David Cowden 9af4dd3692 acme: Retry challenge validation attempts
Section 8.2 of RFC 8555 explains how retries apply to the validation
process. However, much is left up to the implementer.

Add retries every 12 seconds for 2 minutes after a client requests a
validation. The challenge status remains "processing" indefinitely until
a distinct conclusion is reached. This allows a client to continually
re-request a validation by sending a post-get to the challenge resource
until the process fails or succeeds.

Challenges in the processing state include information about why a
validation did not complete in the error field. The server also includes
a Retry-After header to help clients and servers coordinate.

Retries are inherently stateful because they're part of the public API.
When running step-ca in a highly available setup with replicas, care
must be taken to maintain a persistent identifier for each instance
"slot". In kubernetes, this implies a *stateful set*.
2020-05-06 07:39:13 -07:00

254 lines
9 KiB

package api
import (
func link(url, typ string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>;rel=\"%s\"", url, typ)
type contextKey string
const (
accContextKey = contextKey("acc")
jwsContextKey = contextKey("jws")
jwkContextKey = contextKey("jwk")
payloadContextKey = contextKey("payload")
provisionerContextKey = contextKey("provisioner")
type payloadInfo struct {
value []byte
isPostAsGet bool
isEmptyJSON bool
func accountFromContext(r *http.Request) (*acme.Account, error) {
val, ok := r.Context().Value(accContextKey).(*acme.Account)
if !ok || val == nil {
return nil, acme.AccountDoesNotExistErr(nil)
return val, nil
func jwkFromContext(r *http.Request) (*jose.JSONWebKey, error) {
val, ok := r.Context().Value(jwkContextKey).(*jose.JSONWebKey)
if !ok || val == nil {
return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("jwk expected in request context"))
return val, nil
func jwsFromContext(r *http.Request) (*jose.JSONWebSignature, error) {
val, ok := r.Context().Value(jwsContextKey).(*jose.JSONWebSignature)
if !ok || val == nil {
return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("jws expected in request context"))
return val, nil
func payloadFromContext(r *http.Request) (*payloadInfo, error) {
val, ok := r.Context().Value(payloadContextKey).(*payloadInfo)
if !ok || val == nil {
return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("payload expected in request context"))
return val, nil
func provisionerFromContext(r *http.Request) (provisioner.Interface, error) {
val, ok := r.Context().Value(provisionerContextKey).(provisioner.Interface)
if !ok || val == nil {
return nil, acme.ServerInternalErr(errors.Errorf("provisioner expected in request context"))
return val, nil
// New returns a new ACME API router.
func New(acmeAuth acme.Interface) api.RouterHandler {
return &Handler{acmeAuth}
// Handler is the ACME request handler.
type Handler struct {
Auth acme.Interface
// Route traffic and implement the Router interface.
func (h *Handler) Route(r api.Router) {
getLink := h.Auth.GetLink
// Standard ACME API
r.MethodFunc("GET", getLink(acme.NewNonceLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetNonce)))
r.MethodFunc("HEAD", getLink(acme.NewNonceLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetNonce)))
r.MethodFunc("GET", getLink(acme.DirectoryLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetDirectory)))
r.MethodFunc("HEAD", getLink(acme.DirectoryLink, "{provisionerID}", false), h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.GetDirectory)))
extractPayloadByJWK := func(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
return h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.addDirLink(h.verifyContentType(h.parseJWS(h.validateJWS(h.extractJWK(h.verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(next))))))))
extractPayloadByKid := func(next nextHTTP) nextHTTP {
return h.lookupProvisioner(h.addNonce(h.addDirLink(h.verifyContentType(h.parseJWS(h.validateJWS(h.lookupJWK(h.verifyAndExtractJWSPayload(next))))))))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.NewAccountLink, "{provisionerID}", false), extractPayloadByJWK(h.NewAccount))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.AccountLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{accID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.GetUpdateAccount))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.NewOrderLink, "{provisionerID}", false), extractPayloadByKid(h.NewOrder))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.OrderLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{ordID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetOrder)))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.OrdersByAccountLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{accID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetOrdersByAccount)))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.FinalizeLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{ordID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.FinalizeOrder))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.AuthzLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{authzID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetAuthz)))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.ChallengeLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{chID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.GetChallenge))
r.MethodFunc("POST", getLink(acme.CertificateLink, "{provisionerID}", false, "{certID}"), extractPayloadByKid(h.isPostAsGet(h.GetCertificate)))
// GetNonce just sets the right header since a Nonce is added to each response
// by middleware by default.
func (h *Handler) GetNonce(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method == "HEAD" {
} else {
// GetDirectory is the ACME resource for returning a directory configuration
// for client configuration.
func (h *Handler) GetDirectory(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
dir := h.Auth.GetDirectory(prov)
api.JSON(w, dir)
// GetAuthz ACME api for retrieving an Authz.
func (h *Handler) GetAuthz(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
acc, err := accountFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
authz, err := h.Auth.GetAuthz(prov, acc.GetID(), chi.URLParam(r, "authzID"))
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
w.Header().Set("Location", h.Auth.GetLink(acme.AuthzLink, acme.URLSafeProvisionerName(prov), true, authz.GetID()))
api.JSON(w, authz)
// ACME api for retrieving the Challenge resource.
// Potential Challenges are requested by the client when creating an order.
// Once the client knows the appropriate validation resources are provisioned,
// it makes a POST-as-GET request to this endpoint in order to initiate the
// validation flow.
// The validation state machine describes the flow for a challenge.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.1.6
// Once a validation attempt has completed without error, the challenge's
// status is updated depending on the result (valid|invalid) of the server's
// validation attempt. Once this is the case, a challenge cannot be reset.
// If a challenge cannot be completed because no suitable data can be
// acquired the server (whilst communicating retry information) and the
// client (whilst respecting the information from the server) may request
// retries of the validation.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-8.2
// Retry status is communicated using the error field and by sending a
// Retry-After header back to the client.
// The request body is challenge-specific. The current challenges (http-01,
// dns-01, tls-alpn-01) simply expect an empty object ("{}") in the payload
// of the JWT sent by the client. We don't gain anything by stricly enforcing
// nonexistence of unknown attributes, or, in these three cases, enforcing
// an empty payload. And the spec also says to just ignore it:
// > The server MUST ignore any fields in the response object
// > that are not specified as response fields for this type of challenge.
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-7.5.1
func (h *Handler) GetChallenge(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
prov, err := provisionerFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
acc, err := accountFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
// Just verify that the payload was set since the client is required
// to send _something_.
_, err = payloadFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
var (
ch *acme.Challenge
chID = chi.URLParam(r, "chID")
ch, err = h.Auth.ValidateChallenge(prov, acc.GetID(), chID, acc.GetKey())
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
switch ch.Status {
case acme.StatusPending:
panic("validation attempt did not move challenge to the processing state")
// When a transient error occurs, the challenge will not be progressed to the `invalid` state.
// Add a Retry-After header to indicate that the client should check again in the future.
case acme.StatusProcessing:
w.Header().Add("Retry-After", ch.RetryAfter)
w.Header().Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
api.JSON(w, ch)
case acme.StatusInvalid:
api.JSON(w, ch)
case acme.StatusValid:
getLink := h.Auth.GetLink
w.Header().Add("Link", link(getLink(acme.AuthzLink, acme.URLSafeProvisionerName(prov), true, ch.GetAuthzID()), "up"))
w.Header().Set("Location", getLink(acme.ChallengeLink, acme.URLSafeProvisionerName(prov), true, ch.GetID()))
api.JSON(w, ch)
panic("unexpected challenge state" + ch.Status)
// GetCertificate ACME api for retrieving a Certificate.
func (h *Handler) GetCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
acc, err := accountFromContext(r)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
certID := chi.URLParam(r, "certID")
certBytes, err := h.Auth.GetCertificate(acc.GetID(), certID)
if err != nil {
api.WriteError(w, err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/pem-certificate-chain; charset=utf-8")