/*global AsyncIterableIterator*/ import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import {createReadStream, promises as fs} from 'fs' import mm from 'micromatch' import * as path from 'path' import {createInterface} from 'readline' import {Inputs} from './inputs' const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32' const MINIMUM_GIT_VERSION = '2.18.0' /** * Normalize file path separators to '/' on Windows and Linux/macOS * @param p file path * @returns file path with normalized separators */ const normalizeSeparators = (p: string): string => { // Windows if (IS_WINDOWS) { // Convert slashes on Windows p = p.replace(/\//g, '\\') // Remove redundant slashes const isUnc = /^\\\\+[^\\]/.test(p) // e.g. \\hello return (isUnc ? '\\' : '') + p.replace(/\\\\+/g, '\\') // preserve leading \\ for UNC } // Remove redundant slashes return p.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/') } /** * Trims unnecessary trailing slash from file path * @param p file path * @returns file path without unnecessary trailing slash */ const safeTrimTrailingSeparator = (p: string): string => { // Empty path if (!p) { return '' } // Normalize separators p = normalizeSeparators(p) // No trailing slash if (!p.endsWith(path.sep)) { return p } // Check '/' on Linux/macOS and '\' on Windows if (p === path.sep) { return p } // On Windows, avoid trimming the drive root, e.g. C:\ or \\hello if (IS_WINDOWS && /^[A-Z]:\\$/i.test(p)) { return p } // Trim trailing slash return p.substring(0, p.length - 1) } const dirname = (p: string): string => { // Normalize slashes and trim unnecessary trailing slash p = safeTrimTrailingSeparator(p) // Windows UNC root, e.g. \\hello or \\hello\world if (IS_WINDOWS && /^\\\\[^\\]+(\\[^\\]+)?$/.test(p)) { return p } // Get dirname let result = path.dirname(p) // Trim trailing slash for Windows UNC root, e.g. \\hello\world\ if (IS_WINDOWS && /^\\\\[^\\]+\\[^\\]+\\$/.test(result)) { result = safeTrimTrailingSeparator(result) } return result } const versionToNumber = (version: string): number => { const [major, minor, patch] = version.split('.').map(Number) return major * 1000000 + minor * 1000 + patch } export const verifyMinimumGitVersion = async (): Promise => { const {exitCode, stdout, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['--version'], {silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1'} ) if (exitCode !== 0) { throw new Error(stderr || 'An unexpected error occurred') } const gitVersion = stdout.trim() if (versionToNumber(gitVersion) < versionToNumber(MINIMUM_GIT_VERSION)) { throw new Error( `Minimum required git version is ${MINIMUM_GIT_VERSION}, your version is ${gitVersion}` ) } } const exists = async (filePath: string): Promise => { try { await fs.access(filePath) return true } catch { return false } } async function* lineOfFileGenerator({ filePath, excludedFiles }: { filePath: string excludedFiles: boolean }): AsyncIterableIterator { const fileStream = createReadStream(filePath) /* istanbul ignore next */ fileStream.on('error', error => { throw error }) const rl = createInterface({ input: fileStream, crlfDelay: Infinity }) for await (const line of rl) { if (!line.startsWith('#') && line !== '') { if (excludedFiles) { if (line.startsWith('!')) { yield line } else { yield `!${line}` } } else { yield line } } } } const getFilesFromSourceFile = async ({ filePaths, excludedFiles = false }: { filePaths: string[] excludedFiles?: boolean }): Promise => { const lines = [] for (const filePath of filePaths) { for await (const line of lineOfFileGenerator({filePath, excludedFiles})) { lines.push(line) } } return lines } export const updateGitGlobalConfig = async ({ name, value }: { name: string value: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['config', '--global', name, value], { ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) /* istanbul ignore if */ if (exitCode !== 0 || stderr) { core.warning(stderr || `Couldn't update git global config ${name}`) } } export const isRepoShallow = async ({cwd}: {cwd: string}): Promise => { const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['rev-parse', '--is-shallow-repository'], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) return stdout.trim() === 'true' } export const submoduleExists = async ({ cwd }: { cwd: string }): Promise => { const {stdout, exitCode} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['submodule', 'status'], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { return false } return stdout.trim() !== '' } export const gitFetch = async ({ args, cwd }: { args: string[] cwd: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode} = await exec.getExecOutput('git', ['fetch', '-q', ...args], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' }) return exitCode } export const gitFetchSubmodules = async ({ args, cwd }: { args: string[] cwd: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['submodule', 'foreach', 'git', 'fetch', '-q', ...args], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) /* istanbul ignore if */ if (exitCode !== 0) { core.warning(stderr || "Couldn't fetch submodules") } } const normalizePath = (p: string): string => { return p.replace(/\\/g, '/') } export const getSubmodulePath = async ({ cwd }: { cwd: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stdout, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['submodule', 'status'], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { core.warning(stderr || "Couldn't get submodule names") return [] } return stdout .trim() .split('\n') .map((line: string) => normalizePath(line.split(' ')[1])) } export const gitSubmoduleDiffSHA = async ({ cwd, parentSha1, parentSha2, submodulePath, diff }: { cwd: string parentSha1: string parentSha2: string submodulePath: string diff: string }): Promise<{previousSha?: string; currentSha?: string}> => { const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['diff', parentSha1, parentSha2, '--', submodulePath], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) const subprojectCommitPreRegex = /^(?-)Subproject commit (?.+)$/m const subprojectCommitCurRegex = /^(?\+)Subproject commit (?.+)$/m const previousSha = subprojectCommitPreRegex.exec(stdout)?.groups?.commitHash || '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904' const currentSha = subprojectCommitCurRegex.exec(stdout)?.groups?.commitHash if (currentSha) { return {previousSha, currentSha} } core.debug( `No submodule commit found for ${submodulePath} between ${parentSha1}${diff}${parentSha2}` ) return {} } export const gitRenamedFiles = async ({ cwd, sha1, sha2, diff, oldNewSeparator, isSubmodule = false, parentDir = '' }: { cwd: string sha1: string sha2: string diff: string oldNewSeparator: string isSubmodule?: boolean parentDir?: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stderr, stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', [ 'diff', '--name-status', '--ignore-submodules=all', '--diff-filter=R', `${sha1}${diff}${sha2}` ], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { if (isSubmodule) { core.warning( stderr || `Failed to get renamed files for submodule between: ${sha1}${diff}${sha2}` ) core.warning( 'Please ensure that submodules are initialized and up to date. See: https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage' ) } else { core.error( stderr || `Failed to get renamed files between: ${sha1}${diff}${sha2}` ) throw new Error('Unable to get renamed files') } return [] } return stdout .trim() .split('\n') .filter(Boolean) .map((line: string) => { core.debug(`Renamed file: ${line}`) const [, oldPath, newPath] = line.split('\t') if (isSubmodule) { return `${normalizePath( path.join(parentDir, oldPath) )}${oldNewSeparator}${normalizePath(path.join(parentDir, newPath))}` } return `${normalizePath(oldPath)}${oldNewSeparator}${normalizePath( newPath )}` }) } export const gitDiff = async ({ cwd, sha1, sha2, diff, diffFilter, filePatterns = [], isSubmodule = false, parentDir = '' }: { cwd: string sha1: string sha2: string diffFilter: string diff: string filePatterns?: string[] isSubmodule?: boolean parentDir?: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stdout, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', [ 'diff', '--name-only', '--ignore-submodules=all', `--diff-filter=${diffFilter}`, `${sha1}${diff}${sha2}` ], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { if (isSubmodule) { core.warning( stderr || `Failed to get changed files for submodule between: ${sha1}${diff}${sha2}` ) core.warning( 'Please ensure that submodules are initialized and up to date. See: https://github.com/actions/checkout#usage' ) } else { core.warning( stderr || `Failed to get changed files between: ${sha1}${diff}${sha2}` ) } return [] } const files = stdout .split('\n') .filter(Boolean) .map((p: string) => { if (isSubmodule) { return normalizePath(path.join(parentDir, p)) } return normalizePath(p) }) if (filePatterns.length === 0) { return files } return mm(files, filePatterns, { dot: true, windows: IS_WINDOWS, noext: true }) } export const gitLog = async ({ args, cwd }: { args: string[] cwd: string }): Promise => { const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput('git', ['log', ...args], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' }) return stdout.trim() } export const getHeadSha = async ({cwd}: {cwd: string}): Promise => { const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput('git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' }) return stdout.trim() } export const getRemoteBranchHeadSha = async ({ cwd, branch }: { cwd: string branch: string }): Promise => { const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['rev-parse', `origin/${branch}`], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) return stdout.trim() } export const getParentSha = async ({cwd}: {cwd: string}): Promise => { const {stdout, exitCode} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['rev-list', '-n', '1', 'HEAD^'], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { return '' } return stdout.trim() } export const verifyCommitSha = async ({ sha, cwd, showAsErrorMessage = true }: { sha: string cwd: string showAsErrorMessage?: boolean }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['rev-parse', '--verify', `${sha}^{commit}`], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { if (showAsErrorMessage) { core.error(`Unable to locate the commit sha: ${sha}`) core.error( "Please verify that the commit sha is correct, and increase the 'fetch_depth' input if needed" ) core.debug(stderr) } else { core.warning(`Unable to locate the commit sha: ${sha}`) core.debug(stderr) } } return exitCode } export const getPreviousGitTag = async ({ cwd }: { cwd: string }): Promise<{tag: string; sha: string}> => { const {stdout} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['tag', '--sort=-version:refname'], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) const tags = stdout.trim().split('\n') if (tags.length < 2) { core.warning('No previous tag found') return {tag: '', sha: ''} } const previousTag = tags[1] const {stdout: stdout2} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['rev-parse', previousTag], { cwd, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) const sha = stdout2.trim() return {tag: previousTag, sha} } export const canDiffCommits = async ({ cwd, sha1, sha2, diff }: { cwd: string sha1: string sha2: string diff: string }): Promise => { const {exitCode, stderr} = await exec.getExecOutput( 'git', ['diff', '--name-only', '--ignore-submodules=all', `${sha1}${diff}${sha2}`], { cwd, ignoreReturnCode: true, silent: process.env.RUNNER_DEBUG !== '1' } ) if (exitCode !== 0) { core.warning(stderr || `Unable find merge base between ${sha1} and ${sha2}`) return false } return true } export const getDirnameMaxDepth = ({ pathStr, dirNamesMaxDepth, excludeRoot }: { pathStr: string dirNamesMaxDepth?: number excludeRoot?: boolean }): string => { const pathArr = dirname(pathStr).split(path.sep) const maxDepth = Math.min(dirNamesMaxDepth || pathArr.length, pathArr.length) let output = pathArr[0] for (let i = 1; i < maxDepth; i++) { output = path.join(output, pathArr[i]) } if (excludeRoot && output === '.') { return '' } return normalizePath(output) } export const jsonOutput = ({ value, shouldEscape }: { value: string | string[] shouldEscape: boolean }): string => { const result = JSON.stringify(value) return shouldEscape ? result.replace(/"/g, '\\"') : result } export const getFilePatterns = async ({ inputs, workingDirectory }: { inputs: Inputs workingDirectory: string }): Promise => { let filePatterns = inputs.files .split(inputs.filesSeparator) .filter(p => p !== '') .join('\n') if (inputs.filesFromSourceFile !== '') { const inputFilesFromSourceFile = inputs.filesFromSourceFile .split(inputs.filesFromSourceFileSeparator) .filter(p => p !== '') .map(p => path.join(workingDirectory, p)) core.debug(`files from source file: ${inputFilesFromSourceFile}`) const filesFromSourceFiles = ( await getFilesFromSourceFile({filePaths: inputFilesFromSourceFile}) ).join('\n') core.debug(`files from source files patterns: ${filesFromSourceFiles}`) filePatterns = filePatterns.concat('\n', filesFromSourceFiles) } if (inputs.filesIgnore) { const filesIgnorePatterns = inputs.filesIgnore .split(inputs.filesIgnoreSeparator) .filter(p => p !== '') .map(p => { if (!p.startsWith('!')) { p = `!${p}` } return p }) .join('\n') core.debug(`files ignore patterns: ${filesIgnorePatterns}`) filePatterns = filePatterns.concat('\n', filesIgnorePatterns) } if (inputs.filesIgnoreFromSourceFile) { const inputFilesIgnoreFromSourceFile = inputs.filesIgnoreFromSourceFile .split(inputs.filesIgnoreFromSourceFileSeparator) .filter(p => p !== '') .map(p => path.join(workingDirectory, p)) core.debug( `files ignore from source file: ${inputFilesIgnoreFromSourceFile}` ) const filesIgnoreFromSourceFiles = ( await getFilesFromSourceFile({ filePaths: inputFilesIgnoreFromSourceFile, excludedFiles: true }) ).join('\n') core.debug( `files ignore from source files patterns: ${filesIgnoreFromSourceFiles}` ) filePatterns = filePatterns.concat('\n', filesIgnoreFromSourceFiles) } if (IS_WINDOWS) { filePatterns = filePatterns.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') filePatterns = filePatterns.replace(/\r/g, '\n') } core.debug(`file patterns: ${filePatterns}`) return filePatterns .trim() .split('\n') .filter(Boolean) .map(pattern => { if (pattern.endsWith('/')) { return `${pattern}**` } else { const pathParts = pattern.split('/') const lastPart = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1] if (!lastPart.includes('.')) { return `${pattern}/**` } else { return pattern } } }) } export const setOutput = async ({ key, value, inputs }: { key: string value: string | boolean inputs: Inputs }): Promise => { const cleanedValue = value.toString().trim() core.setOutput(key, cleanedValue) if (inputs.writeOutputFiles) { const outputDir = inputs.outputDir || '.github/outputs' const extension = inputs.json ? 'json' : 'txt' const outputFilePath = path.join(outputDir, `${key}.${extension}`) if (!(await exists(outputDir))) { await fs.mkdir(outputDir, {recursive: true}) } await fs.writeFile(outputFilePath, cleanedValue.replace(/\\"/g, '"')) } }