# Changelog This document outlines major changes between releases. ## 0.15.1 (24 May 2021) This important release makes HTTP gateway compatible with NeoFS node version 0.20.0. Behavior changes: * neofs-api-go was updated to 1.26.1, which contains some incompatible changes in underlying components (#39, #44) * `neofs-http-gw` is consistently used now for repository, binary and image names (#43) Improvements: * minor code cleanups based on stricter set of linters (#41) * updated README (#42) ## 0.15.0 (30 Apr 2021) This is the first public release incorporating latest NeoFS protocol support and fixing some bugs. New features: * upload support (#14, #13, #29) * ephemeral keys (#26) * TLS server support (#28) Behavior changes: * node weights can now be specified as simple numbers instead of percentages and gateway will calculate the proportion automatically (#27) * attributes are converted now to `X-Attribute-*` headers when retrieving object from gate instead of `X-*` (#29) Improvements: * better Makefile (#16, #24, #33, #34) * updated documentation (#16, #29, #35, #36) * updated neofs-api-go to v1.25.0 (#17, #20) * updated fasthttp to v1.23.0+ (#17, #29) * refactoring, eliminating some dependencies (#20, #29) Bugs fixed: * gateway attempted to work with no NeoFS peers configured (#29) * some invalid headers could be sent for attributes using non-ASCII or non-printable characters (#29) ## Older versions Please refer to [Github releases](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-http-gw/releases/) for older releases.