env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_BASE_REF || env.GITHUB_EVENT_HEAD_REPO_FORK === 'true' ) { diff = '..' } if (!previousSha) { if (inputs.sinceLastRemoteCommit) { previousSha = env.GITHUB_EVENT_BEFORE if ( (await verifyCommitSha({sha: previousSha, cwd: workingDirectory})) !== 0 ) { previousSha = env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_BASE_SHA } } else { previousSha = await getRemoteBranchHeadSha({ cwd: workingDirectory, branch: targetBranch }) if (!previousSha) { previousSha = env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_BASE_SHA } if (isShallow) { if ( await canDiffCommits({ cwd: workingDirectory, sha1: previousSha, sha2: currentSha, diff }) ) { core.debug( 'Merge base is not in the local history, fetching remote target branch...' ) for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { await gitFetch({ cwd: workingDirectory, args: [ ...gitExtraArgs, '-u', '--progress', `--deepen=${inputs.fetchDepth}`, 'origin', `+refs/heads/${targetBranch}:refs/remotes/origin/${targetBranch}` ] }) if ( await canDiffCommits({ cwd: workingDirectory, sha1: previousSha, sha2: currentSha, diff }) ) { break } core.debug( 'Merge base is not in the local history, fetching remote target branch again...' ) core.debug(`Attempt ${i}/10`) } } } } if (!previousSha || previousSha === currentSha) { previousSha = env.GITHUB_EVENT_PULL_REQUEST_BASE_SHA } } if ( !(await canDiffCommits({ cwd: workingDirectory, sha1: previousSha, sha2: currentSha, diff })) ) { diff = '..' } await verifyCommitSha({sha: previousSha, cwd: workingDirectory}) core.debug(`Previous SHA: ${previousSha}`) if ( !(await canDiffCommits({ cwd: workingDirectory, sha1: previousSha, sha2: currentSha, diff })) ) { throw new Error( `Unable to determine a difference between ${previousSha}${diff}${currentSha}` ) } if (previousSha === currentSha) { core.error( `Similar commit hashes detected: previous sha: ${previousSha} is equivalent to the current sha: ${currentSha}.` ) // This occurs if a PR is created from a forked repository and the event is pull_request_target. // - name: Checkout to branch // uses: actions/checkout@v3 // Without setting the repository to use the same repository as the pull request will cause the previousSha // to be the same as the currentSha since the currentSha cannot be found in the local history. // The solution is to use: // - name: Checkout to branch // uses: actions/checkout@v3 // with: // repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }} if (env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME === 'pull_request_target') { core.warning( 'If this pull request is from a forked repository, please set the checkout action `repository` input to the same repository as the pull request.' ) core.warning( 'This can be done by setting actions/checkout `repository` to ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}' ) } else { core.error( `Please verify that both commits are valid, and increase the fetch_depth to a number higher than ${inputs.fetchDepth}.` ) } throw new Error('Similar commit hashes detected.') } return { previousSha, currentSha, currentBranch, targetBranch, diff } }