forked from TrueCloudLab/distribution
Move storage package to use Digest type
Mostly, we've made superficial changes to the storage package to start using the Digest type. Many of the exported interface methods have been changed to reflect this in addition to changes in the way layer uploads will be initiated. Further work here is necessary but will come with a separate PR.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 156 additions and 309 deletions
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
package storage
import (
// Digest allows simple protection of hex formatted digest strings, prefixed
// by their algorithm. Strings of type Digest have some guarantee of being in
// the correct format and it provides quick access to the components of a
// digest string.
// The following is an example of the contents of Digest types:
// sha256:7173b809ca12ec5dee4506cd86be934c4596dd234ee82c0662eac04a8c2c71dc
type Digest string
// NewDigest returns a Digest from alg and a hash.Hash object.
func NewDigest(alg string, h hash.Hash) Digest {
return Digest(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%x", alg, h.Sum(nil)))
var (
// ErrDigestInvalidFormat returned when digest format invalid.
ErrDigestInvalidFormat = fmt.Errorf("invalid checksum digest format")
// ErrDigestUnsupported returned when the digest algorithm is unsupported by registry.
ErrDigestUnsupported = fmt.Errorf("unsupported digest algorithm")
// ParseDigest parses s and returns the validated digest object. An error will
// be returned if the format is invalid.
func ParseDigest(s string) (Digest, error) {
parts := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return "", ErrDigestInvalidFormat
switch parts[0] {
case "sha256":
return "", ErrDigestUnsupported
return Digest(s), nil
// Algorithm returns the algorithm portion of the digest.
func (d Digest) Algorithm() string {
return strings.SplitN(string(d), ":", 2)[0]
// Hex returns the hex digest portion of the digest.
func (d Digest) Hex() string {
return strings.SplitN(string(d), ":", 2)[1]
@ -4,24 +4,25 @@ import (
// LayerService provides operations on layer files in a backend storage.
type LayerService interface {
// Exists returns true if the layer exists.
Exists(tarSum string) (bool, error)
Exists(name string, digest digest.Digest) (bool, error)
// Fetch the layer identifed by TarSum.
Fetch(tarSum string) (Layer, error)
Fetch(name string, digest digest.Digest) (Layer, error)
// Upload begins a layer upload, returning a handle. If the layer upload
// is already in progress or the layer has already been uploaded, this
// will return an error.
Upload(name, tarSum string) (LayerUpload, error)
// Upload begins a layer upload to repository identified by name,
// returning a handle.
Upload(name string) (LayerUpload, error)
// Resume continues an in progress layer upload, returning the current
// state of the upload.
Resume(name, tarSum, uuid string) (LayerUpload, error)
Resume(uuid string) (LayerUpload, error)
// Layer provides a readable and seekable layer object. Typically,
@ -35,8 +36,9 @@ type Layer interface {
// Name returns the repository under which this layer is linked.
Name() string // TODO(stevvooe): struggling with nomenclature: should this be "repo" or "name"?
// TarSum returns the unique tarsum of the layer.
TarSum() string
// Digest returns the unique digest of the blob, which is the tarsum for
// layers.
Digest() digest.Digest
// CreatedAt returns the time this layer was created. Until we implement
// Stat call on storagedriver, this just returns the zero time.
@ -55,18 +57,13 @@ type LayerUpload interface {
// Name of the repository under which the layer will be linked.
Name() string
// TarSum identifier of the proposed layer. Resulting data must match this
// tarsum.
TarSum() string
// Offset returns the position of the last byte written to this layer.
Offset() int64
// Finish marks the upload as completed, returning a valid handle to the
// uploaded layer. The final size and checksum are validated against the
// contents of the uploaded layer. The checksum should be provided in the
// format <algorithm>:<hex digest>.
Finish(size int64, digest string) (Layer, error)
// uploaded layer. The final size and digest are validated against the
// contents of the uploaded layer.
Finish(size int64, digest digest.Digest) (Layer, error)
// Cancel the layer upload process.
Cancel() error
@ -85,11 +82,8 @@ var (
// ErrLayerUploadUnknown returned when upload is not found.
ErrLayerUploadUnknown = fmt.Errorf("layer upload unknown")
// ErrLayerInvalidChecksum returned when checksum/digest check fails.
ErrLayerInvalidChecksum = fmt.Errorf("invalid layer checksum")
// ErrLayerInvalidTarsum returned when tarsum check fails.
ErrLayerInvalidTarsum = fmt.Errorf("invalid layer tarsum")
// ErrLayerInvalidDigest returned when tarsum check fails.
ErrLayerInvalidDigest = fmt.Errorf("invalid layer digest")
// ErrLayerInvalidLength returned when length check fails.
ErrLayerInvalidLength = fmt.Errorf("invalid layer length")
@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
package storage
import (
mrand "math/rand"
@ -22,12 +18,14 @@ import (
// TestSimpleLayerUpload covers the layer upload process, exercising common
// error paths that might be seen during an upload.
func TestSimpleLayerUpload(t *testing.T) {
randomDataReader, tarSum, err := createRandomReader()
randomDataReader, tarSumStr, err := testutil.CreateRandomTarFile()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating random reader: %v", err)
dgst := digest.Digest(tarSumStr)
uploadStore, err := newTemporaryLocalFSLayerUploadStore()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error allocating upload store: %v", err)
@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ func TestSimpleLayerUpload(t *testing.T) {
h := sha256.New()
rd := io.TeeReader(randomDataReader, h)
layerUpload, err := ls.Upload(imageName, tarSum)
layerUpload, err := ls.Upload(imageName)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error starting layer upload: %s", err)
@ -60,13 +58,13 @@ func TestSimpleLayerUpload(t *testing.T) {
// Do a resume, get unknown upload
layerUpload, err = ls.Resume(imageName, tarSum, layerUpload.UUID())
layerUpload, err = ls.Resume(layerUpload.UUID())
if err != ErrLayerUploadUnknown {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error resuming upload, should be unkown: %v", err)
// Restart!
layerUpload, err = ls.Upload(imageName, tarSum)
layerUpload, err = ls.Upload(imageName)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error starting layer upload: %s", err)
@ -92,25 +90,25 @@ func TestSimpleLayerUpload(t *testing.T) {
// Do a resume, for good fun
layerUpload, err = ls.Resume(imageName, tarSum, layerUpload.UUID())
layerUpload, err = ls.Resume(layerUpload.UUID())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error resuming upload: %v", err)
digest := NewDigest("sha256", h)
layer, err := layerUpload.Finish(randomDataSize, string(digest))
sha256Digest := digest.NewDigest("sha256", h)
layer, err := layerUpload.Finish(randomDataSize, dgst)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error finishing layer upload: %v", err)
// After finishing an upload, it should no longer exist.
if _, err := ls.Resume(imageName, tarSum, layerUpload.UUID()); err != ErrLayerUploadUnknown {
if _, err := ls.Resume(layerUpload.UUID()); err != ErrLayerUploadUnknown {
t.Fatalf("expected layer upload to be unknown, got %v", err)
// Test for existence.
exists, err := ls.Exists(layer.TarSum())
exists, err := ls.Exists(layer.Name(), layer.Digest())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error checking for existence: %v", err)
@ -129,8 +127,8 @@ func TestSimpleLayerUpload(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("incorrect read length")
if NewDigest("sha256", h) != digest {
t.Fatalf("unexpected digest from uploaded layer: %q != %q", NewDigest("sha256", h), digest)
if digest.NewDigest("sha256", h) != sha256Digest {
t.Fatalf("unexpected digest from uploaded layer: %q != %q", digest.NewDigest("sha256", h), sha256Digest)
@ -148,13 +146,15 @@ func TestSimpleLayerRead(t *testing.T) {
randomLayerReader, tarSum, err := createRandomReader()
randomLayerReader, tarSumStr, err := testutil.CreateRandomTarFile()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating random data: %v", err)
dgst := digest.Digest(tarSumStr)
// Test for existence.
exists, err := ls.Exists(tarSum)
exists, err := ls.Exists(imageName, dgst)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error checking for existence: %v", err)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func TestSimpleLayerRead(t *testing.T) {
// Try to get the layer and make sure we get a not found error
layer, err := ls.Fetch(tarSum)
layer, err := ls.Fetch(imageName, dgst)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("error expected fetching unknown layer")
@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ func TestSimpleLayerRead(t *testing.T) {
} else {
err = nil
randomLayerDigest, err := writeTestLayer(driver, ls.pathMapper, imageName, tarSum, randomLayerReader)
randomLayerDigest, err := writeTestLayer(driver, ls.pathMapper, imageName, dgst, randomLayerReader)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error writing test layer: %v", err)
@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ func TestSimpleLayerRead(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("error getting seeker size for random layer: %v", err)
layer, err = ls.Fetch(tarSum)
layer, err = ls.Fetch(imageName, dgst)
if err != nil {
@ -202,9 +201,9 @@ func TestSimpleLayerRead(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("stored incorrect number of bytes in layer: %d != %d", nn, randomLayerSize)
digest := NewDigest("sha256", h)
if digest != randomLayerDigest {
t.Fatalf("fetched digest does not match: %q != %q", digest, randomLayerDigest)
sha256Digest := digest.NewDigest("sha256", h)
if sha256Digest != randomLayerDigest {
t.Fatalf("fetched digest does not match: %q != %q", sha256Digest, randomLayerDigest)
// Now seek back the layer, read the whole thing and check against randomLayerData
@ -270,12 +269,14 @@ func TestLayerReadErrors(t *testing.T) {
// writeRandomLayer creates a random layer under name and tarSum using driver
// and pathMapper. An io.ReadSeeker with the data is returned, along with the
// sha256 hex digest.
func writeRandomLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper, name string) (rs io.ReadSeeker, tarSum string, digest Digest, err error) {
reader, tarSum, err := createRandomReader()
func writeRandomLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper, name string) (rs io.ReadSeeker, tarSum digest.Digest, sha256digest digest.Digest, err error) {
reader, tarSumStr, err := testutil.CreateRandomTarFile()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", err
tarSum = digest.Digest(tarSumStr)
// Now, actually create the layer.
randomLayerDigest, err := writeTestLayer(driver, pathMapper, name, tarSum, ioutil.NopCloser(reader))
@ -312,91 +313,10 @@ func seekerSize(seeker io.ReadSeeker) (int64, error) {
return end, nil
// createRandomReader returns a random read seeker and its tarsum. The
// returned content will be a valid tar file with a random number of files and
// content.
func createRandomReader() (rs io.ReadSeeker, tarSum string, err error) {
nFiles := mrand.Intn(10) + 10
target := &bytes.Buffer{}
wr := tar.NewWriter(target)
// Perturb this on each iteration of the loop below.
header := &tar.Header{
Mode: 0644,
ModTime: time.Now(),
Typeflag: tar.TypeReg,
Uname: "randocalrissian",
Gname: "cloudcity",
AccessTime: time.Now(),
ChangeTime: time.Now(),
for fileNumber := 0; fileNumber < nFiles; fileNumber++ {
fileSize := mrand.Int63n(1<<20) + 1<<20
header.Name = fmt.Sprint(fileNumber)
header.Size = fileSize
if err := wr.WriteHeader(header); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
randomData := make([]byte, fileSize)
// Fill up the buffer with some random data.
n, err := rand.Read(randomData)
if n != len(randomData) {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("short read creating random reader: %v bytes != %v bytes", n, len(randomData))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
nn, err := io.Copy(wr, bytes.NewReader(randomData))
if nn != fileSize {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("short copy writing random file to tar")
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if err := wr.Flush(); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if err := wr.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
reader := bytes.NewReader(target.Bytes())
// A tar builder that supports tarsum inline calculation would be awesome
// here.
ts, err := tarsum.NewTarSum(reader, true, tarsum.Version1)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
nn, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, ts)
if nn != int64(len(target.Bytes())) {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("short copy when getting tarsum of random layer: %v != %v", nn, len(target.Bytes()))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return bytes.NewReader(target.Bytes()), ts.Sum(nil), nil
// createTestLayer creates a simple test layer in the provided driver under
// tarsum, returning the string digest. This is implemented peicemeal and
// should probably be replaced by the uploader when it's ready.
func writeTestLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper, name, tarSum string, content io.Reader) (Digest, error) {
// tarsum dgst, returning the sha256 digest location. This is implemented
// peicemeal and should probably be replaced by the uploader when it's ready.
func writeTestLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper, name string, dgst digest.Digest, content io.Reader) (digest.Digest, error) {
h := sha256.New()
rd := io.TeeReader(content, h)
@ -406,11 +326,11 @@ func writeTestLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper,
return "", nil
digest := NewDigest("sha256", h)
blobDigestSHA := digest.NewDigest("sha256", h)
blobPath, err := pathMapper.path(blobPathSpec{
alg: digest.Algorithm(),
digest: digest.Hex(),
alg: blobDigestSHA.Algorithm(),
digest: blobDigestSHA.Hex(),
if err := driver.PutContent(blobPath, p); err != nil {
@ -418,7 +338,7 @@ func writeTestLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper,
layerIndexLinkPath, err := pathMapper.path(layerIndexLinkPathSpec{
tarSum: tarSum,
digest: dgst,
if err != nil {
@ -427,18 +347,14 @@ func writeTestLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper,
layerLinkPath, err := pathMapper.path(layerLinkPathSpec{
name: name,
tarSum: tarSum,
digest: dgst,
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := driver.PutContent(layerLinkPath, []byte(string(NewDigest("sha256", h)))); err != nil {
if err := driver.PutContent(layerLinkPath, []byte(blobDigestSHA.String())); err != nil {
return "", nil
@ -446,5 +362,5 @@ func writeTestLayer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, pathMapper *pathMapper,
return "", nil
return NewDigest("sha256", h), err
return blobDigestSHA, err
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
// layerReadSeeker implements Layer and provides facilities for reading and
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ type layerReader struct {
brd *bufio.Reader
name string // repo name of this layer
tarSum string
digest digest.Digest
path string
createdAt time.Time
@ -35,8 +37,8 @@ func (lrs *layerReader) Name() string {
func (lrs *layerReader) TarSum() string {
return lrs.tarSum
func (lrs *layerReader) Digest() digest.Digest {
return lrs.digest
func (lrs *layerReader) CreatedAt() time.Time {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -15,10 +16,10 @@ type layerStore struct {
uploadStore layerUploadStore
func (ls *layerStore) Exists(tarSum string) (bool, error) {
func (ls *layerStore) Exists(name string, digest digest.Digest) (bool, error) {
// Because this implementation just follows blob links, an existence check
// is pretty cheap by starting and closing a fetch.
_, err := ls.Fetch(tarSum)
_, err := ls.Fetch(name, digest)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrLayerUnknown {
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ func (ls *layerStore) Exists(tarSum string) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func (ls *layerStore) Fetch(tarSum string) (Layer, error) {
repos, err := ls.resolveContainingRepositories(tarSum)
func (ls *layerStore) Fetch(name string, digest digest.Digest) (Layer, error) {
repos, err := ls.resolveContainingRepositories(digest)
if err != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): Unknown tarsum error: need to wrap.
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ func (ls *layerStore) Fetch(tarSum string) (Layer, error) {
// against the list of repos to which we have pull access. The argument
// repos needs to be filtered against that access list.
name, blobPath, err := ls.resolveBlobPath(repos, tarSum)
_, blobPath, err := ls.resolveBlobPath(repos, digest)
if err != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): Map this error correctly, perhaps in the callee.
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ func (ls *layerStore) Fetch(tarSum string) (Layer, error) {
layerStore: ls,
path: p,
name: name,
tarSum: tarSum,
digest: digest,
// TODO(stevvooe): Storage backend does not support modification time
// queries yet. Layers "never" change, so just return the zero value.
@ -88,25 +89,13 @@ func (ls *layerStore) Fetch(tarSum string) (Layer, error) {
// Upload begins a layer upload, returning a handle. If the layer upload
// is already in progress or the layer has already been uploaded, this
// will return an error.
func (ls *layerStore) Upload(name, tarSum string) (LayerUpload, error) {
exists, err := ls.Exists(tarSum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if exists {
// TODO(stevvoe): This looks simple now, but we really should only
// return the layer exists error when the layer exists AND the current
// client has access to the layer. If the client doesn't have access
// to the layer, the upload should proceed.
return nil, ErrLayerExists
func (ls *layerStore) Upload(name string) (LayerUpload, error) {
// NOTE(stevvooe): Consider the issues with allowing concurrent upload of
// the same two layers. Should it be disallowed? For now, we allow both
// parties to proceed and the the first one uploads the layer.
lus, err := ls.uploadStore.New(name, tarSum)
lus, err := ls.uploadStore.New(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -116,7 +105,7 @@ func (ls *layerStore) Upload(name, tarSum string) (LayerUpload, error) {
// Resume continues an in progress layer upload, returning the current
// state of the upload.
func (ls *layerStore) Resume(name, tarSum, uuid string) (LayerUpload, error) {
func (ls *layerStore) Resume(uuid string) (LayerUpload, error) {
lus, err := ls.uploadStore.GetState(uuid)
if err != nil {
@ -135,9 +124,9 @@ func (ls *layerStore) newLayerUpload(lus LayerUploadState) LayerUpload {
func (ls *layerStore) resolveContainingRepositories(tarSum string) ([]string, error) {
func (ls *layerStore) resolveContainingRepositories(digest digest.Digest) ([]string, error) {
// Lookup the layer link in the index by tarsum id.
layerIndexLinkPath, err := ls.pathMapper.path(layerIndexLinkPathSpec{tarSum: tarSum})
layerIndexLinkPath, err := ls.pathMapper.path(layerIndexLinkPathSpec{digest: digest})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -164,10 +153,10 @@ func (ls *layerStore) resolveContainingRepositories(tarSum string) ([]string, er
// resolveBlobId lookups up the tarSum in the various repos to find the blob
// link, returning the repo name and blob path spec or an error on failure.
func (ls *layerStore) resolveBlobPath(repos []string, tarSum string) (name string, bps blobPathSpec, err error) {
func (ls *layerStore) resolveBlobPath(repos []string, digest digest.Digest) (name string, bps blobPathSpec, err error) {
for _, repo := range repos {
pathSpec := layerLinkPathSpec{name: repo, tarSum: tarSum}
pathSpec := layerLinkPathSpec{name: repo, digest: digest}
layerLinkPath, err := ls.pathMapper.path(pathSpec)
if err != nil {
@ -199,5 +188,5 @@ func (ls *layerStore) resolveBlobPath(repos []string, tarSum string) (name strin
// TODO(stevvooe): Map this error to repo not found, but it basically
// means we exited the loop above without finding a blob link.
return "", bps, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve blog id for repos=%v and tarSum=%q", repos, tarSum)
return "", bps, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve blog id for repos=%v and digest=%v", repos, digest)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package storage
import (
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ type LayerUploadState struct {
// name is the primary repository under which the layer will be linked.
Name string
// tarSum identifies the target layer. Provided by the client. If the
// resulting tarSum does not match this value, an error should be
// returned.
TarSum string
// UUID identifies the upload.
UUID string
@ -64,7 +59,7 @@ type layerFile interface {
// uploads. This interface will definitely change and will most likely end up
// being exported to the app layer. Move the layer.go when it's ready to go.
type layerUploadStore interface {
New(name, tarSum string) (LayerUploadState, error)
New(name string) (LayerUploadState, error)
Open(uuid string) (layerFile, error)
GetState(uuid string) (LayerUploadState, error)
SaveState(lus LayerUploadState) error
@ -78,12 +73,6 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) Name() string {
return luc.LayerUploadState.Name
// TarSum identifier of the proposed layer. Resulting data must match this
// tarsum.
func (luc *layerUploadController) TarSum() string {
return luc.LayerUploadState.TarSum
// UUID returns the identifier for this upload.
func (luc *layerUploadController) UUID() string {
return luc.LayerUploadState.UUID
@ -98,7 +87,7 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) Offset() int64 {
// uploaded layer. The final size and checksum are validated against the
// contents of the uploaded layer. The checksum should be provided in the
// format <algorithm>:<hex digest>.
func (luc *layerUploadController) Finish(size int64, digestStr string) (Layer, error) {
func (luc *layerUploadController) Finish(size int64, digest digest.Digest) (Layer, error) {
// This section is going to be pretty ugly now. We will have to read the
// file twice. First, to get the tarsum and checksum. When those are
@ -115,16 +104,11 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) Finish(size int64, digestStr string) (Layer, e
return nil, err
digest, err := ParseDigest(digestStr)
digest, err = luc.validateLayer(fp, size, digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := luc.validateLayer(fp, size, digest); err != nil {
// Cleanup?
return nil, err
if err := luc.writeLayer(fp, size, digest); err != nil {
// Cleanup?
return nil, err
@ -142,7 +126,7 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) Finish(size int64, digestStr string) (Layer, e
return nil, err
return luc.layerStore.Fetch(luc.TarSum())
return luc.layerStore.Fetch(luc.Name(), digest)
// Cancel the layer upload process.
@ -239,69 +223,69 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) reset() {
// validateLayer runs several checks on the layer file to ensure its validity.
// This is currently very expensive and relies on fast io and fast seek.
func (luc *layerUploadController) validateLayer(fp layerFile, size int64, digest Digest) error {
// This is currently very expensive and relies on fast io and fast seek on the
// local host. If successful, the latest digest is returned, which should be
// used over the passed in value.
func (luc *layerUploadController) validateLayer(fp layerFile, size int64, dgst digest.Digest) (digest.Digest, error) {
// First, check the incoming tarsum version of the digest.
version, err := tarsum.GetVersionFromTarsum(dgst.String())
if err != nil {
return "", err
// TODO(stevvooe): Should we push this down into the digest type?
switch version {
case tarsum.Version1:
// version 0 and dev, for now.
return "", ErrLayerTarSumVersionUnsupported
digestVerifier := digest.DigestVerifier(dgst)
lengthVerifier := digest.LengthVerifier(size)
// First, seek to the end of the file, checking the size is as expected.
end, err := fp.Seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
if err != nil {
return err
return "", err
if end != size {
return ErrLayerInvalidLength
// Fast path length check.
return "", ErrLayerInvalidLength
// Now seek back to start and take care of tarsum and checksum.
// Now seek back to start and take care of the digest.
if _, err := fp.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
return err
return "", err
version, err := tarsum.GetVersionFromTarsum(luc.TarSum())
tr := io.TeeReader(fp, lengthVerifier)
tr = io.TeeReader(tr, digestVerifier)
// TODO(stevvooe): This is one of the places we need a Digester write
// sink. Instead, its read driven. This migth be okay.
// Calculate an updated digest with the latest version.
dgst, err = digest.DigestReader(tr)
if err != nil {
return ErrLayerTarSumVersionUnsupported
return "", err
// // We only support tarsum version 1 for now.
if version != tarsum.Version1 {
return ErrLayerTarSumVersionUnsupported
if !lengthVerifier.Verified() {
return "", ErrLayerInvalidLength
ts, err := tarsum.NewTarSum(fp, true, tarsum.Version1)
if err != nil {
return err
if !digestVerifier.Verified() {
return "", ErrLayerInvalidDigest
h := sha256.New()
// Pull the layer file through by writing it to a checksum.
nn, err := io.Copy(h, ts)
if nn != int64(size) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad read while finishing upload(%s) %v: %v != %v, err=%v", luc.UUID(), fp, nn, size, err)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
calculatedDigest := NewDigest("sha256", h)
// Compare the digests!
if digest != calculatedDigest {
return ErrLayerInvalidChecksum
// Compare the tarsums!
if ts.Sum(nil) != luc.TarSum() {
return ErrLayerInvalidTarsum
return nil
return dgst, nil
// writeLayer actually writes the the layer file into its final destination.
// The layer should be validated before commencing the write.
func (luc *layerUploadController) writeLayer(fp layerFile, size int64, digest Digest) error {
func (luc *layerUploadController) writeLayer(fp layerFile, size int64, digest digest.Digest) error {
blobPath, err := luc.layerStore.pathMapper.path(blobPathSpec{
alg: digest.Algorithm(),
digest: digest.Hex(),
@ -342,10 +326,10 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) writeLayer(fp layerFile, size int64, digest Di
// linkLayer links a valid, written layer blog into the registry, first
// linking the repository namespace, then adding it to the layerindex.
func (luc *layerUploadController) linkLayer(digest Digest) error {
func (luc *layerUploadController) linkLayer(digest digest.Digest) error {
layerLinkPath, err := luc.layerStore.pathMapper.path(layerLinkPathSpec{
name: luc.Name(),
tarSum: luc.TarSum(),
digest: digest,
if err != nil {
@ -358,7 +342,7 @@ func (luc *layerUploadController) linkLayer(digest Digest) error {
// Link the layer into the name index.
layerIndexLinkPath, err := luc.layerStore.pathMapper.path(layerIndexLinkPathSpec{
tarSum: luc.TarSum(),
digest: digest,
if err != nil {
@ -435,11 +419,10 @@ func newTemporaryLocalFSLayerUploadStore() (layerUploadStore, error) {
}, nil
func (llufs *localFSLayerUploadStore) New(name, tarSum string) (LayerUploadState, error) {
func (llufs *localFSLayerUploadStore) New(name string) (LayerUploadState, error) {
lus := LayerUploadState{
Name: name,
TarSum: tarSum,
UUID: uuid.New(),
Name: name,
UUID: uuid.New(),
if err := os.Mkdir(llufs.path(lus.UUID, ""), 0755); err != nil {
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package storage
import (
@ -9,6 +11,11 @@ import (
const storagePathVersion = "v2"
// TODO(sday): This needs to be changed: all layers for an image will be
// linked under the repository. Lookup from tarsum to name is not necessary,
// so we can remove the layer index. For this to properly work, image push
// must link the images layers under the repo.
// pathMapper maps paths based on "object names" and their ids. The "object
// names" mapped by pathMapper are internal to the storage system.
@ -79,7 +86,12 @@ func (pm *pathMapper) path(spec pathSpec) (string, error) {
switch v := spec.(type) {
case layerLinkPathSpec:
tsi, err := common.ParseTarSum(v.tarSum)
if !strings.HasPrefix(v.digest.Algorithm(), "tarsum") {
// Only tarsum is supported, for now
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupport content digest: %v", v.digest)
tsi, err := common.ParseTarSum(v.digest.String())
if err != nil {
// TODO(sday): This will return an InvalidTarSumError from
@ -93,7 +105,12 @@ func (pm *pathMapper) path(spec pathSpec) (string, error) {
return p, nil
case layerIndexLinkPathSpec:
tsi, err := common.ParseTarSum(v.tarSum)
if !strings.HasPrefix(v.digest.Algorithm(), "tarsum") {
// Only tarsum is supported, for now
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupport content digest: %v", v.digest)
tsi, err := common.ParseTarSum(v.digest.String())
if err != nil {
// TODO(sday): This will return an InvalidTarSumError from
@ -136,7 +153,7 @@ type pathSpec interface {
// sha256 that can be fetched from the blob store.
type layerLinkPathSpec struct {
name string
tarSum string
digest digest.Digest
func (layerLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
@ -152,7 +169,7 @@ func (layerLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
// library/ubuntu repository. The storage layer should access the tarsum from
// the first repository to which the client has access.
type layerIndexLinkPathSpec struct {
tarSum string
digest digest.Digest
func (layerIndexLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
@ -160,6 +177,7 @@ func (layerIndexLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
// blobPath contains the path for the registry global blob store. For now,
// this contains layer data, exclusively.
type blobPathSpec struct {
// TODO(stevvooe): Port this to make better use of Digest type.
alg string
digest string
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
package storage
import "testing"
import (
func TestPathMapper(t *testing.T) {
pm := &pathMapper{
@ -15,13 +19,13 @@ func TestPathMapper(t *testing.T) {
spec: layerLinkPathSpec{
name: "foo/bar",
tarSum: "tarsum.v1+test:abcdef",
digest: digest.Digest("tarsum.v1+test:abcdef"),
expected: "/pathmapper-test/repositories/foo/bar/layers/tarsum/v1/test/abcdef",
spec: layerIndexLinkPathSpec{
tarSum: "tarsum.v1+test:abcdef",
digest: digest.Digest("tarsum.v1+test:abcdef"),
expected: "/pathmapper-test/layerindex/tarsum/v1/test/abcdef",
Add table
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