package api

import (


func link(url, typ string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>;rel=\"%s\"", url, typ)

type contextKey string

const (
	accContextKey         = contextKey("acc")
	jwsContextKey         = contextKey("jws")
	jwkContextKey         = contextKey("jwk")
	payloadContextKey     = contextKey("payload")
	provisionerContextKey = contextKey("provisioner")

type payloadInfo struct {
	value       []byte
	isPostAsGet bool
	isEmptyJSON bool

func accountFromContext(r *http.Request) (*acme.Account, error) {
	val, ok := r.Context().Value(accContextKey).(*acme.Account)
	if !ok || val == nil {
		return nil, acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil)
	return val, nil
func jwkFromContext(r *http.Request) (*jose.JSONWebKey, error) {
	val, ok := r.Context().Value(jwkContextKey).(*jose.JSONWebKey)
	if !ok || val == nil {
		return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("jwk expected in request context"))
	return val, nil
func jwsFromContext(r *http.Request) (*jose.JSONWebSignature, error) {
	val, ok := r.Context().Value(jwsContextKey).(*jose.JSONWebSignature)
	if !ok || val == nil {
		return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("jws expected in request context"))
	return val, nil
func payloadFromContext(r *http.Request) (*payloadInfo, error) {
	val, ok := r.Context().Value(payloadContextKey).(*payloadInfo)
	if !ok || val == nil {
		return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("payload expected in request context"))
	return val, nil
func provisionerFromContext(r *http.Request) (provisioner.Interface, error) {
	val, ok := r.Context().Value(provisionerContextKey).(provisioner.Interface)
	if !ok || val == nil {
		return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("provisioner expected in request context"))
	return val, nil

// New returns a new ACME API router.
func New(acmeAuth acme.Interface) api.RouterHandler {
	return &Handler{acmeAuth}

// Handler is the ACME request handler.
type Handler struct {
	Auth acme.Interface

// Route traffic and implement the Router interface.
func (h *Handler) Route(r api.Router) {
	getLink := h.Auth.GetLink
	// Standard ACME API
	r.MethodFunc("GET", getLink(acme.NewNonceLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetNonce)))
	r.MethodFunc("HEAD", getLink(acme.NewNonceLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetNonce)))
	r.MethodFunc("GET", getLink(acme.DirectoryLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetDirectory)))
	r.MethodFunc("HEAD", getLink(acme.DirectoryLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetDirectory)))

	extractPayloadByJWK := func(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
		return h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.addDirLink(h.verifyContentType(h.parseJWS(h.validateJWS(h.extractJWK(h.verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(next))))))))
	extractPayloadByKid := func(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
		return h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.addDirLink(h.verifyContentType(h.parseJWS(h.validateJWS(h.lookupJWK(h.verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(next))))))))

	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.NewAccountLink, "{provisionerID}", false), extractPayloadByJWK(h.NewAccount))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.AccountLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{accID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.GetUpdateAccount))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.NewOrderLink, "{provisionerID}", false), extractPayloadByKid(h.NewOrder))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.OrderLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{ordID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetOrder)))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.OrdersByAccountLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{accID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetOrdersByAccount)))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.FinalizeLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{ordID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.FinalizeOrder))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.AuthzLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{authzID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetAuthz)))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.ChallengeLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{chID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.GetChallenge))
	r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.CertificateLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{certID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetCertificate)))

// GetNonce just sets the right header since a Nonce is added to each response
// by middleware by default.
func (h *Handler) GetNonce(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method == "HEAD" {
	} else {

// GetDirectory is the ACME resource for returning a directory configuration
// for client configuration.
func (h *Handler) GetDirectory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	prov, err := provisionerFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)
	dir := h.Auth.GetDirectory(prov)
	api.JSON(w, dir)

// GetAuthz ACME api for retrieving an Authz.
func (h *Handler) GetAuthz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	prov, err := provisionerFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)
	acc, err := accountFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)
	authz, err := h.Auth.GetAuthz(prov, acc.GetID(), chi.URLParam(r, "authzID"))
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)

	w.Header().Set("Location", h.Auth.GetLink(acme.AuthzLink, acme.URLSafeProvisionerName(prov), true, authz.GetID()))
	api.JSON(w, authz)

// GetChallenge ACME api for retrieving a Challenge.
func (h *Handler) GetChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	prov, err := provisionerFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)
	acc, err := accountFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)
	// Just verify that the payload was set, since we're not strictly adhering
	// to ACME V2 spec for reasons specified below.
	_, err = payloadFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)

	// NOTE: We should be checking that the request is either a POST-as-GET, or
	// that the payload is an empty JSON block ({}). However, older ACME clients
	// still send a vestigial body (rather than an empty JSON block) and
	// strict enforcement would render these clients broken. For the time being
	// we'll just ignore the body.
	var (
		ch   *acme.Challenge
		chID = chi.URLParam(r, "chID")
	ch, err = h.Auth.ValidateChallenge(prov, acc.GetID(), chID, acc.GetKey())
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)

	getLink := h.Auth.GetLink
	w.Header().Add("Link", link(getLink(acme.AuthzLink, acme.URLSafeProvisionerName(prov), true, ch.GetAuthzID()), "up"))
	w.Header().Set("Location", getLink(acme.ChallengeLink, acme.URLSafeProvisionerName(prov), true, ch.GetID()))
	api.JSON(w, ch)

// GetCertificate ACME api for retrieving a Certificate.
func (h *Handler) GetCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	acc, err := accountFromContext(r)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)
	certID := chi.URLParam(r, "certID")
	certBytes, err := h.Auth.GetCertificate(acc.GetID(), certID)
	if err != nil {
		api.WriteError(w, err)

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/pem-certificate-chain; charset=utf-8")