[](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/actions/workflows/test.yml) [](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/actions/workflows/sync-release-version.yml) [](https://github.com/search?o=desc\&q=tj-actions+changed-files+language%3AYAML\&s=\&type=Code)
## changed-files
Retrieve all changed files and directories relative to the target branch or the last remote commit returning the **absolute path** from the project root.
## Features
* Fast execution (0-2 seconds on average).
* Easy to debug.
* Scales to large repositories.
* Git submodules support.
* No extra API calls.
* Escaped JSON Output which can be used for running matrix jobs based on changed files.
* List only changed directories.
* Monorepos (Fetches only the last remote commit).
* Supports all platforms (Linux, MacOS, Windows).
* [GitHub-hosted runners](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners) support
* [GitHub Enterprise Server](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.3/admin/github-actions/getting-started-with-github-actions-for-your-enterprise/getting-started-with-github-actions-for-github-enterprise-server) support.
* [self-hosted runners](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/hosting-your-own-runners/about-self-hosted-runners) support.
* List all files and directories that have changed:
* Between the current pull request branch and the last commit on the target branch.
* Between the last commit and the current pushed change.
* Between the last remote branch commit and the current HEAD.
* Restrict change detection to a subset of files and directories:
* Boolean output indicating that certain files have been changed.
* Using [Glob pattern](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#filter-pattern-cheat-sheet) matching.
## Usage
> NOTE: :warning:
> * **IMPORTANT:** For `push` events you need to include `fetch-depth: 0` **OR** `fetch-depth: 2` depending on your use case.
> * For monorepos where pulling all the branch history might not be desired, you can omit `fetch-depth` for `pull_request` events.
> * For files located in a sub-directory ensure that the pattern specified contains `**/` (globstar) to match any preceding directories or explicitly pass the full path relative to the project root. See: [#314](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/issues/314).
> * All multiline inputs should not use double or single qoutes since the value is already a string seperated by a newline character. See [Examples](#examples) for more information.
name: CI
- main
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # windows-latest | macos-latest
name: Test changed-files
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0 # OR "2" -> To retrieve the preceding commit.
# Example 1
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
- name: List all changed files
run: |
for file in ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}; do
echo "$file was changed"
# Example 2
- name: Get changed files in the docs folder
id: changed-files-specific
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
files: |
- name: Run step if any file(s) in the docs folder change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "One or more files in the docs folder has changed."
echo "List all the files that have changed: ${{ steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.all_changed_files }}"
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## Outputs
| Acronym | Meaning |
| A | Added |
| C | Copied |
| M | Modified |
| D | Deleted |
| R | Renamed |
| T | Type changed |
| U | Unmerged |
| X | Unknown |
| Output | type | example | description |
| any\_changed | `string` | `true` OR `false` | Returns `true` when any
of the filenames provided using
the `files` input has changed. If no `files` have been specified,
an empty string `''` is returned.
i.e. *using a combination of all added,
copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)* |
| only\_changed | `string` | `true` OR `false` | Returns `true` when only
files provided using
the `files` input has changed. If no `files` have been specified,
an empty string `''` is returned.
i.e. *using a combination of all added,
copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)* |
| other\_changed\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns all other changed files
not listed in the files input
i.e. *using a combination of all added,
copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)* |
| any\_modified | `string` | `true` OR `false` | Returns `true` when any
of the filenames provided using
the `files` input has been modified. If no `files` have been specified,
an empty string `''` is returned.
i.e. *using a combination of all added,
copied, modified, renamed, and deleted files (ACMRD)* |
| only\_modified | `string` | `true` OR `false` | Returns `true` when only
files provided using
the `files` input has been modified. If no `files` have been specified,
an empty string `''` is returned.(ACMRD) |
| other\_modified\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns all other modified files
not listed in the files input
i.e. *a combination of all added,
copied, modified, and deleted files (ACMRD)* |
| any\_deleted | `string` | `true` OR `false` | Returns `true` when any
of the filenames provided using
the `files` input has been deleted. If no `files` have been specified,
an empty string `''` is returned. (D) |
| only\_deleted | `string` | `true` OR `false` | Returns `true` when only
files provided using
the `files` input has been deleted. If no `files` have been specified,
an empty string `''` is returned. (D) |
| other\_deleted\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns all other deleted files
not listed in the files input
i.e. *a combination of all deleted files (D)* |
| all\_changed\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns all changed files
i.e. *a combination of all added,
copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)* |
| all\_modified\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns all changed files
i.e. *a combination of all added,
copied, modified, renamed and deleted files (ACMRD)* |
| all\_changed\_and\_modified\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns all changed
and modified files
i.e. *a combination of (ACMRDTUX)* |
| all\_old\_new\_renamed\_files | `string` | `'old name.txt,new name.txt old name 2.txt,new name 2.txt...'` | Returns only files that are Renamed and list their old and new names.
NOTE: This requires setting `include_all_old_new_renamed_files` to `true` (R) |
| added\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Added (A) |
| copied\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Copied (C) |
| deleted\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Deleted (D) |
| modified\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Modified (M) |
| renamed\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Renamed (R) |
| type\_changed\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that have their file type changed (T) |
| unmerged\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Unmerged (U) |
| unknown\_files | `string` | `'new.txt path/to/file.png ...'` | Returns only files that are Unknown (X) |
## Inputs
| Input | type | required | default | description |
| separator | `string` | `false` | `' '` | Split character for output strings |
| include\_all\_old\_new\_renamed\_files | `boolean` | `false` | `false` | Include `all_old_new_renamed_files` output. Note this can generate a large output See: [#501](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/issues/501). |
| old\_new\_separator | `string` | `false` | `','` | Split character for old and new filename pairs |
| old\_new\_files\_separator | `string` | `false` | `' '` | Split character for multiple old and new filename pairs |
| files | `string` OR `string[]` | `false` | | Check for changes
using only these
list of file(s)
(Defaults to the
entire repo)
**NOTE:** Multiline file/directory patterns
should not include qoutes.
| files\_separator | `string` | `false` | `'\n'` | Separator used to split the
`files` input |
| files\_from\_source\_file | `string` | `false` | | Source file(s)
used to populate
the `files` input |
| files\_ignore | `string` | `false` | | Ignore changes to these file(s)
**NOTE:** Multiline file/directory patterns
should not include qoutes.
| files\_ignore\_separator | `string` | `false` | `'\n'` | Separator used to split the
`files-ignore` input |
| files\_ignore\_from\_source\_file | `string` | `false` | | Source file(s)
used to populate
the `files_ignore` input |
| sha | `string` | `true` | `${{ github.sha }}` | Specify a different
commit SHA
used for
comparing changes |
| base\_sha | `string` | `false` | | Specify a different
base commit SHA
used for
comparing changes |
| path | `string` | `false` | `'.'` | Relative path under
to the repository |
| quotepath | `boolean` | `false` | `true` | Output filenames completely verbatim by setting this to `false` |
| diff\_relative | `boolean` | `false` | | Exclude changes outside the current directory and show pathnames relative to it. **NOTE:** This requires you to specify the top level directory via the `path` input. |
| dir\_names | `boolean` | `false` | `false` | Output unique changed directories instead of filenames.
**NOTE:** This returns `.` for
changed files located in the root of the project. |
| json | `boolean` | `false` | `false` | Output changed files in JSON format which can be used for [matrix jobs](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/.github/workflows/manual-matrix-test.yml). |
| since | `string` | `false` | | Get changed files for commits whose timestamp is older than the given time. |
| until | `string` | `false` | | Get changed files for commits whose timestamp is earlier than the given time. |
| target\_branch\_fetch\_depth | `string` | `false` | `20` | Limit fetching commits from the target branch to a specified number. **NOTE**: This can be adjusted to resolve errors with insufficient history. See: [#668](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/issues/668). |
## Examples
Get all changed files in the current branch
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
Get all changed files and use a comma separator in the output
- name: Get all changed files and use a comma separator in the output
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
separator: ","
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files and list all added files
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
- name: List all added files
run: |
for file in ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.added_files }}; do
echo "$file was added"
See [outputs](#outputs) for a list of all available outputs.
Get all changed files and optionally run a step if a file was modified
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
- name: Run a step if my-file.txt was modified
if: contains(steps.changed-files.outputs.modified_files, 'my-file.txt')
run: |
echo "my-file.txt file has been modified."
See [outputs](#outputs) for a list of all available outputs.
Get all changed files using a list of files
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
files: |
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using a list of files and take action base on the changes
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
files: |
- name: Run step if any of the listed files above change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "One or more files listed above has changed."
- name: Run step if only the files listed above change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.only_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "Only files listed above have changed."
- name: Run step if any of the listed files above is deleted
if: steps.changed-files.outputs.any_deleted == 'true'
run: |
for file in ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.deleted_files }}; do
echo "$file was deleted"
- name: Run step if all listed files above have been deleted
if: steps.changed-files.outputs.only_deleted == 'true'
run: |
for file in ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.deleted_files }}; do
echo "$file was deleted"
See [outputs](#outputs) for a list of all available outputs.
Get all changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input
- name: Get changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input.
id: changed-files-specific-source-file
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
files_from_source_file: |
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input and optionally specify more files
- name: Get changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input and optionally specify more files.
id: changed-files-specific-source-file-and-specify-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
files_from_source_file: |
files: |
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using a different SHA
- name: Get changed files using a different SHA
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using a different base SHA
- name: Get changed files using a different base SHA
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
base_sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files for a repository located in a different path
- name: Checkout into dir1
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
path: dir1
- name: Run changed-files with defaults in dir1
id: changed-files-for-dir1
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
path: dir1
- name: List all added files in dir1
run: |
for file in ${{ steps.changed-files-for-dir1.outputs.added_files }}; do
echo "$file was added"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files with non äšćįí characters i.e (Filename in other languages)
- name: Run changed-files with quotepath disabled
id: changed-files-quotepath
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
quotepath: "false"
- name: Run changed-files with quotepath disabled for a specified list of file(s)
id: changed-files-quotepath-specific
uses: ./
files: test/test-è.txt
quotepath: "false"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using the last successful commit of the base branch
> NOTE: This setting overrides the commit sha used by setting `since_last_remote_commit` to true.
> It is recommended to use either solution that works for your use case.
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Push event
- name: Get branch name
id: branch-name
uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v6
- uses: nrwl/last-successful-commit-action@v1
id: last_successful_commit_push
branch: ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.current_branch }} # Get the last successful commit for the current branch.
workflow_id: 'test.yml'
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Run changed-files with the commit of the last successful test workflow run
id: changed-files-base-sha-push
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
base_sha: ${{ steps.last_successful_commit_push.outputs.commit_hash }}
Pull request events
- name: Get branch name
id: branch-name
uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v5
- uses: nrwl/last-successful-commit-action@v1
id: last_successful_commit_pull_request
branch: ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.base_ref_branch }} # Get the last successful commit on master or main branch
workflow_id: 'test.yml'
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Run changed-files with the commit of the last successful test workflow run on main
id: changed-files-base-sha-pull-request
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
base_sha: ${{ steps.last_successful_commit_pull_request.outputs.commit_hash }}
Get all changed files but only return the directory names
- name: Run changed-files with dir_names
id: changed-files-dir-names
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
dir_names: "true"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files and return JSON formatted outputs
- name: Run changed-files with json output
id: changed-files-json
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
json: "true"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files by commits pushed in the past
- name: Get changed-files since 2022-08-19
id: changed-files-since
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
since: "2022-08-19"
- name: Get changed-files until 2022-08-20
id: changed-files-until
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v32
until: "2022-08-20"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
* Free software: [MIT license](LICENSE)
## Known Limitation
> NOTE: :warning:
> * Using characters like `\n`, `%`, `.` and `\r` as separators would be [URL encoded](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp)
> * Spaces in file names can introduce bugs when using bash loops. See: [#216](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/issues/216)
> However, this action will handle spaces in file names, with a recommendation of using a separator to prevent hidden issues.
## Credits
This package was created with [Cookiecutter](https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter).
* [tj-actions/glob](https://github.com/tj-actions/glob)
* [tj-actions/demo](https://github.com/tj-actions/demo)
* [tj-actions/release-tagger](https://github.com/tj-actions/release-tagger)
## Report Bugs
Report bugs at https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/issues.
If you are reporting a bug, please include:
* Your operating system name and version.
* Any details about your workflow that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.
## Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):