## changed-files
Effortlessly track all changed files and directories relative to a target branch, the current branch (preceding commit or the last remote commit), multiple branches, or custom commits returning **relative paths** from the project root using this GitHub action.
> \[!NOTE]
> * This action solely identifies files that have changed within the context of events such as `pull_request*`, `push`, and more. However, it doesn't detect pending uncommitted changes created during the workflow execution.
> See: https://github.com/tj-actions/verify-changed-files instead
## Table of contents
* [Features ๐](#features-)
* [Usage ๐ป](#usage-)
* [On `pull_request` ๐](#on-pull_request-)
* [Using local .git directory ๐](#using-local-git-directory-)
* [Using Github's API :octocat:](#using-githubs-api-octocat)
* [On `push` โฌ๏ธ](#on-push-๏ธ)
* [Other supported events :electron:](#other-supported-events-electron)
* [Inputs โ๏ธ](#inputs-๏ธ)
* [Useful Acronyms ๐งฎ](#useful-acronyms-)
* [Outputs ๐ค](#outputs-)
* [Versioning ๐ท๏ธ](#versioning-๏ธ)
* [Examples ๐](#examples-)
* [Real-world usage ๐](#real-world-usage-)
* [Open source projects ๐ฆ](#open-source-projects-)
* [Scalability Example ๐](#scalability-example-)
* [Important Notice โ ๏ธ](#important-notice-๏ธ)
* [Migration guide ๐](#migration-guide-)
* [Credits ๐](#credits-)
* [Report Bugs ๐](#report-bugs-)
* [Contributors โจ](#contributors-)
## Features ๐
* Fast execution, averaging 0-10 seconds.
* Leverages either [Github's REST API](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#list-commits) or [Git's native diff](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff) to determine changed files.
* Facilitates easy debugging.
* Scales to handle large/mono repositories.
* Supports Git submodules.
* Supports [merge queues](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/configuring-pull-request-merges/managing-a-merge-queue) for pull requests.
* Generates escaped [JSON output for running matrix jobs](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/.github/workflows/matrix-example.yml) based on changed files.
* Lists changed directories.
* Limits matching changed directories to a specified maximum depth.
* Optionally excludes the current directory.
* Writes outputs to a designated `.txt` or `.json` file for further processing.
* Restores deleted files to their previous location or a newly specified location.
* Supports fetching a fixed number of commits which improves performance.
* Compatible with all platforms (Linux, MacOS, Windows).
* Supports [GitHub-hosted runners](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners).
* Supports [GitHub Enterprise Server](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.3/admin/github-actions/getting-started-with-github-actions-for-your-enterprise/getting-started-with-github-actions-for-github-enterprise-server).
* Supports [self-hosted runners](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/hosting-your-own-runners/about-self-hosted-runners).
* Lists all files and directories that have changed:
* Between the current pull request branch and the last commit on the target branch.
* Between the last commit and the current pushed change.
* Between the last remote branch commit and the current HEAD.
* Restricts change detection to a subset of files and directories:
* Provides boolean output indicating changes in specific files.
* Uses [Glob pattern](https://codepen.io/mrmlnc/pen/OXQjMe) matching.
* Supports Globstar.
* Supports brace expansion.
* Supports negation.
* Uses [YAML](https://yaml.org/) syntax for specifying patterns.
* Supports [YAML anchors & aliases](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/test/changed-files.yml#L8-L12).
* Supports [YAML multi-line strings](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/test/changed-files.yml#L13-L16).
And many more...
## Usage ๐ป
> * **Push Events**: When configuring [`actions/checkout`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage), make sure to set [`fetch-depth`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage) to either `0` or `2`, depending on your use case.
> * **Mono Repositories**: To avoid pulling the entire branch history, you can utilize the default [`actions/checkout`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage)'s [`fetch-depth`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage) of `1` for [`pull_request`](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull_request) events.
> * **Quoting Multiline Inputs**: Avoid using single or double quotes for [multiline](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/test/changed-files.yml#L13-L16) inputs. The value is already a string separated by a newline character. Refer to the [Examples](#examples-) section for more information.
> * **Credentials Persistence**: If [`fetch-depth`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage) is not set to 0, make sure to set [`persist-credentials`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage) to `true` when configuring [`actions/checkout`](https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage).
> * **Matching Files and Folders**: To match all files and folders under a directory, this requires a globstar pattern e.g. `dir_name/**` which matches any number of subdirectories and files.
Visit the [discussions for more information](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/discussions) or [create a new discussion](https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/discussions/new/choose) for usage-related questions.
### On [`pull_request`](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull_request) ๐
Detect changes to all files in a Pull request relative to the target branch or since the last pushed commit.
#### Using local .git directory ๐
name: CI
- main
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Event `pull_request`: Compare the last commit of the main branch or last remote commit of the PR branch -> to the current commit of a PR branch.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # windows-latest || macos-latest
name: Test changed-files
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 # OR "2" -> To retrieve the preceding commit.
# Example 1
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
# To compare changes between the current commit and the last pushed remote commit set `since_last_remote_commit: true`. e.g
# with:
# since_last_remote_commit: true
- name: List all changed files
ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ALL_CHANGED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was changed"
# Example 2
- name: Get all changed markdown files
id: changed-markdown-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
# Avoid using single or double quotes for multiline patterns
files: |
- name: List all changed files markdown files
if: steps.changed-markdown-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-markdown-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ALL_CHANGED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was changed"
# Example 3
- name: Get all test, doc and src files that have changed
id: changed-files-yaml
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files_yaml: |
- '**.md'
- docs/**
- test/**
- '!test/**.md'
- src/**
# Optionally set `files_yaml_from_source_file` to read the YAML from a file. e.g `files_yaml_from_source_file: .github/changed-files.yml`
- name: Run step if test file(s) change
# NOTE: Ensure all outputs are prefixed by the same key used above e.g. `test_(...)` | `doc_(...)` | `src_(...)` when trying to access the `any_changed` output.
if: steps.changed-files-yaml.outputs.test_any_changed == 'true'
TEST_ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files-yaml.outputs.test_all_changed_files }}
run: |
echo "One or more test file(s) has changed."
echo "List all the files that have changed: $TEST_ALL_CHANGED_FILES"
- name: Run step if doc file(s) change
if: steps.changed-files-yaml.outputs.doc_any_changed == 'true'
DOC_ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files-yaml.outputs.doc_all_changed_files }}
run: |
echo "One or more doc file(s) has changed."
echo "List all the files that have changed: $DOC_ALL_CHANGED_FILES"
# Example 3
- name: Get changed files in the docs folder
id: changed-files-specific
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files: docs/*.{js,html} # Alternatively using: `docs/**`
files_ignore: docs/static.js
- name: Run step if any file(s) in the docs folder change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.all_changed_files }}
run: |
echo "One or more files in the docs folder has changed."
echo "List all the files that have changed: $ALL_CHANGED_FILES"
#### Using Github's API :octocat:
name: CI
- main
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Event `pull_request`: Returns all changed pull request files.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# - This is limited to pull_request* events and would raise an error for other events.
# - A maximum of 3000 files can be returned.
# - For more flexibility and no limitations see "Using local .git history" above.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # windows-latest || macos-latest
name: Test changed-files
pull-requests: read
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
- name: List all changed files
ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ALL_CHANGED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was changed"
### On [`push`](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#push) โฌ๏ธ
Detect changes to files made since the last pushed commit.
name: CI
- main
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Using GitHub's API is not supported for push events
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Using local .git history
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Event `push`: Compare the preceding remote commit -> to the current commit of the main branch
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # windows-latest || macos-latest
name: Test changed-files
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 # OR "2" -> To retrieve the preceding commit.
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
# NOTE: `since_last_remote_commit: true` is implied by default and falls back to the previous local commit.
- name: List all changed files
ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ALL_CHANGED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was changed"
### Other supported events :electron:
* [schedule](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#schedule)
* [release](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#release)
* [workflow\_dispatch](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#workflow_dispatch)
* [merge\_group](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#merge_group)
* [issue\_comment](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#issue_comment)
* ...and many more
To access more examples, navigate to the [Examples](#examples-) section.
If you feel generous and want to show some extra appreciation:
Support this project with a :star:
[![Buy me a coffee][buymeacoffee-shield]][buymeacoffee]
[buymeacoffee]: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jackton1
[buymeacoffee-shield]: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png
> * When using `files_yaml*` inputs:
> * All keys must start with a letter or `_` and contain only alphanumeric characters, `-`, or `_`.
> For example, `test` or `test_key` or `tesT-key` are all valid.
## Inputs โ๏ธ
- uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
id: changed-files
# Github API URL.
# Type: string
# Default: "${{ github.api_url }}"
api_url: ''
# Specify a different base commit SHA or branch used
# for comparing changes
# Type: string
base_sha: ''
# Exclude changes outside the current directory and show path
# names relative to it. NOTE: This requires you to
# specify the top-level directory via the `path` input.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "true"
diff_relative: ''
# Output unique changed directories instead of filenames. NOTE: This
# returns `.` for changed files located in the current
# working directory which defaults to `$GITHUB_WORKSPACE`.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
dir_names: ''
# Include only directories that have been deleted as opposed
# to directory names of files that have been deleted
# in the `deleted_files` output when `dir_names` is set to
# `true`.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
dir_names_deleted_files_include_only_deleted_dirs: ''
# Exclude the current directory represented by `.` from the
# output when `dir_names` is set to `true`.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
dir_names_exclude_current_dir: ''
# File and directory patterns to include in the output
# when `dir_names` is set to `true`. NOTE: This returns
# only the matching files and also the directory names.
# Type: string
dir_names_include_files: ''
# Separator used to split the `dir_names_include_files` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
dir_names_include_files_separator: ''
# Limit the directory output to a maximum depth e.g
# `test/test1/test2` with max depth of `2` returns `test/test1`.
# Type: string
dir_names_max_depth: ''
# Escape JSON output.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "true"
escape_json: ''
# Fail when the initial diff fails.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
fail_on_initial_diff_error: ''
# Fail when the submodule diff fails.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
fail_on_submodule_diff_error: ''
# Fetch additional history for submodules.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
fetch_additional_submodule_history: ''
# Depth of additional branch history fetched. NOTE: This can
# be adjusted to resolve errors with insufficient history.
# Type: string
# Default: "50"
fetch_depth: ''
# File and directory patterns used to detect changes (Defaults to the entire repo if unset).
# NOTE: Multiline file/directory patterns should not include quotes.
# Type: string
files: ''
# Source file(s) used to populate the `files` input.
# Type: string
files_from_source_file: ''
# Separator used to split the `files_from_source_file` input.
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
files_from_source_file_separator: ''
# Ignore changes to these file(s). NOTE: Multiline file/directory patterns
# should not include quotes.
# Type: string
files_ignore: ''
# Source file(s) used to populate the `files_ignore` input
# Type: string
files_ignore_from_source_file: ''
# Separator used to split the `files_ignore_from_source_file` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
files_ignore_from_source_file_separator: ''
# Separator used to split the `files_ignore` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
files_ignore_separator: ''
# YAML used to define a set of file patterns
# to ignore changes
# Type: string
files_ignore_yaml: ''
# Source file(s) used to populate the `files_ignore_yaml` input. Example:
# https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/test/changed-files.yml
# Type: string
files_ignore_yaml_from_source_file: ''
# Separator used to split the `files_ignore_yaml_from_source_file` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
files_ignore_yaml_from_source_file_separator: ''
# Separator used to split the `files` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
files_separator: ''
# YAML used to define a set of file patterns
# to detect changes
# Type: string
files_yaml: ''
# Source file(s) used to populate the `files_yaml` input. Example:
# https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/test/changed-files.yml
# Type: string
files_yaml_from_source_file: ''
# Separator used to split the `files_yaml_from_source_file` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
files_yaml_from_source_file_separator: ''
# Include `all_old_new_renamed_files` output. Note this can generate a large
# output See: #501.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
include_all_old_new_renamed_files: ''
# Output list of changed files in a JSON formatted
# string which can be used for matrix jobs. Example:
# https://github.com/tj-actions/changed-files/blob/main/.github/workflows/matrix-test.yml
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
json: ''
# Apply the negation patterns first. NOTE: This affects how
# changed files are matched.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
negation_patterns_first: ''
# Split character for old and new renamed filename pairs.
# Type: string
# Default: " "
old_new_files_separator: ''
# Split character for old and new filename pairs.
# Type: string
# Default: ","
old_new_separator: ''
# Directory to store output files.
# Type: string
# Default: ".github/outputs"
output_dir: ''
# Output renamed files as deleted and added files.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
output_renamed_files_as_deleted_and_added: ''
# Specify a relative path under `$GITHUB_WORKSPACE` to locate the
# repository.
# Type: string
# Default: "."
path: ''
# Use non-ASCII characters to match files and output the
# filenames completely verbatim by setting this to `false`
# Type: boolean
# Default: "true"
quotepath: ''
# Recover deleted files.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
recover_deleted_files: ''
# Recover deleted files to a new destination directory, defaults
# to the original location.
# Type: string
recover_deleted_files_to_destination: ''
# File and directory patterns used to recover deleted files,
# defaults to the patterns provided via the `files`, `files_from_source_file`,
# `files_ignore` and `files_ignore_from_source_file` inputs or all deleted files if
# no patterns are provided.
# Type: string
recover_files: ''
# File and directory patterns to ignore when recovering deleted
# files.
# Type: string
recover_files_ignore: ''
# Separator used to split the `recover_files_ignore` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
recover_files_ignore_separator: ''
# Separator used to split the `recover_files` input
# Type: string
# Default: "\n"
recover_files_separator: ''
# Apply sanitization to output filenames before being set as
# output.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "true"
safe_output: ''
# Split character for output strings.
# Type: string
# Default: " "
separator: ''
# Specify a different commit SHA or branch used for
# comparing changes
# Type: string
sha: ''
# Get changed files for commits whose timestamp is older
# than the given time.
# Type: string
since: ''
# Use the last commit on the remote branch as
# the `base_sha`. Defaults to the last non-merge commit on
# the target branch for pull request events and the
# previous remote commit of the current branch for push
# events.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
since_last_remote_commit: ''
# Skip the initial fetch to improve performance for shallow
# repositories. NOTE: This could lead to errors with missing
# history and the intended use is limited to when
# you've fetched the history necessary to perform the diff.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
skip_initial_fetch: ''
# GitHub token used to fetch changed files from Github's
# API.
# Type: string
# Default: "${{ github.token }}"
token: ''
# Get changed files for commits whose timestamp is earlier
# than the given time.
# Type: string
until: ''
# Force the use of Github's REST API even when
# a local copy of the repository exists
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
use_rest_api: ''
# Write outputs to the `output_dir` defaults to `.github/outputs` folder.
# NOTE: This creates a `.txt` file by default and
# a `.json` file if `json` is set to `true`.
# Type: boolean
# Default: "false"
write_output_files: ''
## Useful Acronyms ๐งฎ
| Acronym | Meaning |
| A | Added |
| C | Copied |
| M | Modified |
| D | Deleted |
| R | Renamed |
| T | Type changed |
| U | Unmerged |
| X | Unknown |
> * When using `files_yaml*` inputs:
> * it's required to prefix all outputs with the key to ensure that the correct outputs are accessible.
> For example, if you use `test` as the key, you can access outputs like `added_files`, `any_changed`, and so on by prefixing them with the key `test_added_files` or `test_any_changed` etc.
## Outputs ๐ค
| [added\_files](#output_added_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Added (A). |
| [added\_files\_count](#output_added_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `added_files` |
| [all\_changed\_and\_modified\_files](#output_all_changed_and_modified_files) | string | Returns all changed and modified
files i.e. *a combination of (ACMRDTUX)* |
| [all\_changed\_and\_modified\_files\_count](#output_all_changed_and_modified_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `all_changed_and_modified_files` |
| [all\_changed\_files](#output_all_changed_files) | string | Returns all changed files i.e.
*a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)* |
| [all\_changed\_files\_count](#output_all_changed_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `all_changed_files` |
| [all\_modified\_files](#output_all_modified_files) | string | Returns all changed files i.e.
*a combination of all added, copied, modified, renamed and deleted files (ACMRD)*. |
| [all\_modified\_files\_count](#output_all_modified_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `all_modified_files` |
| [all\_old\_new\_renamed\_files](#output_all_old_new_renamed_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Renamed and lists their old
and new names. **NOTE:** This
requires setting `include_all_old_new_renamed_files` to `true`.
Also, keep in mind that
this output is global and
wouldn't be nested in outputs
generated when the `*_yaml_*` input
is used. (R) |
| [all\_old\_new\_renamed\_files\_count](#output_all_old_new_renamed_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `all_old_new_renamed_files` |
| [any\_changed](#output_any_changed) | string | Returns `true` when any of
the filenames provided using the
`files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs has changed. i.e.
*includes a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)*. |
| [any\_deleted](#output_any_deleted) | string | Returns `true` when any of
the filenames provided using the
`files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs has been deleted.
(D) |
| [any\_modified](#output_any_modified) | string | Returns `true` when any of
the filenames provided using the
`files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs has been modified.
i.e. *includes a combination of all added, copied, modified, renamed, and deleted files (ACMRD)*. |
| [changed\_keys](#output_changed_keys) | string | Returns all changed YAML keys
when the `files_yaml` input is
used. i.e. *key that contains any path that has either been added, copied, modified, and renamed (ACMR)* |
| [copied\_files](#output_copied_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Copied (C). |
| [copied\_files\_count](#output_copied_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `copied_files` |
| [deleted\_files](#output_deleted_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Deleted (D). |
| [deleted\_files\_count](#output_deleted_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `deleted_files` |
| [modified\_files](#output_modified_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Modified (M). |
| [modified\_files\_count](#output_modified_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `modified_files` |
| [modified\_keys](#output_modified_keys) | string | Returns all modified YAML keys
when the `files_yaml` input is
used. i.e. *key that contains any path that has either been added, copied, modified, and deleted (ACMRD)* |
| [only\_changed](#output_only_changed) | string | Returns `true` when only files
provided using the `files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs
has changed. i.e. *includes a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)*. |
| [only\_deleted](#output_only_deleted) | string | Returns `true` when only files
provided using the `files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs
has been deleted. (D) |
| [only\_modified](#output_only_modified) | string | Returns `true` when only files
provided using the `files*` or `files_ignore*` inputs
has been modified. (ACMRD). |
| [other\_changed\_files](#output_other_changed_files) | string | Returns all other changed files
not listed in the files
input i.e. *includes a combination of all added, copied, modified and renamed files (ACMR)*. |
| [other\_changed\_files\_count](#output_other_changed_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `other_changed_files` |
| [other\_deleted\_files](#output_other_deleted_files) | string | Returns all other deleted files
not listed in the files
input i.e. *a combination of all deleted files (D)* |
| [other\_deleted\_files\_count](#output_other_deleted_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `other_deleted_files` |
| [other\_modified\_files](#output_other_modified_files) | string | Returns all other modified files
not listed in the files
input i.e. *a combination of all added, copied, modified, and deleted files (ACMRD)* |
| [other\_modified\_files\_count](#output_other_modified_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `other_modified_files` |
| [renamed\_files](#output_renamed_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Renamed (R). |
| [renamed\_files\_count](#output_renamed_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `renamed_files` |
| [type\_changed\_files](#output_type_changed_files) | string | Returns only files that have
their file type changed (T). |
| [type\_changed\_files\_count](#output_type_changed_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `type_changed_files` |
| [unknown\_files](#output_unknown_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Unknown (X). |
| [unknown\_files\_count](#output_unknown_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `unknown_files` |
| [unmerged\_files](#output_unmerged_files) | string | Returns only files that are
Unmerged (U). |
| [unmerged\_files\_count](#output_unmerged_files_count) | string | Returns the number of `unmerged_files` |
## Versioning ๐ท๏ธ
This GitHub Action follows the principles of [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org) for versioning releases.
The format of the version string is as follows:
* major: indicates significant changes or new features that may not be backward compatible.
* minor: indicates minor changes or new features that are backward compatible.
* patch: indicates bug fixes or other small changes that are backward compatible.
## Examples ๐
Get all changed files in the current branch
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
Get all changed files without escaping unsafe filename characters
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
safe_output: false # set to false because we are using an environment variable to store the output and avoid command injection.
- name: List all added files
ADDED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.added_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ADDED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was added"
Get all changed files and use a comma separator
- name: Get all changed files and use a comma separator in the output
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
separator: ","
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files and list all added files
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
- name: List all added files
ADDED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.added_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ADDED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was added"
See [outputs](#outputs) for a list of all available outputs.
Get all changed files and optionally run a step if a file was modified
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
- name: Run a step if my-file.txt was modified
if: contains(steps.changed-files.outputs.modified_files, 'my-file.txt')
run: |
echo "my-file.txt file has been modified."
See [outputs](#outputs) for a list of all available outputs.
Get all changed files and write the outputs to a txt file
- name: Get changed files and write the outputs to a Txt file
id: changed-files-write-output-files-txt
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
write_output_files: true
- name: Verify the contents of the .github/outputs/added_files.txt file
run: |
cat .github/outputs/added_files.txt
Get all changed files and write the outputs to a json file
- name: Get changed files and write the outputs to a JSON file
id: changed-files-write-output-files-json
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
json: true
write_output_files: true
- name: Verify the contents of the .github/outputs/added_files.json file
run: |
cat .github/outputs/added_files.json
Get all changed files using a list of files
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files: |
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using a list of files and take action based on the changes
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files-specific
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files: |
- name: Run step if any of the listed files above change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "One or more files listed above has changed."
- name: Run step if only the files listed above change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.only_changed == 'true'
run: |
echo "Only files listed above have changed."
- name: Run step if any of the listed files above is deleted
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.any_deleted == 'true'
DELETED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.deleted_files }}
run: |
for file in ${DELETED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was deleted"
- name: Run step if all listed files above have been deleted
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.only_deleted == 'true'
DELETED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.deleted_files }}
run: |
for file in ${DELETED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was deleted"
See [outputs](#outputs) for a list of all available outputs.
Get all changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input
- name: Get changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input.
id: changed-files-specific-source-file
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files_from_source_file: test/changed-files-list.txt
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input and optionally specify more files
- name: Get changed files using a source file or list of file(s) to populate to files input and optionally specify more files.
id: changed-files-specific-source-file-and-specify-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files_from_source_file: |
files: |
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using a different SHA
- name: Get changed files using a different SHA
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using a different base SHA
- name: Get changed files using a different base SHA
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
base_sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files between the previous tag and the current tag
- 'v*'
name: Release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
- name: Get changed files in the .github folder
id: changed-files-specific
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
base_sha: ${{ steps.get-base-sha.outputs.base_sha }}
files: .github/**
- name: Run step if any file(s) in the .github folder change
if: steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
ALL_CHANGED_FILES: ${{ steps.changed-files-specific.outputs.all_changed_files }}
run: |
echo "One or more files in the .github folder has changed."
echo "List all the files that have changed: $ALL_CHANGED_FILES"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files for a repository located in a different path
- name: Checkout into dir1
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
path: dir1
- name: Run changed-files with defaults in dir1
id: changed-files-for-dir1
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
path: dir1
- name: List all added files in dir1
${{ steps.changed-files-for-dir1.outputs.added_files }}
run: |
for file in ${ADDED_FILES}; do
echo "$file was added"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files with non-รคลกฤฤฏรญ characters i.e (Filename in other languages)
- name: Run changed-files with quotepath disabled
id: changed-files-quotepath
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
quotepath: "false"
- name: Run changed-files with quotepath disabled for a specified list of file(s)
id: changed-files-quotepath-specific
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
files: test/test-รจ.txt
quotepath: "false"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files using the last successful commit of the base branch
> **Warning**
> This setting overrides the commit sha used by setting `since_last_remote_commit` to true.
> It is recommended to use either solution that works for your use case.
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Push event
- name: Get branch name
id: branch-name
uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v6
- uses: nrwl/nx-set-shas@v3
id: last_successful_commit_push
main-branch-name: ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.current_branch }} # Get the last successful commit for the current branch.
workflow-id: 'test.yml'
- name: Run changed-files with the commit of the last successful test workflow run
id: changed-files-base-sha-push
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
base_sha: ${{ steps.last_successful_commit_push.outputs.base }}
Pull request events
- name: Get branch name
id: branch-name
uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v5
- uses: nrwl/nx-set-shas@v3
id: last_successful_commit_pull_request
main-branch-name: ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.base_ref_branch }} # Get the last successful commit on the master or main branch
workflow_id: 'test.yml'
- name: Run changed-files with the commit of the last successful test workflow run on the main branch
id: changed-files-base-sha-pull-request
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
base_sha: ${{ steps.last_successful_commit_pull_request.outputs.base }}
Get all changed files but only return the directory names
- name: Run changed-files with dir_names
id: changed-files-dir-names
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
dir_names: "true"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files and return JSON formatted outputs
- name: Run changed-files with JSON output
id: changed-files-json
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
json: "true"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.
Get all changed files by commits pushed in the past
- name: Get changed-files since 2022-08-19
id: changed-files-since
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
since: "2022-08-19"
- name: Get changed-files until 2022-08-20
id: changed-files-until
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v42
until: "2022-08-20"
See [inputs](#inputs) for more information.