--- title: "{{ .Name }}" date: 2019-03-03T16:39:46+01:00 draft: false slug: {{ .Code }} --- {{if .Description -}} {{ .Description }} {{else}} Configuration for [{{ .Name }}]({{ .URL }}). {{end}} - Code: `{{ .Code }}` {{if .Example }} Here is an example bash command using the {{ .Name }} provider: ```bash {{ .Example -}} ``` {{else}} {{ "{{" }}% notice note %}} _Please contribute by adding a CLI example._ {{ "{{" }}% /notice %}} {{end}} {{if .Configuration }} {{if .Configuration.Credentials }} ## Credentials | Environment Variable Name | Description | |-----------------------|-------------| {{- range $k, $v := .Configuration.Credentials }} | `{{$k}}` | {{$v}} | {{- end}} The environment variable names can be suffixed by `_FILE` to reference a file instead of a value. More information [here](/lego/dns/#configuration-and-credentials). {{- end}} {{if .Configuration.Additional }} ## Additional Configuration | Environment Variable Name | Description | |--------------------------------|-------------| {{- range $k, $v := .Configuration.Additional }} | `{{$k}}` | {{$v}} | {{- end}} The environment variable names can be suffixed by `_FILE` to reference a file instead of a value. More information [here](/lego/dns/#configuration-and-credentials). {{- end}} {{- end}} {{ .Additional }} {{if .Links }} ## More information {{if .Links.API -}} - [API documentation]({{ .Links.API }}) {{- end}} {{- if .Links.GoClient }} - [Go client]({{ .Links.GoClient }}) {{- end}} {{- end}}