package blobovnicza

import (

	oid ""

// iterateAllDataBuckets iterates all buckets in db
// If the maximum size of the object (b.objSizeLimit) has been changed to lower value,
// then there may be more buckets than the current limit of the object size.
func (b *Blobovnicza) iterateAllDataBuckets(tx *bbolt.Tx, f func(uint64, uint64, *bbolt.Bucket) (bool, error)) error {
	return b.iterateBucketKeys(false, func(lower uint64, upper uint64, key []byte) (bool, error) {
		buck := tx.Bucket(key)
		if buck == nil {
			return true, nil

		return f(lower, upper, buck)

func (b *Blobovnicza) iterateBucketKeys(useObjLimitBound bool, f func(uint64, uint64, []byte) (bool, error)) error {
	return b.iterateBounds(useObjLimitBound, func(lower, upper uint64) (bool, error) {
		return f(lower, upper, bucketKeyFromBounds(upper))

func (b *Blobovnicza) iterateBounds(useObjLimitBound bool, f func(uint64, uint64) (bool, error)) error {
	var objLimitBound uint64 = math.MaxUint64
	if useObjLimitBound {
		objLimitBound = upperPowerOfTwo(b.objSizeLimit)

	for upper := firstBucketBound; upper <= max(objLimitBound, firstBucketBound); upper *= 2 {
		var lower uint64

		if upper != firstBucketBound {
			lower = upper/2 + 1

		if stop, err := f(lower, upper); err != nil {
			return err
		} else if stop {

	return nil

func max(a, b uint64) uint64 {
	if a > b {
		return a

	return b

// IterationElement represents a unit of elements through which Iterate operation passes.
type IterationElement struct {
	addr oid.Address

	data []byte

// ObjectData returns stored object in a binary representation.
func (x IterationElement) ObjectData() []byte {

// Address returns address of the stored object.
func (x IterationElement) Address() oid.Address {
	return x.addr

// IterationHandler is a generic processor of IterationElement.
type IterationHandler func(IterationElement) error

// IteratePrm groups the parameters of Iterate operation.
type IteratePrm struct {
	decodeAddresses bool

	withoutData bool

	handler IterationHandler

	ignoreErrors bool

// DecodeAddresses sets flag to unmarshal object addresses.
func (x *IteratePrm) DecodeAddresses() {
	x.decodeAddresses = true

// WithoutData sets flag to not read data of the objects.
func (x *IteratePrm) WithoutData() {
	x.withoutData = true

// SetHandler sets handler to be called iteratively.
func (x *IteratePrm) SetHandler(h IterationHandler) {
	x.handler = h

// IgnoreErrors makes all errors to be ignored.
func (x *IteratePrm) IgnoreErrors() {
	x.ignoreErrors = true

// IterateRes groups the resulting values of Iterate operation.
type IterateRes struct{}

// Iterate goes through all stored objects, and passes IterationElement to parameterized handler until error return.
// Decodes object addresses if DecodeAddresses was called. Don't read object data if WithoutData was called.
// Returns handler's errors directly. Returns nil after iterating finish.
// Handler should not retain object data. Handler must not be nil.
func (b *Blobovnicza) Iterate(ctx context.Context, prm IteratePrm) (IterateRes, error) {
	ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "Blobovnicza.Iterate",
			attribute.String("path", b.path),
			attribute.Bool("decode_addresses", prm.decodeAddresses),
			attribute.Bool("without_data", prm.withoutData),
			attribute.Bool("ignore_errors", prm.ignoreErrors),
	defer span.End()

	var elem IterationElement

	if err := b.boltDB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
		return tx.ForEach(func(bucketName []byte, buck *bbolt.Bucket) error {
			if bytes.Equal(bucketName, incompletedMoveBucketName) {
				return nil
			return buck.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
				select {
				case <-ctx.Done():
					return ctx.Err()
				if prm.decodeAddresses {
					if err := addressFromKey(&elem.addr, k); err != nil {
						if prm.ignoreErrors {
							return nil
						return fmt.Errorf("could not decode address key: %w", err)

				if !prm.withoutData { = v

				return prm.handler(elem)
	}); err != nil {
		return IterateRes{}, err

	return IterateRes{}, nil

// IterateAddresses is a helper function which iterates over Blobovnicza and passes addresses of the objects to f.
func IterateAddresses(ctx context.Context, blz *Blobovnicza, f func(oid.Address) error) error {
	var prm IteratePrm


	prm.SetHandler(func(elem IterationElement) error {
		return f(elem.Address())

	_, err := blz.Iterate(ctx, prm)

	return err