Alex Vanin 1f143e54bd Move api-v2 files into v2 subdir
This subdir contains generated proto files
and small wrappers.
2020-09-18 10:40:17 +03:00

129 lines
3.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package neo.fs.v2.service;
option go_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.Service";
import "v2/acl/types.proto";
import "v2/refs/types.proto";
import "v2/service/verify.proto";
message XHeader {
// Key of the X-Header.
string key = 1;
// Value of the X-Header.
string value = 2;
// Represents API version used by node.
message Version {
// Major API version.
uint32 major = 1;
// Minor API version.
uint32 minor = 2;
// Lifetime parameters of the token. Filed names taken from rfc7519.
message TokenLifetime {
// Expiration Epoch
uint64 exp = 1;
// Not valid before Epoch
uint64 nbf = 2;
// Issued at Epoch
uint64 iat = 3;
// NeoFS session token.
message SessionToken {
message Body {
// ID is a token identifier. valid UUIDv4 represented in bytes
bytes id = 1;
// OwnerID carries identifier of the session initiator.
neo.fs.v2.refs.OwnerID owner_id = 2;
// Verb is an enumeration of session request types
enum Verb {
// Refers to object.Put RPC call
// Refers to object.Get RPC call
// Refers to object.Head RPC call
// Refers to object.Search RPC call
// Refers to object.Delete RPC call
// Refers to object.GetRange RPC call
// Refers to object.GetRangeHash RPC call
// Verb is a type of request for which the token is issued
Verb verb = 3;
// Lifetime is a lifetime of the session
TokenLifetime lifetime = 4;
// SessionKey is a public key of session key
bytes session_key = 5;
// Carries context of the session.
oneof context {
// object_address represents the object session context.
neo.fs.v2.refs.Address object_address = 6;
// Session Token body
Body token = 1;
// Signature is a signature of session token information
Signature signature = 2;
// BearerToken has information about request ACL rules with limited lifetime
message BearerToken {
message Body {
// EACLTable carries table of extended ACL rules
neo.fs.v2.acl.EACLTable eacl_table = 1;
// OwnerID carries identifier of the token owner
neo.fs.v2.refs.OwnerID owner_id = 2;
// Token expiration and valid time period parameters
TokenLifetime lifetime = 3;
// Bearer Token body
Body token = 1;
// Signature of BearerToken body
Signature signature = 2;
// Information about the request
message RequestMetaHeader {
// Client API version.
Version version = 1;
// Client local epoch number. Set to 0 if unknown.
uint64 epoch = 2;
// Maximum number of nodes in the request route.
uint32 ttl = 3;
// Request X-Headers.
repeated XHeader x_headers = 4;
// Token is a token of the session within which the request is sent
SessionToken token = 5;
// Bearer is a Bearer token of the request
BearerToken bearer = 6;
// RequestMetaHeader of the origin request.
RequestMetaHeader origin = 7;
// Information about the response
message ResponseMetaHeader {
// Server API version.
Version version = 1;
// Server local epoch number.
uint64 epoch = 2;
// Maximum number of nodes in the response route.
uint32 ttl = 3;
// Response X-Headers.
repeated XHeader x_headers = 4;
// Carries response meta header of the origin response.
ResponseMetaHeader origin = 5;