#!/usr/bin/env bash # Source env settigns . .env . services/ir/.ir.env # NeoGo binary path. NEOGO="${NEOGO:-docker exec -it main_chain neo-go}" # Wallet file to use for deposit GAS from WALLET="${WALLET:-wallets/wallet.json}" # How much GAS to deposit. First cli argument or 50 by default DEPOSIT="${1:-50}" # Internal variables ADDR=`cat ${WALLET} | jq -r .accounts[0].address` LESH=`${NEOGO} util convert ${ADDR} | grep 'Address to LE ScriptHash' | awk '{print $5}' | grep -oP [A-z0-9]+` # Make deposit ${NEOGO} contract invokefunction \ -w ${WALLET} \ -a ${ADDR} \ -r http://main_chain.${LOCAL_DOMAIN}:30333 \ ${NEOFS_IR_CONTRACTS_NEOFS} \ deposit ${LESH} \ int:${DEPOSIT} \ bytes: -- ${LESH}