package context

import (


// WithTrace allocates a traced timing span in a new context. This allows a
// caller to track the time between calling WithTrace and the returned done
// function. When the done function is called, a log message is emitted with a
// "trace.duration" field, corresponding to the elapsed time and a
// "trace.func" field, corresponding to the function that called WithTrace.
// The logging keys "" and "" are provided to implement
// dapper-like tracing. This function should be complemented with a WithSpan
// method that could be used for tracing distributed RPC calls.
// The main benefit of this function is to post-process log messages or
// intercept them in a hook to provide timing data. Trace ids and parent ids
// can also be linked to provide call tracing, if so required.
// Here is an example of the usage:
//	func timedOperation(ctx Context) {
//		ctx, done := WithTrace(ctx)
//		defer done("this will be the log message")
//		// ... function body ...
//	}
// If the function ran for roughly 1s, such a usage would emit a log message
// as follows:
//	INFO[0001] this will be the log message  trace.duration=1.004575763s<id> ...
// Notice that the function name is automatically resolved, along with the
// package and a trace id is emitted that can be linked with parent ids.
func WithTrace(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, func(format string, a ...interface{})) {
	if ctx == nil {
		ctx = Background()

	pc, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
	f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
	ctx = &traced{
		Context: ctx,
		id:      uuid.Generate().String(),
		start:   time.Now(),
		parent:  GetStringValue(ctx, ""),
		fnname:  f.Name(),
		file:    file,
		line:    line,

	return ctx, func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
			Debugf(format, a...)

// traced represents a context that is traced for function call timing. It
// also provides fast lookup for the various attributes that are available on
// the trace.
type traced struct {
	id     string
	parent string
	start  time.Time
	fnname string
	file   string
	line   int

func (ts *traced) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
	switch key {
	case "trace.start":
		return ts.start
	case "trace.duration":
		return time.Since(ts.start)
	case "":
	case "":
		if ts.parent == "" {
			return nil // must return nil to signal no parent.

		return ts.parent
	case "trace.func":
		return ts.fnname
	case "trace.file":
		return ts.file
	case "trace.line":
		return ts.line

	return ts.Context.Value(key)