forked from TrueCloudLab/rclone
Before this change, bisync had no mechanism to gracefully cancel a sync early and exit in a clean state. Additionally, there was no way to recover on the next run -- any interruption at all would cause bisync to require a --resync, which made bisync more difficult to use as a scheduled background process. This change introduces a "Graceful Shutdown" mode and --recover flag to robustly recover from even un-graceful shutdowns. If --recover is set, in the event of a sudden interruption or other un-graceful shutdown, bisync will attempt to automatically recover on the next run, instead of requiring --resync. Bisync is able to recover robustly by keeping one "backup" listing at all times, representing the state of both paths after the last known successful sync. Bisync can then compare the current state with this snapshot to determine which changes it needs to retry. Changes that were synced after this snapshot (during the run that was later interrupted) will appear to bisync as if they are "new or changed on both sides", but in most cases this is not a problem, as bisync will simply do its usual "equality check" and learn that no action needs to be taken on these files, since they are already identical on both sides. In the rare event that a file is synced successfully during a run that later aborts, and then that same file changes AGAIN before the next run, bisync will think it is a sync conflict, and handle it accordingly. (From bisync's perspective, the file has changed on both sides since the last trusted sync, and the files on either side are not currently identical.) Therefore, --recover carries with it a slightly increased chance of having conflicts -- though in practice this is pretty rare, as the conditions required to cause it are quite specific. This risk can be reduced by using bisync's "Graceful Shutdown" mode (triggered by sending SIGINT or Ctrl+C), when you have the choice, instead of forcing a sudden termination. --recover and --resilient are similar, but distinct -- the main difference is that --resilient is about _retrying_, while --recover is about _recovering_. Most users will probably want both. --resilient allows retrying when bisync has chosen to abort itself due to safety features such as failing --check-access or detecting a filter change. --resilient does not cover external interruptions such as a user shutting down their computer in the middle of a sync -- that is what --recover is for. "Graceful Shutdown" mode is activated by sending SIGINT or pressing Ctrl+C during a run. Once triggered, bisync will use best efforts to exit cleanly before the timer runs out. If bisync is in the middle of transferring files, it will attempt to cleanly empty its queue by finishing what it has started but not taking more. If it cannot do so within 30 seconds, it will cancel the in-progress transfers at that point and then give itself a maximum of 60 seconds to wrap up, save its state for next time, and exit. With the -vP flags you will see constant status updates and a final confirmation of whether or not the graceful shutdown was successful. At any point during the "Graceful Shutdown" sequence, a second SIGINT or Ctrl+C will trigger an immediate, un-graceful exit, which will leave things in a messier state. Usually a robust recovery will still be possible if using --recover mode, otherwise you will need to do a --resync. If you plan to use Graceful Shutdown mode, it is recommended to use --resilient and --recover, and it is important to NOT use --inplace, otherwise you risk leaving partially-written files on one side, which may be confused for real files on the next run. Note also that in the event of an abrupt interruption, a lock file will be left behind to block concurrent runs. You will need to delete it before you can proceed with the next run (or wait for it to expire on its own, if using --max-lock.)
883 lines
26 KiB
883 lines
26 KiB
// Package bisync implements bisync
// Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Chris Nelson
package bisync
import (
// ListingHeader defines first line of a listing
const ListingHeader = "# bisync listing v1 from"
// lineRegex and lineFormat define listing line format
// flags <- size -> <- hash -> id <------------ modtime -----------> "<----- remote"
// - 3009805 md5:xxxxxx - 2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000-0700 "12 - Wait.mp3"
// flags: "-" for a file and "d" for a directory (reserved)
// hash: "type:value" or "-" (example: "md5:378840336ab14afa9c6b8d887e68a340")
// id: "-" (reserved)
const lineFormat = "%s %8d %s %s %s %q\n"
var lineRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S) +(-?\d+) (\S+) (\S+) (\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{9}[+-]\d{4}) (".+")$`)
// timeFormat defines time format used in listings
const timeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000-0700"
// TZ defines time zone used in listings
var TZ = time.UTC
var tzLocal = false
// fileInfo describes a file
type fileInfo struct {
size int64
time time.Time
hash string
id string
flags string
// fileList represents a listing
type fileList struct {
list []string
info map[string]*fileInfo
hash hash.Type
func newFileList() *fileList {
return &fileList{
info: map[string]*fileInfo{},
list: []string{},
func (ls *fileList) empty() bool {
if ls == nil {
return true
return len(ls.list) == 0
func (ls *fileList) has(file string) bool {
_, found :=[file]
if !found {
//try unquoting
file, _ = strconv.Unquote(`"` + file + `"`)
_, found =[file]
return found
func (ls *fileList) get(file string) *fileInfo {
info, found :=[file]
if !found {
//try unquoting
file, _ = strconv.Unquote(`"` + file + `"`)
info =[fmt.Sprint(file)]
return info
// copy file from ls to dest
func (ls *fileList) getPut(file string, dest *fileList) {
f := ls.get(file)
dest.put(file, f.size, f.time, f.hash,, f.flags)
func (ls *fileList) getPutAll(dest *fileList) {
for file, f := range {
dest.put(file, f.size, f.time, f.hash,, f.flags)
func (ls *fileList) remove(file string) {
if ls.has(file) {
ls.list = slices.Delete(ls.list, slices.Index(ls.list, file), slices.Index(ls.list, file)+1)
delete(, file)
func (ls *fileList) put(file string, size int64, modtime time.Time, hash, id string, flags string) {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi != nil {
fi.size = size
// if already have higher precision of same time, avoid overwriting it
if fi.time != modtime {
if modtime.Before(fi.time) && fi.time.Sub(modtime) < time.Second {
modtime = fi.time
fi.time = modtime
fi.hash = hash
| = id
fi.flags = flags
} else {
fi = &fileInfo{
size: size,
time: modtime,
hash: hash,
id: id,
flags: flags,
|[file] = fi
ls.list = append(ls.list, file)
func (ls *fileList) getTryAlias(file, alias string) string {
if ls.has(file) {
return file
} else if ls.has(alias) {
return alias
return ""
func (ls *fileList) getTime(file string) time.Time {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi == nil {
return time.Time{}
return fi.time
func (ls *fileList) getSize(file string) int64 {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi == nil {
return 0
return fi.size
func (ls *fileList) getHash(file string) string {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi == nil {
return ""
return fi.hash
func (b *bisyncRun) fileInfoEqual(file1, file2 string, ls1, ls2 *fileList) bool {
equal := true
if ls1.isDir(file1) && ls2.isDir(file2) {
return equal
if b.opt.Compare.Size {
if sizeDiffers(ls1.getSize(file1), ls2.getSize(file2)) {
b.indent("ERROR", file1, fmt.Sprintf("Size not equal in listing. Path1: %v, Path2: %v", ls1.getSize(file1), ls2.getSize(file2)))
equal = false
if b.opt.Compare.Modtime {
if timeDiffers(b.fctx, ls1.getTime(file1), ls2.getTime(file2), b.fs1, b.fs2) {
b.indent("ERROR", file1, fmt.Sprintf("Modtime not equal in listing. Path1: %v, Path2: %v", ls1.getTime(file1), ls2.getTime(file2)))
equal = false
if b.opt.Compare.Checksum && !ignoreListingChecksum {
if hashDiffers(ls1.getHash(file1), ls2.getHash(file2), b.opt.Compare.HashType1, b.opt.Compare.HashType2, ls1.getSize(file1), ls2.getSize(file2)) {
b.indent("ERROR", file1, fmt.Sprintf("Checksum not equal in listing. Path1: %v, Path2: %v", ls1.getHash(file1), ls2.getHash(file2)))
equal = false
return equal
// also returns false if not found
func (ls *fileList) isDir(file string) bool {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi != nil {
if fi.flags == "d" {
return true
return false
func (ls *fileList) beforeOther(other *fileList, file string) bool {
thisTime := ls.getTime(file)
thatTime := other.getTime(file)
if thisTime.IsZero() || thatTime.IsZero() {
return false
return thisTime.Before(thatTime)
func (ls *fileList) afterTime(file string, time time.Time) bool {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi == nil {
return false
return fi.time.After(time)
// sort by path name
func (ls *fileList) sort() {
sort.SliceStable(ls.list, func(i, j int) bool {
return ls.list[i] < ls.list[j]
// save will save listing to a file.
func (ls *fileList) save(ctx context.Context, listing string) error {
file, err := os.Create(listing)
if err != nil {
return err
hashName := ""
if ls.hash != hash.None {
hashName = ls.hash.String()
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s %s\n", ListingHeader, time.Now().In(TZ).Format(timeFormat))
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
_ = os.Remove(listing)
return err
for _, remote := range ls.list {
fi := ls.get(remote)
time := fi.time.In(TZ).Format(timeFormat)
hash := "-"
if hashName != "" && fi.hash != "" {
hash = hashName + ":" + fi.hash
id :=
if id == "" {
id = "-"
flags := fi.flags
if flags == "" {
flags = "-"
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(file, lineFormat, flags, fi.size, hash, id, time, remote)
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
_ = os.Remove(listing)
return err
return file.Close()
// loadListing will load listing from a file.
// The key is the path to the file relative to the Path1/Path2 base.
func (b *bisyncRun) loadListing(listing string) (*fileList, error) {
file, err := os.Open(listing)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
_ = file.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
ls := newFileList()
lastHashName := ""
for {
line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n")
if line == "" || line[0] == '#' {
match := lineRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if match == nil {
fs.Logf(listing, "Ignoring incorrect line: %q", line)
flags, sizeStr, hashStr := match[1], match[2], match[3]
id, timeStr, nameStr := match[4], match[5], match[6]
sizeVal, sizeErr := strconv.ParseInt(sizeStr, 10, 64)
timeVal, timeErr := time.ParseInLocation(timeFormat, timeStr, TZ)
nameVal, nameErr := strconv.Unquote(nameStr)
hashName, hashVal, hashErr := parseHash(hashStr)
if hashErr == nil && hashName != "" {
if lastHashName == "" {
lastHashName = hashName
hashErr = ls.hash.Set(hashName)
} else if hashName != lastHashName {
fs.Logf(listing, "Inconsistent hash type in line: %q", line)
if (flags != "-" && flags != "d") || id != "-" || sizeErr != nil || timeErr != nil || hashErr != nil || nameErr != nil {
fs.Logf(listing, "Ignoring incorrect line: %q", line)
if ls.has(nameVal) {
fs.Logf(listing, "Duplicate line (keeping latest): %q", line)
if ls.afterTime(nameVal, timeVal) {
ls.put(nameVal, sizeVal, timeVal.In(TZ), hashVal, id, flags)
return ls, nil
// saveOldListings saves the most recent successful listing, in case we need to rollback on error
func (b *bisyncRun) saveOldListings() {
b.handleErr(b.listing1, "error saving old Path1 listing", bilib.CopyFileIfExists(b.listing1, b.listing1+"-old"), true, true)
b.handleErr(b.listing2, "error saving old Path2 listing", bilib.CopyFileIfExists(b.listing2, b.listing2+"-old"), true, true)
// replaceCurrentListings saves both ".lst-new" listings as ".lst"
func (b *bisyncRun) replaceCurrentListings() {
b.handleErr(b.newListing1, "error replacing Path1 listing", bilib.CopyFileIfExists(b.newListing1, b.listing1), true, true)
b.handleErr(b.newListing2, "error replacing Path2 listing", bilib.CopyFileIfExists(b.newListing2, b.listing2), true, true)
// revertToOldListings reverts to the most recent successful listing
func (b *bisyncRun) revertToOldListings() {
b.handleErr(b.listing1, "error reverting to old Path1 listing", bilib.CopyFileIfExists(b.listing1+"-old", b.listing1), true, true)
b.handleErr(b.listing2, "error reverting to old Path2 listing", bilib.CopyFileIfExists(b.listing2+"-old", b.listing2), true, true)
func parseHash(str string) (string, string, error) {
if str == "-" {
return "", "", nil
if pos := strings.Index(str, ":"); pos > 0 {
name, val := str[:pos], str[pos+1:]
if name != "" && val != "" {
return name, val, nil
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid hash %q", str)
// checkListing verifies that listing is not empty (unless resynching)
func (b *bisyncRun) checkListing(ls *fileList, listing, msg string) error {
if b.opt.Resync || !ls.empty() {
return nil
fs.Errorf(nil, "Empty %s listing. Cannot sync to an empty directory: %s", msg, listing)
b.critical = true
b.retryable = true
return fmt.Errorf("empty %s listing: %s", msg, listing)
// listingNum should be 1 for path1 or 2 for path2
func (b *bisyncRun) loadListingNum(listingNum int) (*fileList, error) {
listingpath := b.basePath + ".path1.lst-new"
if listingNum == 2 {
listingpath = b.basePath + ".path2.lst-new"
if b.opt.DryRun {
listingpath = strings.Replace(listingpath, ".lst-", ".lst-dry-", 1)
fs.Debugf(nil, "loading listing for path %d at: %s", listingNum, listingpath)
return b.loadListing(listingpath)
func (b *bisyncRun) listDirsOnly(listingNum int) (*fileList, error) {
var fulllisting *fileList
var dirsonly = newFileList()
var err error
if !b.opt.CreateEmptySrcDirs {
return dirsonly, err
fulllisting, err = b.loadListingNum(listingNum)
if err != nil {
b.critical = true
b.retryable = true
fs.Debugf(nil, "Error loading listing to generate dirsonly list: %v", err)
return dirsonly, err
for _, obj := range fulllisting.list {
info := fulllisting.get(obj)
if info.flags == "d" {
fs.Debugf(nil, "found a dir: %s", obj)
dirsonly.put(obj, info.size, info.time, info.hash,, info.flags)
} else {
fs.Debugf(nil, "not a dir: %s", obj)
return dirsonly, err
// ConvertPrecision returns the Modtime rounded to Dest's precision if lower, otherwise unchanged
// Need to use the other fs's precision (if lower) when copying
// Note: we need to use Truncate rather than Round so that After() is reliable.
// (2023-11-02 20:22:45.552679442 +0000 < UTC 2023-11-02 20:22:45.553 +0000 UTC)
func ConvertPrecision(Modtime time.Time, dst fs.Fs) time.Time {
DestPrecision := dst.Precision()
// In case it's wrapping an Fs with lower precision, try unwrapping and use the lowest.
if Modtime.Truncate(DestPrecision).After(Modtime.Truncate(fs.UnWrapFs(dst).Precision())) {
DestPrecision = fs.UnWrapFs(dst).Precision()
if Modtime.After(Modtime.Truncate(DestPrecision)) {
return Modtime.Truncate(DestPrecision)
return Modtime
// modifyListing will modify the listing based on the results of the sync
func (b *bisyncRun) modifyListing(ctx context.Context, src fs.Fs, dst fs.Fs, results []Results, queues queues, is1to2 bool) (err error) {
queue := queues.copy2to1
renames := queues.renamed2
direction := "2to1"
if is1to2 {
queue = queues.copy1to2
renames = queues.renamed1
direction = "1to2"
fs.Debugf(nil, "updating %s", direction)
prettyprint(results, "results", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(queue, "queue", fs.LogLevelDebug)
srcListing, dstListing := b.getListingNames(is1to2)
srcList, err := b.loadListing(srcListing)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot read prior listing: %w", err)
dstList, err := b.loadListing(dstListing)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot read prior listing: %w", err)
// set list hash type
if b.opt.Resync && !b.opt.IgnoreListingChecksum {
if is1to2 {
srcList.hash = b.opt.Compare.HashType1
dstList.hash = b.opt.Compare.HashType2
} else {
srcList.hash = b.opt.Compare.HashType2
dstList.hash = b.opt.Compare.HashType1
if b.opt.Compare.DownloadHash && srcList.hash == hash.None {
srcList.hash = hash.MD5
if b.opt.Compare.DownloadHash && dstList.hash == hash.None {
dstList.hash = hash.MD5
b.debugFn(b.DebugName, func() {
var rs ResultsSlice = results
b.debug(b.DebugName, fmt.Sprintf("modifyListing direction: %s, results has name?: %v", direction, rs.has(b.DebugName)))
b.debug(b.DebugName, fmt.Sprintf("modifyListing direction: %s, srcList has name?: %v, dstList has name?: %v", direction, srcList.has(b.DebugName), dstList.has(b.DebugName)))
srcWinners := newFileList()
dstWinners := newFileList()
errors := newFileList()
ctxRecheck, filterRecheck := filter.AddConfig(ctx)
for _, result := range results {
if result.Name == "" {
if result.AltName != "" {
b.aliases.Add(result.Name, result.AltName)
if result.Flags == "d" && !b.opt.CreateEmptySrcDirs {
// build src winners list
if result.IsSrc && result.Src != "" && (result.Winner.Err == nil || result.Flags == "d") {
srcWinners.put(result.Name, result.Size, ConvertPrecision(result.Modtime, src), result.Hash, "-", result.Flags)
prettyprint(result, "winner: copy to src", fs.LogLevelDebug)
// build dst winners list
if result.IsWinner && result.Winner.Side != "none" && (result.Winner.Err == nil || result.Flags == "d") {
dstWinners.put(result.Name, result.Size, ConvertPrecision(result.Modtime, dst), result.Hash, "-", result.Flags)
prettyprint(result, "winner: copy to dst", fs.LogLevelDebug)
// build errors list
if result.Err != nil || result.Winner.Err != nil {
errors.put(result.Name, result.Size, result.Modtime, result.Hash, "-", result.Flags)
if err := filterRecheck.AddFile(result.Name); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(result.Name, "error adding file to recheck filter: %v", err)
ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
updateLists := func(side string, winners, list *fileList) {
for _, queueFile := range queue.ToList() {
if !winners.has(queueFile) && list.has(queueFile) && !errors.has(queueFile) {
// removals from side
fs.Debugf(nil, "decision: removed from %s: %v", side, queueFile)
} else if winners.has(queueFile) {
// copies to side
new := winners.get(queueFile)
// handle normalization
if side == "dst" {
alias := b.aliases.Alias(queueFile)
if alias != queueFile {
// use the (non-identical) existing name, unless --fix-case
if ci.FixCase {
fs.Debugf(direction, "removing %s and adding %s as --fix-case was specified", alias, queueFile)
} else {
fs.Debugf(direction, "casing/unicode difference detected. using %s instead of %s", alias, queueFile)
queueFile = alias
list.put(queueFile, new.size, new.time, new.hash,, new.flags)
fs.Debugf(nil, "decision: copied to %s: %v", side, queueFile)
} else {
fs.Debugf(queueFile, "file in queue but missing from %s transfers", side)
if err := filterRecheck.AddFile(queueFile); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(queueFile, "error adding file to recheck filter: %v", err)
updateLists("src", srcWinners, srcList)
updateLists("dst", dstWinners, dstList)
// account for "deltaOthers" we handled separately
if queues.deletedonboth.NotEmpty() {
for file := range queues.deletedonboth {
if renames.NotEmpty() && !b.opt.DryRun {
// renamed on src and copied to dst
renamesList := renames.ToList()
for _, file := range renamesList {
// we'll handle the other side when we go the other direction
newName := file + "..path2"
oppositeName := file + "..path1"
if is1to2 {
newName = file + "..path1"
oppositeName = file + "..path2"
var new *fileInfo
// we prefer to get the info from the ..path1 / ..path2 versions
// since they were actually copied as opposed to operations.MoveFile()'d.
// the size/time/hash info is therefore fresher on the renames
// but we'll settle for the original if we have to.
if srcList.has(newName) {
new = srcList.get(newName)
} else if srcList.has(oppositeName) {
new = srcList.get(oppositeName)
} else if srcList.has(file) {
new = srcList.get(file)
} else {
if err := filterRecheck.AddFile(file); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(file, "error adding file to recheck filter: %v", err)
srcList.put(newName, new.size, new.time, new.hash,, new.flags)
dstList.put(newName, new.size, ConvertPrecision(new.time, src), new.hash,, new.flags)
// recheck the ones we skipped because they were equal
// we never got their info because they were never synced.
// TODO: add flag to skip this? (since it re-lists)
if queues.renameSkipped.NotEmpty() {
skippedList := queues.renameSkipped.ToList()
for _, file := range skippedList {
if err := filterRecheck.AddFile(file); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(file, "error adding file to recheck filter: %v", err)
// skipped dirs -- nothing to recheck, just add them
// (they are not necessarily there already, if they are new)
path1List := srcList
path2List := dstList
if !is1to2 {
path1List = dstList
path2List = srcList
if !queues.skippedDirs1.empty() {
if !queues.skippedDirs2.empty() {
if filterRecheck.HaveFilesFrom() {
// also include any aliases
recheckFiles := filterRecheck.Files()
for recheckFile := range recheckFiles {
alias := b.aliases.Alias(recheckFile)
if recheckFile != alias {
if err := filterRecheck.AddFile(alias); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(alias, "error adding file to recheck filter: %v", err)
b.recheck(ctxRecheck, src, dst, srcList, dstList, is1to2)
if b.InGracefulShutdown {
var toKeep []string
var toRollback []string
fs.Debugf(direction, "stats for %s", direction)
trs := accounting.Stats(ctx).Transferred()
for _, tr := range trs {
b.debugFn(tr.Name, func() {
prettyprint(tr, tr.Name, fs.LogLevelInfo)
if tr.Error == nil && tr.Bytes > 0 || tr.Size <= 0 {
prettyprint(tr, "keeping: "+tr.Name, fs.LogLevelDebug)
toKeep = append(toKeep, tr.Name)
// Dirs (for the unlikely event that the shutdown was triggered post-sync during syncEmptyDirs)
for _, r := range results {
if r.Origin == "syncEmptyDirs" {
if srcWinners.has(r.Name) || dstWinners.has(r.Name) {
toKeep = append(toKeep, r.Name)
fs.Infof(r.Name, "keeping empty dir")
oldSrc, oldDst := b.getOldLists(is1to2)
prettyprint(oldSrc.list, "oldSrc", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(oldDst.list, "oldDst", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(srcList.list, "srcList", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(dstList.list, "dstList", fs.LogLevelDebug)
combinedList := Concat(oldSrc.list, oldDst.list, srcList.list, dstList.list)
for _, f := range combinedList {
if !slices.Contains(toKeep, f) && !slices.Contains(toKeep, b.aliases.Alias(f)) && !b.opt.DryRun {
toRollback = append(toRollback, f)
b.prepareRollback(toRollback, srcList, dstList, is1to2)
prettyprint(oldSrc.list, "oldSrc", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(oldDst.list, "oldDst", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(srcList.list, "srcList", fs.LogLevelDebug)
prettyprint(dstList.list, "dstList", fs.LogLevelDebug)
// clear stats so we only do this once
accounting.MaxCompletedTransfers = 0
if b.DebugName != "" {
b.debug(b.DebugName, fmt.Sprintf("%s pre-save srcList has it?: %v", direction, srcList.has(b.DebugName)))
b.debug(b.DebugName, fmt.Sprintf("%s pre-save dstList has it?: %v", direction, dstList.has(b.DebugName)))
// update files
err =, srcListing)
b.handleErr(srcList, "error saving srcList from modifyListing", err, true, true)
err =, dstListing)
b.handleErr(dstList, "error saving dstList from modifyListing", err, true, true)
return err
// recheck the ones we're not sure about
func (b *bisyncRun) recheck(ctxRecheck context.Context, src, dst fs.Fs, srcList, dstList *fileList, is1to2 bool) {
var srcObjs []fs.Object
var dstObjs []fs.Object
var resolved []string
var toRollback []string
if err := operations.ListFn(ctxRecheck, src, func(obj fs.Object) {
srcObjs = append(srcObjs, obj)
}); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(src, "error recchecking src obj: %v", err)
if err := operations.ListFn(ctxRecheck, dst, func(obj fs.Object) {
dstObjs = append(dstObjs, obj)
}); err != nil {
fs.Debugf(dst, "error recchecking dst obj: %v", err)
putObj := func(obj fs.Object, list *fileList) {
hashVal := ""
if !b.opt.IgnoreListingChecksum {
hashType := list.hash
if hashType != hash.None {
hashVal, _ = obj.Hash(ctxRecheck, hashType)
hashVal, _ = tryDownloadHash(ctxRecheck, obj, hashVal)
var modtime time.Time
if b.opt.Compare.Modtime {
modtime = obj.ModTime(ctxRecheck).In(TZ)
list.put(obj.Remote(), obj.Size(), modtime, hashVal, "-", "-")
for _, srcObj := range srcObjs {
fs.Debugf(srcObj, "rechecking")
for _, dstObj := range dstObjs {
if srcObj.Remote() == dstObj.Remote() || srcObj.Remote() == b.aliases.Alias(dstObj.Remote()) {
// note: unlike Equal(), WhichEqual() does not update the modtime in dest if sums match but modtimes don't.
if b.opt.DryRun || WhichEqual(ctxRecheck, srcObj, dstObj, src, dst) {
putObj(srcObj, srcList)
putObj(dstObj, dstList)
resolved = append(resolved, srcObj.Remote())
} else {
fs.Infof(srcObj, "files not equal on recheck: %v %v", srcObj, dstObj)
// if srcObj not resolved by now (either because no dstObj match or files not equal),
// roll it back to old version, so it gets retried next time.
// skip and error during --resync, as rollback is not possible
if !slices.Contains(resolved, srcObj.Remote()) && !b.opt.DryRun {
if b.opt.Resync {
err = errors.New("no dstObj match or files not equal")
b.handleErr(srcObj, "Unable to rollback during --resync", err, true, false)
} else {
toRollback = append(toRollback, srcObj.Remote())
if len(toRollback) > 0 {
srcListing, dstListing := b.getListingNames(is1to2)
oldSrc, err := b.loadListing(srcListing + "-old")
b.handleErr(oldSrc, "error loading old src listing", err, true, true)
oldDst, err := b.loadListing(dstListing + "-old")
b.handleErr(oldDst, "error loading old dst listing", err, true, true)
if b.critical {
for _, item := range toRollback {
b.rollback(item, oldSrc, srcList)
b.rollback(item, oldDst, dstList)
func (b *bisyncRun) getListingNames(is1to2 bool) (srcListing string, dstListing string) {
if is1to2 {
return b.listing1, b.listing2
return b.listing2, b.listing1
func (b *bisyncRun) rollback(item string, oldList, newList *fileList) {
alias := b.aliases.Alias(item)
if oldList.has(item) {
oldList.getPut(item, newList)
fs.Debugf(nil, "adding to newlist: %s", item)
} else if oldList.has(alias) {
oldList.getPut(alias, newList)
fs.Debugf(nil, "adding to newlist: %s", alias)
} else {
fs.Debugf(nil, "removing from newlist: %s (has it?: %v)", item, newList.has(item))
prettyprint(newList.list, "newList", fs.LogLevelDebug)
func (b *bisyncRun) prepareRollback(toRollback []string, srcList, dstList *fileList, is1to2 bool) {
if len(toRollback) > 0 {
oldSrc, oldDst := b.getOldLists(is1to2)
if b.critical {
fs.Debugf("new lists", "src: (%v), dest: (%v)", len(srcList.list), len(dstList.list))
for _, item := range toRollback {
b.debugFn(item, func() {
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("pre-rollback oldSrc has it?: %v", oldSrc.has(item)))
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("pre-rollback oldDst has it?: %v", oldDst.has(item)))
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("pre-rollback srcList has it?: %v", srcList.has(item)))
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("pre-rollback dstList has it?: %v", dstList.has(item)))
b.rollback(item, oldSrc, srcList)
b.rollback(item, oldDst, dstList)
b.debugFn(item, func() {
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("post-rollback oldSrc has it?: %v", oldSrc.has(item)))
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("post-rollback oldDst has it?: %v", oldDst.has(item)))
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("post-rollback srcList has it?: %v", srcList.has(item)))
b.debug(item, fmt.Sprintf("post-rollback dstList has it?: %v", dstList.has(item)))
func (b *bisyncRun) getOldLists(is1to2 bool) (*fileList, *fileList) {
srcListing, dstListing := b.getListingNames(is1to2)
oldSrc, err := b.loadListing(srcListing + "-old")
b.handleErr(oldSrc, "error loading old src listing", err, true, true)
oldDst, err := b.loadListing(dstListing + "-old")
b.handleErr(oldDst, "error loading old dst listing", err, true, true)
fs.Debugf("get old lists", "is1to2: %v, oldsrc: %s (%v), olddest: %s (%v)", is1to2, srcListing+"-old", len(oldSrc.list), dstListing+"-old", len(oldDst.list))
return oldSrc, oldDst
// Concat returns a new slice concatenating the passed in slices.
func Concat[S ~[]E, E any](ss ...S) S {
size := 0
for _, s := range ss {
size += len(s)
if size < 0 {
panic("len out of range")
newslice := slices.Grow[S](nil, size)
for _, s := range ss {
newslice = append(newslice, s...)
return newslice