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+# Authentication and authorization scheme
+This document describes s3-gw authentication and authorization mechanism.
+## General overview
+Basic provisions:
+* A request to s3-gw can be signed or not (request that isn't signed we will cal anonymous or just anon)
+* To manage resources (buckets/objects) using s3-gw you must have appropriate access rights
+Each request must be authenticated (at least as anonymous) and authorized. The following scheme shows components that
+are involved to this
+There are several participants of this process:
+1. User that make a request
+2. S3-GW that accepts a request
+3. FrostFS Storage that stores AccessObjects (objects are needed for authentication)
+4. Blockchain smart contracts (`frostfsid`, `policy`) that stores user info and access rules.
+## Data auth process
+Let's look at the process in more detail:
+* First of all, someone make a request. If request is signed we will check its signature (`Authentication`) after that
+ we will check access rights using policies (`Auhorization`). For anonymous requests only authorization be performed.
+* **Authentication steps**:
+ * Each signed request is provided with `AccessKeyId` and signature. So if request is signed we must check its
+ signature. To do this we must know the `AccessKeyId`/`SecretAccessKey` pair (How the signature is calculated
+ using this pair see [signing](#aws-signing). Client and server (s3-gw) use the same credentials and algorithm to
+ compute signature). The `AccessKeyId` is a public part of credentials, and it's passed to gate in request. The
+ private part of credentials is `SecretAccessKey` and it's encrypted and stored in [AccessBox](#accessbox). So on
+ this step we must find appropriate `AccessBox` in FrostFS storage node (How to find appropriate `AccessBox`
+ knowing `AccessKeyId` see [search algorithm](#search-algorithm)). On this stage we can get `AccessDenied` from
+ FrostFS storage node if the s3-gw doesn't have permission to read this `AccessBox` object.
+ * After successful retrieving object we must extract `SecretAccessKey` from it. Since it's encrypted the s3-gw must
+ decrypt (see [encryption](#encryption)) this object using own private key and `SeedKey` from `AccessBox`
+ (see [AccessBox inner structure](#accessbox)). After s3-gw have got the `AccessKeyId`/`SecretAccessKey` pair it
+ [calculate signature](#aws-signing) and compare got signature with provided withing request. If signature doesn't
+ match the `AccessDenied` is returned.
+ * `AccessBox` also contains `OwnerID` that is related to `AccessKeyId` that was provided. So we have to check if
+ such `OwnerID` exists in `frsotfsid` contract (that stores all registered valid users). If user doesn't exist in
+ contract the `AccessDenied` is returned.
+* **Authorization steps**:
+ * To know if user has access right to do what he wants to do we must find appropriate access policies. Such policies
+ are stored in `policy` contract and locally (can be manged using [control api](#control-auth-process)). So we need
+ to get policies from contract and [check them](#policies) along with local to decide if user has access right. If
+ he doesn't have such right the `AccessDenied` is returned.
+* After successful authentication and authorization the request will be processed by s3-gw business logic and finally be
+ propagated to FrostFS storage node which also performs some auth checks and can return `AccessDenied`. If this happens
+ s3-gw also returns `AccessDenied` as response.
+### AWS Signing
+Every interaction with FrostFS S3 gateway is either authenticated or anonymous. This section explains request
+authentication with the AWS Signature Version 4 algorithm. More info in AWS documentation:
+* [Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 4)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sig-v4-authenticating-requests.html)
+* [Signing AWS API requests](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_aws-signing.html)
+#### Authentication Methods
+You can express authentication information by using one of the following methods:
+* **HTTP Authorization header** - Using the HTTP Authorization header is the most common method of authenticating an
+ FrostFS S3 request. All the FrostFS S3 REST operations (except for browser-based uploads using POST requests) require
+ this header. For more information about the Authorization header value, and how to calculate signature and related
+ options,
+ see [Authenticating Requests: Using the Authorization Header (AWS Signature Version 4)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-auth-using-authorization-header.html).
+* **Query string parameters** - You can use a query string to express a request entirely in a URL. In this case, you use
+ query parameters to provide request information, including the authentication information. Because the request
+ signature is part of the URL, this type of URL is often referred to as a presigned URL. You can use presigned URLs to
+ embed clickable links, which can be valid for up to seven days, in HTML. For more information,
+ see [Authenticating Requests: Using Query Parameters (AWS Signature Version 4)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html).
+FrostFS S3 also supports browser-based uploads that use HTTP POST requests. With an HTTP POST request, you can upload
+content to FrostFS S3 directly from the browser. For information about authenticating POST requests,
+see [Browser-Based Uploads Using POST (AWS Signature Version 4)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-UsingHTTPPOST.html).
+#### Introduction to Signing Requests
+Authentication information that you send in a request must include a signature. To calculate a signature, you first
+concatenate select request elements to form a string, referred to as the string to sign. You then use a signing key to
+calculate the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) of the string to sign.
+In AWS Signature Version 4, you don't use your secret access key to sign the request. Instead, you first use your secret
+access key to derive a signing key. The derived signing key is specific to the date, service, and Region. For more
+information about how to derive a signing key in different programming languages, see Examples of how to derive a
+signing key for Signature Version 4.
+The following diagram illustrates the general process of computing a signature.
+The string to sign depends on the request type. For example, when you use the HTTP Authorization header or the query
+parameters for authentication, you use a varying combination of request elements to create the string to sign. For an
+HTTP POST request, the POST policy in the request is the string you sign. For more information about computing string to
+sign, follow links provided at the end of this section.
+For signing key, the diagram shows series of calculations, where result of each step you feed into the next step. The
+final step is the signing key.
+Upon receiving an authenticated request, FrostFS S3 servers re-create the signature by using the authentication
+information that is contained in the request. If the signatures match, FrostFS S3 processes your request; otherwise, the
+request is rejected.
+##### Signature Calculations for the Authorization Header
+To calculate a signature, you first need a string to sign. You then calculate a HMAC-SHA256 hash of the string to sign
+by using a signing key. The following diagram illustrates the process, including the various components of the string
+that you create for signing.
+When FrostFS S3 receives an authenticated request, it computes the signature and then compares it with the signature
+that you provided in the request. For that reason, you must compute the signature by using the same method that is used
+by FrostFS S3. The process of putting a request in an agreed-upon form for signing is called canonicalization.
+See detains in [AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sig-v4-header-based-auth.html).
+#### s3-gw
+s3-gw support the following ways to provide the singed request:
+* [HTTP Authorization header](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-auth-using-authorization-header.html)
+* [Query string parameters](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html)
+* [Browser-Based Uploads Using POST](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-UsingHTTPPOST.html)
+All these methods provide `AccessKeyId` and signature. Using `AccessKeyId` s3-gw can get `SecretAccessKey`
+(see [data auth](#data-auth-process)) to compute signature using exactly the same mechanics
+as [client does](#introduction-to-signing-requests). After signature calculation the s3-gw just compares signatures and
+if they don't match the access denied is returned.
+### AccessBox
+`AccessBox` is an ordinary object in FrostFS storage. It contains all information that can be used by s3-gw to
+successfully authenticate request. Also, it contains data that is required to successful authentication in FrostFS
+storage node.
+Based on this object s3 credentials are formed:
+* `AccessKeyId` - is concatenated container id and object id (`0`) of `AccessBox` (
+ e.g. `2XGRML5EW3LMHdf64W2DkBy1Nkuu4y4wGhUj44QjbXBi05ZNvs8WVwy1XTmSEkcVkydPKzCgtmR7U3zyLYTj3Snxf`)
+* `SecretAccessKey` - hex-encoded random generated 32 bytes (that is encrypted and stored in object payload)
+> **Note**: sensitive info in `AccessBox` is [encrypted](#encryption), so only someone who posses specific private key
+> can decrypt such info.
+`AccessBox` has the following structure:
+`AccessBox` object has the following attributes (at least them, it also can contain custom one):
+* `Timestamp` - unix timestamp when object was created
+* `__SYSTEM__EXPIRATION_EPOCH` - epoch after which the object isn't available anymore
+* `S3-CRDT-Versions-Add` - comma separated list of previous versions of `AccessBox` (
+ see [AccessBox versions](#accessbox-versions))
+* `S3-Access-Box-CRDT-Name` - `AccessKeyId` of credentials to which current `AccessBox` is related (
+ see [AccessBox versions](#accessbox-versions))
+* `FilePath` - just object name
+The `AccessBox` payload is an encoded [AccessBox protobuf type](../creds/accessbox/accessbox.proto) .
+It contains:
+* Seed key - hex-encoded public seed key to compute shared secret using ECDH (see [encryption](#encryption))
+* List of gate data:
+ * Gate public key (so that gate (when it will decrypt data later) know which one item from list it should process)
+ * Encrypted tokens:
+ * `SecretAccessKey` - hex-encoded random generated 32 bytes
+ * Marshaled bearer token - more detail
+ in [spec](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api/src/commit/4c68d92468503b10282c8a92af83a56f170c8a3a/acl/types.proto#L189)
+ * Marshaled session token - more detail
+ in [spec](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api/src/commit/4c68d92468503b10282c8a92af83a56f170c8a3a/session/types.proto#L89)
+* Container placement policies:
+ * `LocationsConstraint` - name of location constraint that can be used to create bucket/container using s3
+ credentials related to this `AccessBox`
+ * Marshaled placement policy - more detail
+ in [spec](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api/src/commit/4c68d92468503b10282c8a92af83a56f170c8a3a/netmap/types.proto#L111)
+#### AccessBox versions
+Imagine the following scenario:
+* There is a system where only one s3-gw exist
+* There is a `AccessBox` that can be used by this s3-gw
+* User has s3 credentials (`AccessKeyId`/`SecretAccessKey`) related to corresponded `AccessBox` and can successfully
+ make request to s3-gw
+* The system is expanded and new one s3-gw is added
+* User must be able to use the credentials (that he has already had) to make request to new one s3-gw
+Since `AccessBox` object is immutable and `SecretAccessKey` is encrypted only for restricted list of keys (can be used
+(decrypted) only by limited number of s3-gw) we have to create new `AccessBox` that has encrypted secrets for new list
+of s3-gw and be related to initial s3 credentials (`AccessKeyId`/`SecretAccessKey`). Such relationship is done
+by `S3-Access-Box-CRDT-Name`.
+##### Search algorithm
+To support scenario from previous section and find appropriate version of `AccessBox` (that contains more recent and
+relevant data) the following sequence is used:
+* Search all object whose attribute `S3-Access-Box-CRDT-Name` is equal to `AccessKeyId` (extract container id
+ from `AccessKeyId` that has format: `0`).
+* Get metadata for these object using `HEAD` requests (not `Get` to reduce network traffic)
+* Sort all these objects by creation epoch and object id
+* Pick last object id (If no object is found then extract object id from `AccessKeyId` that has format: `0`.
+ We need to do this because versions of `AccessBox` can miss the `S3-Access-Box-CRDT-Name` attribute.)
+* Get appropriate object from FrostFS storage
+* Decrypt `AccessBox` (see [encryption](#encryption))
+#### Encryption
+Each `AccessBox` contains sensitive information (`AccessSecretKey`, bearer/session tokens etc.) that must be protected
+and available only to trusted parties (in our case it's a s3-gw).
+To encrypt/decrypt data the authenticated encryption with associated
+data ([AEAD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticated_encryption)) is used. The encryption algorithm
+is [ChaCha20-Poly1305](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChaCha20-Poly1305) ([RFC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7905)).
+Is the following algorithm the ECDSA keys (with curve implements NIST P-256 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.3) also known as
+secp256r1 or prime256v1) is used (unless otherwise stated).
+* Create ephemeral key (`SeedKey`), it's need to generate shared secret
+* Generate random 32-byte (that after hex-encoded be `SecretAccessKey`) or use existing secret access key
+ (if `AccessBox` is being updated rather than creating brand new)
+* Generate shared secret as [ECDH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic-curve_Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman)
+* Derive 32-byte key using shared secret from previous step with key derivation function based on
+ HMAC with SHA256 [HKDF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HKDF)
+* Encrypt marshaled [Tokens](../creds/accessbox) using derived key
+ with [ChaCha20-Poly1305](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChaCha20-Poly1305) algorithm without additional data.
+* Get public part of `SeedKey` from `AccessBox`
+* Generate shared secret as follows:
+ * Make scalar curve multiplication of public part of `SeedKey` and private part of s3-gw key
+ * Use `X` part of multiplication (with zero padding at the beginning to fit 32-byte)
+* Derive 32-byte key using shared secret from previous step with key derivation function based on
+ HMAC with SHA256 [HKDF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HKDF)
+* Decrypt encrypted marshaled [Tokens](../creds/accessbox) using derived key
+ with [ChaCha20-Poly1305](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChaCha20-Poly1305) algorithm without additional data.
+### Policies
+The main repository that contains policy implementation is https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/policy-engine.
+Policies can be stored locally (using [control api](#control-auth-process)) or in `policy` contract. When policies check
+is performed the following algorithm is applied:
+* Check local policies:
+ * If any rule was matched return checking result.
+* Check contract policies:
+ * If any rule was matched return checking result.
+ * If no rules were matched return `deny` status.
+To local and contract policies `deny first` scheme is applied. This means that if several rules were matched for
+reqeust (with both statuses `allow` and `deny`) the resulting status be `deny`.
+Policy rules validate if specified request can be performed on the specific resource. Request and resource can contain
+some properties and rules can contain conditions on some such properties.
+In s3-gw resource is `/bucket/object`, `/bucket` or just `/` (if request is trying to list buckets).
+Currently, request that is checked contains the following properties (so policy rule can contain conditions on them):
+* `Owner` - address of owner that is performing request (this is taken from bearer token from `AccessBox`)
+* `frostfsid:groupID` - groups to which the owner belongs (this is taken from `frostfsid` contract)
+## Control auth process
+There are control path [grpc api](../pkg/service/control/service.proto) in s3-gw that also has their own authentication
+and authorization process.
+But this process is quite straight forward:
+* Get grpc request
+* Check if signing key belongs to [allowed key list](configuration.md#control-section) (that is located in config file)
+* Validate signature
+For signing process the asymmetric encryption based on elliptic curves (`ECDSA_SHA512`) is used.
+For more details see the appropriate code
+in [frostfs-api](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api/src/commit/4c68d92468503b10282c8a92af83a56f170c8a3a/refs/types.proto#L94)
+and [frostfs-api-go](https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api-go/src/commit/a85146250b312fcdd6da9a71285527fed544234f/refs/types.go#L38).
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+package AccessBox {
+ map Tokens {
+ SecretKey => Private key
+ BearerToken => Encoded bearer token
+ SessionTokens => List of encoded session tokens
+ }
+ map Gate {
+ GateKey => Encoded public gate key
+ Encrypted tokens *--> Tokens
+ }
+ map ContainerPolicy {
+ LocationConstraint => Policy name
+ PlacementPolicy => Encoded placement policy
+ }
+ map Box {
+ SeedKey => Encoded public seed key
+ List of Gates *--> Gate
+ List of container policies *--> ContainerPolicy
+ }
+ map ObjectAttributes {
+ Timestamp => 1710418478
+ S3-CRDT-Versions-Add => 5ZNvs8WVwy1XTmSEkcVkydPKzCgtmR7U3zyLYTj3Snxf,9bLtL1EsUpuSiqmHnqFf6RuT6x5QMLMNBqx7vCcCcNhy
+ S3-Access-Box-CRDT-Name => 2XGRML5EW3LMHdf64W2DkBy1Nkuu4y4wGhUj44QjbXBi05ZNvs8WVwy1XTmSEkcVkydPKzCgtmR7U3zyLYTj3Snxf
+ FilePath => 1710418478_access.box
+ }
+ map FrostFSObject {
+ Header *-> ObjectAttributes
+ Payload *--> Box
+ }
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+User -> "S3-GW": AccessKey
+"S3-GW" -> "FrostFS Node": Search objects
+note right
+Search by exact attribute matching:
+**S3-Access-Box-CRDT-Name:** //AccessKey//
+end note
+"FrostFS Node" --> "S3-GW": AccessBox objects ids
+"S3-GW" -> "FrostFS Node" : Head AccessBox objects
+"FrostFS Node" --> "S3-GW": AccessBox object headers
+"S3-GW" -> "S3-GW": Choose latest AccessBox
+note left
+Sort AccessBox headers by creation epoch
+and then by ObjectID
+Pick last
+end note
+"S3-GW" -> "FrostFS Node" : Get AccessBox object
+"FrostFS Node" --> "S3-GW": AccessBox object
+"S3-GW" -> "S3-GW": Decrypt and validate AccessBox
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+AddElementTag("smart-contract", $bgColor=#0abab5)
+Person(user, "User", "User with or without credentials")
+System_Boundary(c1, "FrostFS") {
+ Container(s3, "S3 Gateway", $descr="AWS S3 compatible gate")
+ Container(stor, "FrostFS Storage", $descr="Storage service")
+System_Boundary(c3, "Blockchain") {
+ Interface "NeoGo"
+ Container(ffsid, "FrostFS ID", $tags="smart-contract", $descr="Stores namespaces and users")
+ Container(policy, "Policy", $tags="smart-contract", $descr="Stores APE rules")
+Rel_R(user, s3, "Requests", "HTTP")
+Rel_R(s3, stor, "Get data to validate request, store objects")
+Rel_D(s3, NeoGo, "Get data to validate request")
+Rel("NeoGo", ffsid, "Fetch users")
+Rel("NeoGo", policy, "Fetch policies")
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+participant User
+participant "S3-GW"
+collections "FrostFS Storage"
+User -> "S3-GW": Request
+group signed request
+ "S3-GW" -> "FrostFS Storage": Find Access Box
+ "FrostFS Storage" -> "FrostFS Storage": Check request
+ alt #pink Check failure
+ "FrostFS Storage" -->> "S3-GW": Access Denied
+ "S3-GW" -->> User: Access Denied
+ end
+ "FrostFS Storage" -->> "S3-GW": Access Box
+ "S3-GW" -> "S3-GW": Check sign
+ alt #pink Check failure
+ "S3-GW" -->> User: Access Denied
+ end
+ "S3-GW" -> "frostfsid contract": Find user
+ "frostfsid contract" -->> "S3-GW": User info
+ "S3-GW" -> "S3-GW": Check user info
+ alt #pink Check failure
+ "S3-GW" -->> User: Access Denied
+ end
+"S3-GW" -> "policy contract": Get policies
+"policy contract" -->> "S3-GW": Policies
+"S3-GW" -> "S3-GW": Check policy
+alt #pink Check failure
+ "S3-GW" -->> User: Access Denied
+"S3-GW" -> "FrostFS Storage": User Request
+"FrostFS Storage" -> "FrostFS Storage": Check request
+alt #pink Check failure
+ "FrostFS Storage" -->> "S3-GW": Access Denied
+ "S3-GW" -->> User: Access Denied
+"FrostFS Storage" -->> "S3-GW": Response
+"S3-GW" -->> User: Response
+box "Neo Go"
+ participant "frostfsid contract"
+ participant "policy contract"
+end box
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