import * as path from 'path' import {DiffResult} from './commitSha' import {Inputs} from './inputs' import { getDirnameMaxDepth, gitRenamedFiles, gitSubmoduleDiffSHA, jsonOutput, getAllChangedFiles } from './utils' import flatten from 'lodash/flatten' export const getRenamedFiles = async ({ inputs, workingDirectory, hasSubmodule, diffResult, submodulePaths }: { inputs: Inputs workingDirectory: string hasSubmodule: boolean diffResult: DiffResult submodulePaths: string[] }): Promise => { const renamedFiles = await gitRenamedFiles({ cwd: workingDirectory, sha1: diffResult.previousSha, sha2: diffResult.currentSha, diff: diffResult.diff, oldNewSeparator: inputs.oldNewSeparator }) if (hasSubmodule) { for (const submodulePath of submodulePaths) { const submoduleShaResult = await gitSubmoduleDiffSHA({ cwd: workingDirectory, parentSha1: diffResult.previousSha, parentSha2: diffResult.currentSha, submodulePath, diff: diffResult.diff }) const submoduleWorkingDirectory = path.join( workingDirectory, submodulePath ) if (submoduleShaResult.currentSha && submoduleShaResult.previousSha) { const submoduleRenamedFiles = await gitRenamedFiles({ cwd: submoduleWorkingDirectory, sha1: submoduleShaResult.previousSha, sha2: submoduleShaResult.currentSha, diff: diffResult.diff, oldNewSeparator: inputs.oldNewSeparator, isSubmodule: true, parentDir: submodulePath }) renamedFiles.push(...submoduleRenamedFiles) } } } if (inputs.json) { return jsonOutput({value: renamedFiles, shouldEscape: inputs.escapeJson}) } return renamedFiles.join(inputs.oldNewFilesSeparator) } export enum ChangeTypeEnum { Added = 'A', Copied = 'C', Deleted = 'D', Modified = 'M', Renamed = 'R', TypeChanged = 'T', Unmerged = 'U', Unknown = 'X' } export type ChangedFiles = { [key in ChangeTypeEnum]: string[] } export const getAllDiffFiles = async ({ workingDirectory, hasSubmodule, diffResult, submodulePaths }: { workingDirectory: string hasSubmodule: boolean diffResult: DiffResult submodulePaths: string[] }): Promise => { const files = await getAllChangedFiles({ cwd: workingDirectory, sha1: diffResult.previousSha, sha2: diffResult.currentSha, diff: diffResult.diff }) if (hasSubmodule) { for (const submodulePath of submodulePaths) { const submoduleShaResult = await gitSubmoduleDiffSHA({ cwd: workingDirectory, parentSha1: diffResult.previousSha, parentSha2: diffResult.currentSha, submodulePath, diff: diffResult.diff }) const submoduleWorkingDirectory = path.join( workingDirectory, submodulePath ) if (submoduleShaResult.currentSha && submoduleShaResult.previousSha) { const submoduleFiles = await getAllChangedFiles({ cwd: submoduleWorkingDirectory, sha1: submoduleShaResult.previousSha, sha2: submoduleShaResult.currentSha, diff: diffResult.diff, isSubmodule: true, parentDir: submodulePath }) for (const changeType of Object.keys( submoduleFiles ) as ChangeTypeEnum[]) { if (!files[changeType]) { files[changeType] = [] } files[changeType].push(...submoduleFiles[changeType]) } } } } return files } function* getChangeTypeFilesGenerator({ inputs, changedFiles, changeTypes }: { inputs: Inputs changedFiles: ChangedFiles changeTypes: ChangeTypeEnum[] }): Generator { for (const changeType of changeTypes) { const files = changedFiles[changeType] || [] for (const file of files) { if (inputs.dirNames) { yield getDirnameMaxDepth({ pathStr: file, dirNamesMaxDepth: inputs.dirNamesMaxDepth, excludeCurrentDir: inputs.dirNamesExcludeRoot || inputs.dirNamesExcludeCurrentDir }) } else { yield file } } } } export const getChangeTypeFiles = async ({ inputs, changedFiles, changeTypes }: { inputs: Inputs changedFiles: ChangedFiles changeTypes: ChangeTypeEnum[] }): Promise => { const files = [ Set(getChangeTypeFilesGenerator({inputs, changedFiles, changeTypes})) ] if (inputs.json) { return jsonOutput({value: files, shouldEscape: inputs.escapeJson}) } return files.join(inputs.separator) } function* getAllChangeTypeFilesGenerator({ inputs, changedFiles }: { inputs: Inputs changedFiles: ChangedFiles }): Generator { for (const file of flatten(Object.values(changedFiles))) { if (inputs.dirNames) { yield getDirnameMaxDepth({ pathStr: file, dirNamesMaxDepth: inputs.dirNamesMaxDepth, excludeCurrentDir: inputs.dirNamesExcludeRoot || inputs.dirNamesExcludeCurrentDir }) } else { yield file } } } export const getAllChangeTypeFiles = async ({ inputs, changedFiles }: { inputs: Inputs changedFiles: ChangedFiles }): Promise => { const files = [ Set(getAllChangeTypeFilesGenerator({inputs, changedFiles})) ] if (inputs.json) { return jsonOutput({value: files, shouldEscape: inputs.escapeJson}) } return files.join(inputs.separator) }