Nick Craig-Wood 2f0ef2e983 s3: fix v2 auth for multipart server side copy
Before this change the v2 signer sorted the headers for signing as
joined key:value pairs. However this put these two headers in the
wrong order.


This changes sorts on the keys before joining the values producing the
correct sort order.


This commit also adds some missing query parameters for signing that I
spotted in the s3cmd source.
2020-10-26 12:43:54 +00:00

143 lines
3.9 KiB

// v2 signing
package s3
import (
// URL parameters that need to be added to the signature
var s3ParamsToSign = map[string]struct{}{
"acl": {},
"location": {},
"logging": {},
"notification": {},
"partNumber": {},
"policy": {},
"requestPayment": {},
"torrent": {},
"uploadId": {},
"uploads": {},
"versionId": {},
"versioning": {},
"versions": {},
"response-content-type": {},
"response-content-language": {},
"response-expires": {},
"response-cache-control": {},
"response-content-disposition": {},
"response-content-encoding": {},
"lifecycle": {},
"website": {},
"delete": {},
"cors": {},
"restore": {},
// Warn once about empty endpoint
var warnEmptyEndpointOnce sync.Once
// sign signs requests using v2 auth
// Cobbled together from goamz and aws-sdk-go
func v2sign(opt *Options, req *http.Request) {
// Set date
date := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123)
req.Header.Set("Date", date)
// Sort out URI
uri := req.URL.EscapedPath()
if uri == "" {
uri = "/"
// If not using path style then need to stick the bucket on
// the start of the requests if doing a bucket based query
if !opt.ForcePathStyle {
if opt.Endpoint == "" {
warnEmptyEndpointOnce.Do(func() {
fs.Logf(nil, "If using v2 auth with AWS and force_path_style=false, endpoint must be set in the config")
} else if req.URL.Host != opt.Endpoint {
// read the bucket off the start of the hostname
i := strings.IndexRune(req.URL.Host, '.')
if i >= 0 {
uri = "/" + req.URL.Host[:i] + uri
// Look through headers of interest
var md5 string
var contentType string
var headersToSign [][2]string // slice of key, value pairs
for k, v := range req.Header {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
switch k {
case "content-md5":
md5 = v[0]
case "content-type":
contentType = v[0]
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "x-amz-") {
vall := strings.Join(v, ",")
headersToSign = append(headersToSign, [2]string{k, vall})
// Make headers of interest into canonical string
var joinedHeadersToSign string
if len(headersToSign) > 0 {
// sort by keys
sort.Slice(headersToSign, func(i, j int) bool {
return headersToSign[i][0] < headersToSign[j][0]
// join into key:value\n
var out strings.Builder
for _, kv := range headersToSign {
joinedHeadersToSign = out.String()
// Look for query parameters which need to be added to the signature
params := req.URL.Query()
var queriesToSign []string
for k, vs := range params {
if _, ok := s3ParamsToSign[k]; ok {
for _, v := range vs {
if v == "" {
queriesToSign = append(queriesToSign, k)
} else {
queriesToSign = append(queriesToSign, k+"="+v)
// Add query parameters to URI
if len(queriesToSign) > 0 {
uri += "?" + strings.Join(queriesToSign, "&")
// Make signature
payload := req.Method + "\n" + md5 + "\n" + contentType + "\n" + date + "\n" + joinedHeadersToSign + uri
hash := hmac.New(sha1.New, []byte(opt.SecretAccessKey))
_, _ = hash.Write([]byte(payload))
signature := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(hash.Size()))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(signature, hash.Sum(nil))
// Set signature in request
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "AWS "+opt.AccessKeyID+":"+string(signature))