package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ) var opts = struct { Verbose bool SourceDir string OutputDir string Tags string PlatformSubset string Platform string SkipCompress bool Version string }{} func init() { pflag.BoolVarP(&opts.Verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "be verbose") pflag.StringVarP(&opts.SourceDir, "source", "s", "/restic", "path to the source code `directory`") pflag.StringVarP(&opts.OutputDir, "output", "o", "/output", "path to the output `directory`") pflag.StringVar(&opts.Tags, "tags", "", "additional build `tags`") pflag.StringVar(&opts.PlatformSubset, "platform-subset", "", "specify `n/t` to only build this subset") pflag.StringVarP(&opts.Platform, "platform", "p", "", "specify `os/arch` to only build this specific platform") pflag.BoolVar(&opts.SkipCompress, "skip-compress", false, "skip binary compression step") pflag.StringVar(&opts.Version, "version", "", "use `x.y.z` as the version for output files") pflag.Parse() } func die(f string, args ...interface{}) { if !strings.HasSuffix(f, "\n") { f += "\n" } f = "\x1b[31m" + f + "\x1b[0m" fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, f, args...) os.Exit(1) } func msg(f string, args ...interface{}) { if !strings.HasSuffix(f, "\n") { f += "\n" } f = "\x1b[32m" + f + "\x1b[0m" fmt.Printf(f, args...) } func verbose(f string, args ...interface{}) { if !opts.Verbose { return } if !strings.HasSuffix(f, "\n") { f += "\n" } f = "\x1b[32m" + f + "\x1b[0m" fmt.Printf(f, args...) } func rm(file string) { err := os.Remove(file) if os.IsNotExist(err) { err = nil } if err != nil { die("error removing %v: %v", file, err) } } func mkdir(dir string) { err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755) if err != nil { die("mkdir %v: %v", dir, err) } } func abs(dir string) string { absDir, err := filepath.Abs(dir) if err != nil { die("unable to find absolute path for %v: %v", dir, err) } return absDir } func build(sourceDir, outputDir, goos, goarch string) (filename string) { filename = fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v_%v", "restic", goos, goarch) if opts.Version != "" { filename = fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v_%v_%v", "restic", opts.Version, goos, goarch) } if goos == "windows" { filename += ".exe" } outputFile := filepath.Join(outputDir, filename) tags := "selfupdate" if opts.Tags != "" { tags += "," + opts.Tags } c := exec.Command("go", "build", "-o", outputFile, "-ldflags", "-s -w", "-tags", tags, "./cmd/restic", ) c.Stdout = os.Stdout c.Stderr = os.Stderr c.Dir = sourceDir c.Env = append(os.Environ(), "CGO_ENABLED=0", "GOOS="+goos, "GOARCH="+goarch, ) if goarch == "arm" { // the raspberry pi 1 only supports the ARMv6 instruction set c.Env = append(c.Env, "GOARM=6") } verbose("run %v %v in %v", "go", c.Args, c.Dir) err := c.Run() if err != nil { die("error building %v/%v: %v", goos, goarch, err) } return filename } func modTime(file string) time.Time { fi, err := os.Lstat(file) if err != nil { die("unable to get modtime of %v: %v", file, err) } return fi.ModTime() } func touch(file string, t time.Time) { err := os.Chtimes(file, t, t) if err != nil { die("unable to update timestamps for %v: %v", file, err) } } func chmod(file string, mode os.FileMode) { err := os.Chmod(file, mode) if err != nil { die("unable to chmod %v to %s: %v", file, mode, err) } } func compress(goos, inputDir, filename string) (outputFile string) { var c *exec.Cmd switch goos { case "windows": outputFile = strings.TrimSuffix(filename, ".exe") + ".zip" c = exec.Command("zip", "-q", "-X", outputFile, filename) default: outputFile = filename + ".bz2" c = exec.Command("bzip2", filename) } rm(filepath.Join(inputDir, outputFile)) c.Stdout = os.Stdout c.Stderr = os.Stderr c.Dir = inputDir verbose("run %v %v in %v", "go", c.Args, c.Dir) err := c.Run() if err != nil { die("error compressing: %v", err) } rm(filepath.Join(inputDir, filename)) return outputFile } func buildForTarget(sourceDir, outputDir, goos, goarch string) (filename string) { mtime := modTime(filepath.Join(sourceDir, "VERSION")) filename = build(sourceDir, outputDir, goos, goarch) touch(filepath.Join(outputDir, filename), mtime) chmod(filepath.Join(outputDir, filename), 0755) if !opts.SkipCompress { filename = compress(goos, outputDir, filename) } return filename } func buildTargets(sourceDir, outputDir string, targets map[string][]string) { start := time.Now() // the go compiler is already parallelized, thus reduce the concurrency a bit workers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) / 4 if workers < 1 { workers = 1 } msg("building with %d workers", workers) type Job struct{ GOOS, GOARCH string } var wg errgroup.Group ch := make(chan Job) for i := 0; i < workers; i++ { wg.Go(func() error { for job := range ch { start := time.Now() verbose("build %v/%v", job.GOOS, job.GOARCH) buildForTarget(sourceDir, outputDir, job.GOOS, job.GOARCH) msg("built %v/%v in %.3fs", job.GOOS, job.GOARCH, time.Since(start).Seconds()) } return nil }) } wg.Go(func() error { for goos, archs := range targets { for _, goarch := range archs { ch <- Job{goos, goarch} } } close(ch) return nil }) _ = wg.Wait() msg("build finished in %.3fs", time.Since(start).Seconds()) } var defaultBuildTargets = map[string][]string{ "aix": {"ppc64"}, "darwin": {"amd64", "arm64"}, "dragonfly": {"amd64"}, "freebsd": {"386", "amd64", "arm"}, "linux": {"386", "amd64", "arm", "arm64", "ppc64le", "mips", "mipsle", "mips64", "mips64le", "riscv64", "s390x"}, "netbsd": {"386", "amd64"}, "openbsd": {"386", "amd64"}, "windows": {"386", "amd64"}, "solaris": {"amd64"}, } func downloadModules(sourceDir string) { c := exec.Command("go", "mod", "download") c.Stdout = os.Stdout c.Stderr = os.Stderr c.Dir = sourceDir err := c.Run() if err != nil { die("error downloading modules: %v", err) } } func selectSubset(subset string, target map[string][]string) (map[string][]string, error) { t, n, _ := strings.Cut(subset, "/") part, err := strconv.ParseInt(t, 10, 8) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse platform subset %q", subset) } total, err := strconv.ParseInt(n, 10, 8) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse platform subset %q", subset) } if total < 0 || part < 0 { return nil, errors.New("platform subset out of range") } if part >= total { return nil, errors.New("t must be in 0 <= t < n") } // flatten platform list platforms := []string{} for os, archs := range target { for _, arch := range archs { platforms = append(platforms, os+"/"+arch) } } sort.Strings(platforms) // select subset lower := len(platforms) * int(part) / int(total) upper := len(platforms) * int(part+1) / int(total) platforms = platforms[lower:upper] return buildPlatformList(platforms), nil } func buildPlatformList(platforms []string) map[string][]string { fmt.Printf("Building for %v\n", platforms) targets := make(map[string][]string) for _, platform := range platforms { os, arch, _ := strings.Cut(platform, "/") targets[os] = append(targets[os], arch) } return targets } func main() { if len(pflag.Args()) != 0 { die("USAGE: build-release-binaries [OPTIONS]") } targets := defaultBuildTargets if opts.PlatformSubset != "" { var err error targets, err = selectSubset(opts.PlatformSubset, targets) if err != nil { die("%s", err) } } else if opts.Platform != "" { targets = buildPlatformList([]string{opts.Platform}) } sourceDir := abs(opts.SourceDir) outputDir := abs(opts.OutputDir) mkdir(outputDir) downloadModules(sourceDir) buildTargets(sourceDir, outputDir, targets) }