#!/bin/bash set -e # TODO: # - Parse params using argbash (argbash.io). Here's a template that I have tested but have not implemented yet: # # ARG_OPTIONAL_SINGLE([ca-url], , [the URL of the upstream (issuing) step-ca server]) # ARG_OPTIONAL_SINGLE([fingerprint], , [the SHA256 fingerprint of the upstream peer step-ca server]) # ARG_OPTIONAL_SINGLE([provisioner-name], , [the name of a JWK provisioner on the upstream CA that this RA will use]) # ARG_OPTIONAL_SINGLE([provisioner-password-file], , [the name a file containing the upstream JWK provisioner password]) # ARG_OPTIONAL_REPEATED([dns-name], , [DNS name of this RA that will appear on its TLS certificate; you may pass this flag multiple times]) # ARG_OPTIONAL_SINGLE([listen-address], , [the address (and port #) this RA will listen on, eg. :443 or]) # ARG_HELP([This script will install and configure a Registration Authority that connects to an upstream CA running step-ca.]) # ARGBASH_GO echo "This script will install and start a step-ca server running in Registration Authority (RA) mode." echo "" echo "You will need an upstream CA (URL and fingerprint)" echo "Don't have a CA? Sign up for a hosted CA at smallstep.com — or run your own." echo "" # Fail if this script is not run as root. if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" exit 1 fi # Architecture detection arch=$(uname -m) case $arch in x86_64) arch="amd64" ;; x86) arch="386" ;; i686) arch="386" ;; i386) arch="386" ;; aarch64) arch="arm64" ;; armv5*) arch="armv5" ;; armv6*) arch="armv6" ;; armv7*) arch="armv7" ;; esac if [ "$arch" = "armv5" ]; then echo "This script doesn't work on armv5 machines" exit 1 fi if ! hash jq &> /dev/null; then echo "This script requires the jq commmand; please install it." exit 1 fi if ! hash curl &> /dev/null; then echo "This script requires the curl commmand; please install it." exit 1 fi if ! hash tar &> /dev/null; then echo "This script requires the tar commmand; please install it." exit 1 fi while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --ca-url) CA_URL="$2" shift shift ;; --fingerprint) CA_FINGERPRINT="$2" shift shift ;; --provisioner-name) CA_PROVISIONER_NAME="$2" shift shift ;; --provisioner-password-file) CA_PROVISIONER_JWK_PASSWORD_FILE="$2" shift shift ;; --dns-names) RA_DNS_NAMES="$2" shift shift ;; --listen-address) RA_ADDRESS="$2" shift shift ;; *) shift ;; esac done # Install step if ! hash step &> /dev/null; then echo "Installing 'step' in /usr/bin..." STEP_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/smallstep/cli/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name') curl -sLO https://github.com/smallstep/cli/releases/download/$STEP_VERSION/step_linux_${STEP_VERSION:1}_$arch.tar.gz tar xvzf step_linux_${STEP_VERSION:1}_$arch.tar.gz install -m 0755 -t /usr/bin step_${STEP_VERSION:1}/bin/step rm step_linux_${STEP_VERSION:1}_$arch.tar.gz rm -rf step_${STEP_VERSION:1} fi # Prompt for required parameters if [ -z "$CA_URL" ]; then CA_URL="" while [[ $CA_URL = "" ]]; do read -p "Issuing CA URL: " CA_URL < /dev/tty done fi if [ -z "$CA_FINGERPRINT" ]; then CA_FINGERPRINT="" while [[ $CA_FINGERPRINT = "" ]]; do read -p "Issuing CA Fingerprint: " CA_FINGERPRINT < /dev/tty done fi echo "Bootstrapping with the CA..." export STEPPATH=$(mktemp -d) step ca bootstrap --ca-url $CA_URL --fingerprint $CA_FINGERPRINT if [ -z "$CA_PROVISIONER_NAME" ]; then declare -a provisioners readarray -t provisioners < <(step ca provisioner list | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "JWK") | .name') printf '%s\n' "${provisioners[@]}" printf "%b" "\nSelect a JWK provisioner:\n" >&2 select provisioner in "${provisioners[@]}"; do if [ -n "$provisioner" ]; then echo "Using existing provisioner $provisioner." CA_PROVISIONER_NAME=$provisioner break else echo "Invalid selection!" fi done fi if [ -z "$RA_DNS_NAMES" ]; then RA_DNS_NAMES="" while [[ $RA_DNS_NAMES = "" ]]; do echo "What DNS names or IP addresses will your RA use?" read -p "(e.g. acme.example.com[,,etc.]): " RA_DNS_NAMES < /dev/tty done fi count=0 ra_dns_names_quoted="" for i in ${RA_DNS_NAMES//,/ } do if [ "$count" = "0" ]; then ra_dns_names_quoted="\"$i\"" else ra_dns_names_quoted="${ra_dns_names_quoted}, \"$i\"" fi count=$((count+1)) done if [ "$count" = "0" ]; then echo "You must supply at least one RA DNS name" exit 1 fi echo "Got here" if [ -z "$RA_ADDRESS" ]; then RA_ADDRESS="" while [[ $RA_ADDRESS = "" ]] ; do echo "What address should your RA listen on?" read -p "(e.g. :443 or " RA_ADDRESS < /dev/tty done fi if [ -z "$CA_PROVISIONER_JWK_PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then read -s -p "Enter the CA Provisioner Password: " CA_PROVISIONER_JWK_PASSWORD < /dev/tty printf "%b" "\n" fi echo "Installing 'step-ca' in /usr/bin..." CA_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/smallstep/certificates/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name') curl -sLO https://github.com/smallstep/certificates/releases/download/$CA_VERSION/step-ca_linux_${CA_VERSION:1}_$arch.tar.gz tar -xf step-ca_linux_${CA_VERSION:1}_$arch.tar.gz install -m 0755 -t /usr/bin step-ca_${CA_VERSION:1}/bin/step-ca setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip $(which step-ca) rm step-ca_linux_${CA_VERSION:1}_$arch.tar.gz rm -rf step-ca_${CA_VERSION:1} echo "Creating 'step' user..." export STEPPATH=/etc/step-ca useradd --system --home $(step path) --shell /bin/false step echo "Creating RA configuration..." mkdir -p $(step path)/db mkdir -p $(step path)/config cat <<EOF > $(step path)/config/ca.json { "address": "$RA_ADDRESS", "dnsNames": [$ra_dns_names_quoted], "db": { "type": "badgerV2", "dataSource": "/etc/step-ca/db" }, "logger": {"format": "text"}, "authority": { "type": "stepcas", "certificateAuthority": "$CA_URL", "certificateAuthorityFingerprint": "$CA_FINGERPRINT", "certificateIssuer": { "type" : "jwk", "provisioner": "$CA_PROVISIONER_NAME" }, "provisioners": [{ "type": "ACME", "name": "acme" }] }, "tls": { "cipherSuites": [ "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305", "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" ], "minVersion": 1.2, "maxVersion": 1.3, "renegotiation": false } } EOF if ! [ -z "$CA_PROVISIONER_JWK_PASSWORD" ]; then echo "Saving provisoiner password to $(step path)/password.txt..." echo $CA_PROVISIONER_JWK_PASSWORD > $(step path)/password.txt else echo "Copying provisioner password file to $(step path)/password.txt..." cp $CA_PROVISIONER_JWK_PASSWORD_FILE $(step path)/password.txt fi chmod 440 $(step path)/password.txt # Add a service to systemd for the RA. echo "Creating systemd service step-ca.service..." curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smallstep/certificates/master/systemd/step-ca.service \ -o /etc/systemd/system/step-ca.service echo "Creating RA mode override /etc/systemd/system/step-ca.service.d/local.conf..." mkdir /etc/systemd/system/step-ca.service.d cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/step-ca.service.d/local.conf [Service] ; The empty ExecStart= clears the inherited ExecStart= value ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/step-ca config/ca.json --issuer-password-file password.txt EOF echo "Starting step-ca.service..." systemctl daemon-reload chown -R step:step $(step path) systemctl enable --now step-ca echo "Adding STEPPATH export to /root/.bash_profile..." echo "export STEPPATH=$STEPPATH" >> /root/.bash_profile echo "Finished. Check the journal with journalctl -fu step-ca.service"