package subnet import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // ErrInvalidSubnetID is thrown when subnet id is not a slice of 4 bytes. ErrInvalidSubnetID = "invalid subnet ID" // ErrInvalidOwner is thrown when owner has invalid format. ErrInvalidOwner = "invalid owner" // ErrInvalidAdmin is thrown when admin has invalid format. ErrInvalidAdmin = "invalid administrator" // ErrAlreadyExists is thrown when id already exists. ErrAlreadyExists = "subnet id already exists" // ErrSubNotExist is thrown when id doesn't exist. ErrSubNotExist = "subnet id doesn't exist" // ErrNodeAdmNotExist is thrown when node admin is not found. ErrNodeAdmNotExist = "node admin not found" // ErrAccessDenied is thrown when operation is denied for caller. ErrAccessDenied = "access denied" errCheckWitnessFailed = "owner witness check failed" ownerPrefix = 'o' nodeAdminPrefix = 'a' clientAdminPrefix = 'm' nodePrefix = 'n' user = 'u' infoPrefix = 'i' notaryDisabledKey = 'z' ) // _deploy function sets up initial list of inner ring public keys. func _deploy(data interface{}, isUpdate bool) { if isUpdate { return } args := data.(struct { notaryDisabled bool }) ctx := storage.GetContext() storage.Put(ctx, []byte{notaryDisabledKey}, args.notaryDisabled) } // Update method updates contract source code and manifest. Can be invoked // only by committee. func Update(script []byte, manifest []byte, data interface{}) { if !common.HasUpdateAccess() { panic("only committee can update contract") } contract.Call(interop.Hash160(management.Hash), "update", contract.All, script, manifest, data) runtime.Log("subnet contract updated") } // Put creates new subnet with the specified owner and info. func Put(id []byte, ownerKey interop.PublicKey, info []byte) { if len(id) != 4 { panic("put: " + ErrInvalidSubnetID) } if len(ownerKey) != interop.PublicKeyCompressedLen { panic("put: " + ErrInvalidOwner) } ctx := storage.GetContext() stKey := append([]byte{ownerPrefix}, id...) if storage.Get(ctx, stKey) != nil { panic("put: " + ErrAlreadyExists) } notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool) if notaryDisabled { alphabet := common.AlphabetNodes() nodeKey := common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet) if len(nodeKey) == 0 { if !runtime.CheckWitness(ownerKey) { panic("put: witness check failed") } runtime.Notify("SubnetPut", id, ownerKey, info) return } threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1 id := common.InvokeID([]interface{}{ownerKey, info}, []byte("put")) n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey) if n < threshold { return } common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id) } else { if !runtime.CheckWitness(ownerKey) { panic("put: " + errCheckWitnessFailed) } multiaddr := common.AlphabetAddress() if !runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) { panic("put: alphabet witness check failed") } } storage.Put(ctx, stKey, ownerKey) stKey[0] = infoPrefix storage.Put(ctx, stKey, info) } // Get returns info about subnet with the specified id. func Get(id []byte) []byte { ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext() key := append([]byte{infoPrefix}, id...) raw := storage.Get(ctx, key) if raw == nil { panic("get: " + ErrSubNotExist) } return raw.([]byte) } // Delete deletes subnet with the specified id. func Delete(id []byte) { ctx := storage.GetContext() key := append([]byte{ownerPrefix}, id...) raw := storage.Get(ctx, key) if raw == nil { panic("delete:" + ErrSubNotExist) } owner := raw.([]byte) if !runtime.CheckWitness(owner) { panic("delete: " + errCheckWitnessFailed) } storage.Delete(ctx, key) key[0] = infoPrefix storage.Delete(ctx, key) runtime.Notify("SubnetDelete", id) } // AddNodeAdmin adds new node administrator to the specified subnetwork. func AddNodeAdmin(subnetID []byte, adminKey interop.PublicKey) { if len(adminKey) != interop.PublicKeyCompressedLen { panic("addNodeAdmin: " + ErrInvalidAdmin) } ctx := storage.GetContext() stKey := append([]byte{ownerPrefix}, subnetID...) rawOwner := storage.Get(ctx, stKey) if rawOwner == nil { panic("addNodeAdmin: " + ErrSubNotExist) } owner := rawOwner.([]byte) if !runtime.CheckWitness(owner) { panic("addNodeAdmin: " + errCheckWitnessFailed) } stKey[0] = nodeAdminPrefix if keyInList(ctx, adminKey, stKey) { panic("addNodeAdmin: node admin has already been added") } storage.Put(ctx, append(stKey, adminKey...), []byte{1}) } // RemoveNodeAdmin removes node administrator from the specified subnetwork. // Must be called by subnet owner only. func RemoveNodeAdmin(subnetID []byte, adminKey interop.PublicKey) { if len(adminKey) != interop.PublicKeyCompressedLen { panic("removeNodeAdmin: " + ErrInvalidAdmin) } ctx := storage.GetContext() stOwnerKey := append([]byte{ownerPrefix}, subnetID...) rawOwner := storage.Get(ctx, stOwnerKey) if rawOwner == nil { panic("removeNodeAdmin: " + ErrSubNotExist) } owner := rawOwner.([]byte) if !runtime.CheckWitness(owner) { panic("removeNodeAdmin: " + errCheckWitnessFailed) } stOwnerKey[0] = nodeAdminPrefix stNodeAdmKey := append(stOwnerKey, adminKey...) if storage.Get(ctx, stNodeAdmKey) == nil { panic("removeNodeAdmin: " + ErrNodeAdmNotExist) } storage.Delete(ctx, stNodeAdmKey) } // AddNode adds node to the specified subnetwork. // Must be called by subnet's owner or node administrator // only. func AddNode(subnetID []byte, node interop.PublicKey) { if len(node) != interop.PublicKeyCompressedLen { panic("addNode: " + ErrInvalidAdmin) } ctx := storage.GetContext() stKey := append([]byte{ownerPrefix}, subnetID...) prefixLen := len(stKey) rawOwner := storage.Get(ctx, stKey) if rawOwner == nil { panic("addNode: " + ErrSubNotExist) } owner := rawOwner.([]byte) if !runtime.CheckWitness(owner) { var hasAccess bool stKey[0] = nodeAdminPrefix iter := storage.Find(ctx, stKey, storage.KeysOnly) for iterator.Next(iter) { key := iterator.Value(iter).([]byte) if runtime.CheckWitness(key[prefixLen:]) { hasAccess = true break } } if !hasAccess { panic("addNode: " + ErrAccessDenied) } } stKey[0] = nodePrefix if keyInList(ctx, node, stKey) { panic("addNode: node has already been added") } storage.Put(ctx, append(stKey, node...), []byte{1}) } // Version returns version of the contract. func Version() int { return common.Version } func keyInList(ctx storage.Context, searchedKey interop.PublicKey, prefix []byte) bool { prefixLen := len(prefix) iter := storage.Find(ctx, prefix, storage.KeysOnly) for iterator.Next(iter) { key := iterator.Value(iter).([]byte) if util.Equals(string(key[prefixLen:]), string(searchedKey)) { return true } } return false }