// Errors and error handling

package fs

import (

// Retry is an optional interface for error as to whether the
// operation should be retried at a high level.
// This should be returned from Update or Put methods as required
type Retry interface {
	Retry() bool

// retryError is a type of error
type retryError string

// Error interface
func (r retryError) Error() string {
	return string(r)

// Retry interface
func (r retryError) Retry() bool {
	return true

// Check interface
var _ Retry = retryError("")

// RetryErrorf makes an error which indicates it would like to be retried
func RetryErrorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error {
	return retryError(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))

// PlainRetryError is an error wrapped so it will retry
type plainRetryError struct {

// Retry interface
func (err plainRetryError) Retry() bool {
	return true

// Check interface
var _ Retry = plainRetryError{(error)(nil)}

// RetryError makes an error which indicates it would like to be retried
func RetryError(err error) error {
	return plainRetryError{err}

// ShouldRetry looks at an error and tries to work out if retrying the
// operation that caused it would be a good idea. It returns true if
// the error implements Timeout() or Temporary() and it returns true.
func ShouldRetry(err error) bool {
	if err == nil {
		return false

	// Unwrap url.Error
	if urlErr, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok {
		err = urlErr.Err

	// Check for net error Timeout()
	if x, ok := err.(interface {
		Timeout() bool
	}); ok && x.Timeout() {
		return true

	// Check for net error Temporary()
	if x, ok := err.(interface {
		Temporary() bool
	}); ok && x.Temporary() {
		return true

	return false

// ShouldRetryHTTP returns a boolean as to whether this resp deserves.
// It checks to see if the HTTP response code is in the slice
// retryErrorCodes.
func ShouldRetryHTTP(resp *http.Response, retryErrorCodes []int) bool {
	if resp == nil {
		return false
	for _, e := range retryErrorCodes {
		if resp.StatusCode == e {
			return true
	return false