Mariano Cano c7f226bcec
Add support for renew when using stepcas
It supports renewing X.509 certificates when an RA is configured with stepcas.
This will only work when the renewal uses a token, and it won't work with mTLS.

The audience cannot be properly verified when an RA is used, to avoid this we
will get from the database if an RA was used to issue the initial certificate
and we will accept the renew token.

Fixes  for stepcas
2022-11-04 16:42:07 -07:00

213 lines
5.9 KiB

package stepcas
import (
func init() {
apiv1.Register(apiv1.StepCAS, func(ctx context.Context, opts apiv1.Options) (apiv1.CertificateAuthorityService, error) {
return New(ctx, opts)
// StepCAS implements the cas.CertificateAuthorityService interface using
// another step-ca instance.
type StepCAS struct {
iss stepIssuer
client *ca.Client
authorityID string
fingerprint string
// New creates a new CertificateAuthorityService implementation using another
// step-ca instance.
func New(ctx context.Context, opts apiv1.Options) (*StepCAS, error) {
switch {
case opts.CertificateAuthority == "":
return nil, errors.New("stepCAS 'certificateAuthority' cannot be empty")
case opts.CertificateAuthorityFingerprint == "":
return nil, errors.New("stepCAS 'certificateAuthorityFingerprint' cannot be empty")
caURL, err := url.Parse(opts.CertificateAuthority)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "stepCAS `certificateAuthority` is not valid")
// Create client.
client, err := ca.NewClient(opts.CertificateAuthority, ca.WithRootSHA256(opts.CertificateAuthorityFingerprint))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var iss stepIssuer
// Create configured issuer unless we only want to use GetCertificateAuthority.
// This avoid the request for the password if not provided.
if !opts.IsCAGetter {
if iss, err = newStepIssuer(caURL, client, opts.CertificateIssuer); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StepCAS{
iss: iss,
client: client,
authorityID: opts.AuthorityID,
fingerprint: opts.CertificateAuthorityFingerprint,
}, nil
// CreateCertificate uses the step-ca sign request with the configured
// provisioner to get a new certificate from the certificate authority.
func (s *StepCAS) CreateCertificate(req *apiv1.CreateCertificateRequest) (*apiv1.CreateCertificateResponse, error) {
switch {
case req.CSR == nil:
return nil, errors.New("createCertificateRequest `csr` cannot be nil")
case req.Lifetime == 0:
return nil, errors.New("createCertificateRequest `lifetime` cannot be 0")
info := &raInfo{
AuthorityID: s.authorityID,
if req.IsCAServerCert {
info.EndpointID = newServerEndpointID(s.authorityID).String()
if p := req.Provisioner; p != nil {
info.ProvisionerID = p.ID
info.ProvisionerType = p.Type
info.ProvisionerName = p.Name
cert, chain, err := s.createCertificate(req.CSR, req.Lifetime, info)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &apiv1.CreateCertificateResponse{
Certificate: cert,
CertificateChain: chain,
}, nil
// RenewCertificate will always return a non-implemented error as mTLS renewals
// are not supported yet.
func (s *StepCAS) RenewCertificate(req *apiv1.RenewCertificateRequest) (*apiv1.RenewCertificateResponse, error) {
if req.Token == "" {
return nil, apiv1.ValidationError{Message: "renewCertificateRequest `token` cannot be empty"}
resp, err := s.client.RenewWithToken(req.Token)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var chain []*x509.Certificate
cert := resp.CertChainPEM[0].Certificate
for _, c := range resp.CertChainPEM[1:] {
chain = append(chain, c.Certificate)
return &apiv1.RenewCertificateResponse{
Certificate: cert,
CertificateChain: chain,
}, nil
// RevokeCertificate revokes a certificate.
func (s *StepCAS) RevokeCertificate(req *apiv1.RevokeCertificateRequest) (*apiv1.RevokeCertificateResponse, error) {
if req.SerialNumber == "" && req.Certificate == nil {
return nil, errors.New("revokeCertificateRequest `serialNumber` or `certificate` are required")
serialNumber := req.SerialNumber
if req.Certificate != nil {
serialNumber = req.Certificate.SerialNumber.String()
token, err := s.iss.RevokeToken(serialNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = s.client.Revoke(&api.RevokeRequest{
Serial: serialNumber,
ReasonCode: req.ReasonCode,
Reason: req.Reason,
OTT: token,
Passive: req.PassiveOnly,
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &apiv1.RevokeCertificateResponse{
Certificate: req.Certificate,
CertificateChain: nil,
}, nil
// GetCertificateAuthority returns the root certificate of the certificate
// authority using the configured fingerprint.
func (s *StepCAS) GetCertificateAuthority(req *apiv1.GetCertificateAuthorityRequest) (*apiv1.GetCertificateAuthorityResponse, error) {
resp, err := s.client.Root(s.fingerprint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &apiv1.GetCertificateAuthorityResponse{
RootCertificate: resp.RootPEM.Certificate,
}, nil
func (s *StepCAS) createCertificate(cr *x509.CertificateRequest, lifetime time.Duration, raInfo *raInfo) (*x509.Certificate, []*x509.Certificate, error) {
sans := make([]string, 0, len(cr.DNSNames)+len(cr.EmailAddresses)+len(cr.IPAddresses)+len(cr.URIs))
sans = append(sans, cr.DNSNames...)
sans = append(sans, cr.EmailAddresses...)
for _, ip := range cr.IPAddresses {
sans = append(sans, ip.String())
for _, u := range cr.URIs {
sans = append(sans, u.String())
commonName := cr.Subject.CommonName
if commonName == "" && len(sans) > 0 {
commonName = sans[0]
token, err := s.iss.SignToken(commonName, sans, raInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resp, err := s.client.Sign(&api.SignRequest{
CsrPEM: api.CertificateRequest{CertificateRequest: cr},
OTT: token,
NotAfter: s.lifetime(lifetime),
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var chain []*x509.Certificate
cert := resp.CertChainPEM[0].Certificate
for _, c := range resp.CertChainPEM[1:] {
chain = append(chain, c.Certificate)
return cert, chain, nil
func (s *StepCAS) lifetime(d time.Duration) api.TimeDuration {
var td api.TimeDuration
return td