max furman 704a510a2a Remove non-pending orders from the acme_orders_by_account index ...
- Each acme account has an index in this table. Before this change, the
index would grow unchecked as orders accumulate. This change removes
orders that have moved out of the 'PENDING' state.
2020-06-01 12:56:50 -07:00

389 lines
11 KiB

package acme
import (
var defaultOrderExpiry = time.Hour * 24
// Order contains order metadata for the ACME protocol order type.
type Order struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Expires string `json:"expires,omitempty"`
Identifiers []Identifier `json:"identifiers"`
NotBefore string `json:"notBefore,omitempty"`
NotAfter string `json:"notAfter,omitempty"`
Error interface{} `json:"error,omitempty"`
Authorizations []string `json:"authorizations"`
Finalize string `json:"finalize"`
Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`
ID string `json:"-"`
// ToLog enables response logging.
func (o *Order) ToLog() (interface{}, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(o)
if err != nil {
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling order for logging"))
return string(b), nil
// GetID returns the Order ID.
func (o *Order) GetID() string {
return o.ID
// OrderOptions options with which to create a new Order.
type OrderOptions struct {
AccountID string `json:"accID"`
Identifiers []Identifier `json:"identifiers"`
NotBefore time.Time `json:"notBefore"`
NotAfter time.Time `json:"notAfter"`
backdate time.Duration
defaultDuration time.Duration
type order struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
AccountID string `json:"accountID"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
Expires time.Time `json:"expires,omitempty"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Identifiers []Identifier `json:"identifiers"`
NotBefore time.Time `json:"notBefore,omitempty"`
NotAfter time.Time `json:"notAfter,omitempty"`
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
Authorizations []string `json:"authorizations"`
Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"`
// newOrder returns a new Order type.
func newOrder(db nosql.DB, ops OrderOptions) (*order, error) {
id, err := randID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
authzs := make([]string, len(ops.Identifiers))
for i, identifier := range ops.Identifiers {
az, err := newAuthz(db, ops.AccountID, identifier)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
authzs[i] = az.getID()
now := clock.Now()
var backdate time.Duration
nbf := ops.NotBefore
if nbf.IsZero() {
nbf = now
backdate = -1 * ops.backdate
naf := ops.NotAfter
if naf.IsZero() {
naf = nbf.Add(ops.defaultDuration)
o := &order{
ID: id,
AccountID: ops.AccountID,
Created: now,
Status: StatusPending,
Expires: now.Add(defaultOrderExpiry),
Identifiers: ops.Identifiers,
NotBefore: nbf.Add(backdate),
NotAfter: naf,
Authorizations: authzs,
if err := o.save(db, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Update the "order IDs by account ID" index //
oids, err := getOrderIDsByAccount(db, ops.AccountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newOids := append(oids, o.ID)
if err = orderIDs(newOids).save(db, oids, o.AccountID); err != nil {
db.Del(orderTable, []byte(o.ID))
return nil, err
return o, nil
type orderIDs []string
func (oids orderIDs) save(db nosql.DB, old orderIDs, accID string) error {
var (
err error
oldb []byte
if len(old) == 0 {
oldb = nil
} else {
oldb, err = json.Marshal(old)
if err != nil {
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling old order IDs slice"))
newb, err := json.Marshal(oids)
if err != nil {
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling new order IDs slice"))
_, swapped, err := db.CmpAndSwap(ordersByAccountIDTable, []byte(accID), oldb, newb)
switch {
case err != nil:
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "error storing order IDs for account %s", accID))
case !swapped:
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("error storing order IDs "+
"for account %s; order IDs changed since last read", accID))
return nil
func (o *order) save(db nosql.DB, old *order) error {
var (
err error
oldB []byte
if old == nil {
oldB = nil
} else {
if oldB, err = json.Marshal(old); err != nil {
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling old acme order"))
newB, err := json.Marshal(o)
if err != nil {
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error marshaling new acme order"))
_, swapped, err := db.CmpAndSwap(orderTable, []byte(o.ID), oldB, newB)
switch {
case err != nil:
return ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error storing order"))
case !swapped:
return ServerInternalErr(errors.New("error storing order; " +
"value has changed since last read"))
return nil
// updateStatus updates order status if necessary.
func (o *order) updateStatus(db nosql.DB) (*order, error) {
_newOrder := *o
newOrder := &_newOrder
now := time.Now().UTC()
switch o.Status {
case StatusInvalid:
return o, nil
case StatusValid:
return o, nil
case StatusReady:
// check expiry
if now.After(o.Expires) {
newOrder.Status = StatusInvalid
newOrder.Error = MalformedErr(errors.New("order has expired"))
return o, nil
case StatusPending:
// check expiry
if now.After(o.Expires) {
newOrder.Status = StatusInvalid
newOrder.Error = MalformedErr(errors.New("order has expired"))
var count = map[string]int{
StatusValid: 0,
StatusInvalid: 0,
StatusPending: 0,
for _, azID := range o.Authorizations {
az, err := getAuthz(db, azID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if az, err = az.updateStatus(db); err != nil {
return nil, err
st := az.getStatus()
switch {
case count[StatusInvalid] > 0:
newOrder.Status = StatusInvalid
// No change in the order status, so just return the order as is -
// without writing any changes.
case count[StatusPending] > 0:
return newOrder, nil
case count[StatusValid] == len(o.Authorizations):
newOrder.Status = StatusReady
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.New("unexpected authz status"))
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("unrecognized order status: %s", o.Status))
if err := newOrder.save(db, o); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newOrder, nil
// finalize signs a certificate if the necessary conditions for Order completion
// have been met.
func (o *order) finalize(db nosql.DB, csr *x509.CertificateRequest, auth SignAuthority, p Provisioner) (*order, error) {
var err error
if o, err = o.updateStatus(db); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch o.Status {
case StatusInvalid:
return nil, OrderNotReadyErr(errors.Errorf("order %s has been abandoned", o.ID))
case StatusValid:
return o, nil
case StatusPending:
return nil, OrderNotReadyErr(errors.Errorf("order %s is not ready", o.ID))
case StatusReady:
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("unexpected status %s for order %s", o.Status, o.ID))
// RFC8555: The CSR MUST indicate the exact same set of requested
// identifiers as the initial newOrder request. Identifiers of type "dns"
// MUST appear either in the commonName portion of the requested subject
// name or in an extensionRequest attribute [RFC2985] requesting a
// subjectAltName extension, or both.
if csr.Subject.CommonName != "" {
csr.DNSNames = append(csr.DNSNames, csr.Subject.CommonName)
csr.DNSNames = uniqueLowerNames(csr.DNSNames)
orderNames := make([]string, len(o.Identifiers))
for i, n := range o.Identifiers {
orderNames[i] = n.Value
orderNames = uniqueLowerNames(orderNames)
// Validate identifier names against CSR alternative names.
if len(csr.DNSNames) != len(orderNames) {
return nil, BadCSRErr(errors.Errorf("CSR names do not match identifiers exactly: CSR names = %v, Order names = %v", csr.DNSNames, orderNames))
for i := range csr.DNSNames {
if csr.DNSNames[i] != orderNames[i] {
return nil, BadCSRErr(errors.Errorf("CSR names do not match identifiers exactly: CSR names = %v, Order names = %v", csr.DNSNames, orderNames))
// Get authorizations from the ACME provisioner.
ctx := provisioner.NewContextWithMethod(context.Background(), provisioner.SignMethod)
signOps, err := p.AuthorizeSign(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "error retrieving authorization options from ACME provisioner"))
// Create and store a new certificate.
certChain, err := auth.Sign(csr, provisioner.Options{
NotBefore: provisioner.NewTimeDuration(o.NotBefore),
NotAfter: provisioner.NewTimeDuration(o.NotAfter),
}, signOps...)
if err != nil {
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "error generating certificate for order %s", o.ID))
cert, err := newCert(db, CertOptions{
AccountID: o.AccountID,
OrderID: o.ID,
Leaf: certChain[0],
Intermediates: certChain[1:],
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_newOrder := *o
newOrder := &_newOrder
newOrder.Certificate = cert.ID
newOrder.Status = StatusValid
if err := newOrder.save(db, o); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newOrder, nil
// getOrder retrieves and unmarshals an ACME Order type from the database.
func getOrder(db nosql.DB, id string) (*order, error) {
b, err := db.Get(orderTable, []byte(id))
if nosql.IsErrNotFound(err) {
return nil, MalformedErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "order %s not found", id))
} else if err != nil {
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "error loading order %s", id))
var o order
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &o); err != nil {
return nil, ServerInternalErr(errors.Wrap(err, "error unmarshaling order"))
return &o, nil
// toACME converts the internal Order type into the public acmeOrder type for
// presentation in the ACME protocol.
func (o *order) toACME(ctx context.Context, db nosql.DB, dir *directory) (*Order, error) {
azs := make([]string, len(o.Authorizations))
for i, aid := range o.Authorizations {
azs[i] = dir.getLink(ctx, AuthzLink, true, aid)
ao := &Order{
Status: o.Status,
Expires: o.Expires.Format(time.RFC3339),
Identifiers: o.Identifiers,
NotBefore: o.NotBefore.Format(time.RFC3339),
NotAfter: o.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339),
Authorizations: azs,
Finalize: dir.getLink(ctx, FinalizeLink, true, o.ID),
ID: o.ID,
if o.Certificate != "" {
ao.Certificate = dir.getLink(ctx, CertificateLink, true, o.Certificate)
return ao, nil
// uniqueLowerNames returns the set of all unique names in the input after all
// of them are lowercased. The returned names will be in their lowercased form
// and sorted alphabetically.
func uniqueLowerNames(names []string) (unique []string) {
nameMap := make(map[string]int, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
nameMap[strings.ToLower(name)] = 1
unique = make([]string, 0, len(nameMap))
for name := range nameMap {
unique = append(unique, name)