TAG := $(shell git describe --tags) LAST_TAG := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0) NEW_TAG := $(shell echo $(LAST_TAG) | perl -lpe 's/v//; $$_ += 0.01; $$_ = sprintf("v%.2f", $$_)') rclone: @go version go install -v ./... test: rclone go test ./... fs/test_all.sh doc: rclone.1 README.html README.txt rclone.1: README.md pandoc -s --from markdown --to man README.md -o rclone.1 README.html: README.md pandoc -s --from markdown_github --to html README.md -o README.html README.txt: README.md pandoc -s --from markdown_github --to plain README.md -o README.txt install: rclone install -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin install -t ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin ${GOPATH}/bin/rclone clean: go clean ./... find . -name \*~ | xargs -r rm -f rm -rf build docs/public rm -f rclone rclonetest/rclonetest rclone.1 README.html README.txt website: cd docs && hugo upload_website: website rclone -v sync docs/public memstore:www-rclone-org upload: rclone -v copy build/ memstore:downloads-rclone-org cross: doc ./cross-compile $(TAG) serve: cd docs && hugo server -v -w tag: @echo "Old tag is $(LAST_TAG)" @echo "New tag is $(NEW_TAG)" echo -e "package fs\n const Version = \"$(NEW_TAG)\"\n" | gofmt > fs/version.go perl -lpe 's/VERSION/${NEW_TAG}/g; s/DATE/'`date -I`'/g;' docs/content/downloads.md.in > docs/content/downloads.md git tag $(NEW_TAG) @echo "Add this to changelog in README.md" @echo " * $(NEW_TAG) -" `date -I` @git log $(LAST_TAG)..$(NEW_TAG) --oneline @echo "Then commit the changes" @echo git commit -m "Version $(NEW_TAG)" -a -v @echo "And finally run make retag before make cross etc" retag: git tag -f $(LAST_TAG) gen_tests: cd fstest/fstests && go run gen_tests.go