// Serve webdav tests set up a server and run the integration tests
// for the webdav remote against it.
// We skip tests on platforms with troublesome character mappings

//+build !windows,!darwin

package webdav

import (

	_ "github.com/rclone/rclone/backend/local"

const (
	testBindAddress = "localhost:0"
	testUser        = "user"
	testPass        = "pass"
	testTemplate    = "../http/testdata/golden/testindex.html"

// check interfaces
var (
	_ os.FileInfo         = FileInfo{nil}
	_ webdav.ETager       = FileInfo{nil}
	_ webdav.ContentTyper = FileInfo{nil}

// TestWebDav runs the webdav server then runs the unit tests for the
// webdav remote against it.
func TestWebDav(t *testing.T) {
	// Configure and start the server
	start := func(f fs.Fs) (configmap.Simple, func()) {
		opt := httplib.DefaultOpt
		opt.ListenAddr = testBindAddress
		opt.BasicUser = testUser
		opt.BasicPass = testPass
		opt.Template = testTemplate
		hashType = hash.MD5

		// Start the server
		w := newWebDAV(context.Background(), f, &opt)
		assert.NoError(t, w.serve())

		// Config for the backend we'll use to connect to the server
		config := configmap.Simple{
			"type":   "webdav",
			"vendor": "other",
			"url":    w.Server.URL(),
			"user":   testUser,
			"pass":   obscure.MustObscure(testPass),

		return config, func() {

	servetest.Run(t, "webdav", start)

// Test serve http functionality in serve webdav
// While similar to http serve, there are some inconsistencies
// in the handling of some requests such as POST requests

var (
	updateGolden = flag.Bool("updategolden", false, "update golden files for regression test")

func TestHTTPFunction(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// exclude files called hidden.txt and directories called hidden
	fi := filter.GetConfig(ctx)
	require.NoError(t, fi.AddRule("- hidden.txt"))
	require.NoError(t, fi.AddRule("- hidden/**"))

	// Uses the same test files as http tests but with different golden.
	f, err := fs.NewFs(context.Background(), "../http/testdata/files")
	assert.NoError(t, err)

	opt := httplib.DefaultOpt
	opt.ListenAddr = testBindAddress
	opt.Template = testTemplate

	// Start the server
	w := newWebDAV(context.Background(), f, &opt)
	assert.NoError(t, w.serve())
	defer func() {
	testURL := w.Server.URL()
	pause := time.Millisecond
	i := 0
	for ; i < 10; i++ {
		resp, err := http.Head(testURL)
		if err == nil {
			_ = resp.Body.Close()
		// t.Logf("couldn't connect, sleeping for %v: %v", pause, err)
		pause *= 2
	if i >= 10 {
		t.Fatal("couldn't connect to server")

	HelpTestGET(t, testURL)

// check body against the file, or re-write body if -updategolden is
// set.
func checkGolden(t *testing.T, fileName string, got []byte) {
	if *updateGolden {
		t.Logf("Updating golden file %q", fileName)
		err := ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, got, 0666)
		require.NoError(t, err)
	} else {
		want, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
		require.NoError(t, err, "problem")
		wants := strings.Split(string(want), "\n")
		gots := strings.Split(string(got), "\n")
		assert.Equal(t, wants, gots, fileName)

func HelpTestGET(t *testing.T, testURL string) {
	for _, test := range []struct {
		URL    string
		Status int
		Golden string
		Method string
		Range  string
			URL:    "",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/index.html",
			URL:    "notfound",
			Status: http.StatusNotFound,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/notfound.html",
			URL:    "dirnotfound/",
			Status: http.StatusNotFound,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/dirnotfound.html",
			URL:    "hidden/",
			Status: http.StatusNotFound,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/hiddendir.html",
			URL:    "one%25.txt",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/one.txt",
			URL:    "hidden.txt",
			Status: http.StatusNotFound,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/hidden.txt",
			URL:    "three/",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/three.html",
			URL:    "three/a.txt",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/a.txt",
			URL:    "",
			Method: "HEAD",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/indexhead.txt",
			URL:    "one%25.txt",
			Method: "HEAD",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/onehead.txt",
			URL:    "",
			Method: "POST",
			Status: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/indexpost.txt",
			URL:    "one%25.txt",
			Method: "POST",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/onepost.txt",
			URL:    "two.txt",
			Status: http.StatusOK,
			Golden: "testdata/golden/two.txt",
			URL:    "two.txt",
			Status: http.StatusPartialContent,
			Range:  "bytes=2-5",
			Golden: "testdata/golden/two2-5.txt",
			URL:    "two.txt",
			Status: http.StatusPartialContent,
			Range:  "bytes=0-6",
			Golden: "testdata/golden/two-6.txt",
			URL:    "two.txt",
			Status: http.StatusPartialContent,
			Range:  "bytes=3-",
			Golden: "testdata/golden/two3-.txt",
	} {
		method := test.Method
		if method == "" {
			method = "GET"
		req, err := http.NewRequest(method, testURL+test.URL, nil)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		if test.Range != "" {
			req.Header.Add("Range", test.Range)
		resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		assert.Equal(t, test.Status, resp.StatusCode, test.Golden)
		body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		require.NoError(t, err)

		checkGolden(t, test.Golden, body)