# Changelog ## [0.2.0] - 2016-01-09 ### Added: - CLI: The `--exclude` or `-x` switch. To exclude a challenge from being solved. - CLI: The `--http` switch. To set the listen address and port of HTTP based challenges. Supports `host:port` and `:port` for any interface. - CLI: The `--tls` switch. To set the listen address and port of TLS based challenges. Supports `host:port` and `:port` for any interface. - CLI: The `--reuse-key` switch for the `renew` operation. This lets you reuse an existing private key for renewals. - lib: ExcludeChallenges function. Pass an array of challenge identifiers to exclude them from solving. - lib: SetHTTPAddress function. Pass a port to set the listen port for HTTP based challenges. - lib: SetTLSAddress function. Pass a port to set the listen port of TLS based challenges. - lib: acme.UserAgent variable. Use this to customize the user agent on all requests sent by lego. ### Changed: - lib: NewClient does no longer accept the optPort parameter - lib: ObtainCertificate now returns a SAN certificate if you pass more then one domain. - lib: GetOCSPForCert now returns the parsed OCSP response instead of just the status. - lib: ObtainCertificate has a new parameter `privKey crypto.PrivateKey` which lets you reuse an existing private key for new certificates. - lib: RenewCertificate now expects the PrivateKey property of the CertificateResource to be set only if you want to reuse the key. ### Removed: - CLI: The `--port` switch was removed. - lib: RenewCertificate does no longer offer to also revoke your old certificate. ### Fixed: - CLI: Fix logic using the `--days` parameter for renew ## [0.1.1] - 2015-12-18 ### Added: - CLI: Added a way to automate renewal through a cronjob using the --days parameter to renew ### Changed: - lib: Improved log output on challenge failures. ### Fixed: - CLI: The short parameter for domains would not get accepted - CLI: The cli did not return proper exit codes on error library errors. - lib: RenewCertificate did not properly renew SAN certificates. ### Security - lib: Fix possible DOS on GetOCSPForCert ## [0.1.0] - 2015-12-03 - Initial release [0.2.0]: https://github.com/xenolf/lego/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0 [0.1.1]: https://github.com/xenolf/lego/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1 [0.1.0]: https://github.com/xenolf/lego/tree/v0.1.0