package walker

import (


type NodeRewriteFunc func(node *restic.Node, path string) *restic.Node
type FailedTreeRewriteFunc func(nodeID restic.ID, path string, err error) (restic.ID, error)

type RewriteOpts struct {
	// return nil to remove the node
	RewriteNode NodeRewriteFunc
	// decide what to do with a tree that could not be loaded. Return nil to remove the node. By default the load error is returned which causes the operation to fail.
	RewriteFailedTree FailedTreeRewriteFunc

	AllowUnstableSerialization bool
	DisableNodeCache           bool

type idMap map[restic.ID]restic.ID

type TreeRewriter struct {
	opts RewriteOpts

	replaces idMap

func NewTreeRewriter(opts RewriteOpts) *TreeRewriter {
	rw := &TreeRewriter{
		opts: opts,
	if !opts.DisableNodeCache {
		rw.replaces = make(idMap)
	// setup default implementations
	if rw.opts.RewriteNode == nil {
		rw.opts.RewriteNode = func(node *restic.Node, _ string) *restic.Node {
			return node
	if rw.opts.RewriteFailedTree == nil {
		// fail with error by default
		rw.opts.RewriteFailedTree = func(_ restic.ID, _ string, err error) (restic.ID, error) {
			return restic.ID{}, err
	return rw

type BlobLoadSaver interface {

func (t *TreeRewriter) RewriteTree(ctx context.Context, repo BlobLoadSaver, nodepath string, nodeID restic.ID) (newNodeID restic.ID, err error) {
	// check if tree was already changed
	newID, ok := t.replaces[nodeID]
	if ok {
		return newID, nil

	// a nil nodeID will lead to a load error
	curTree, err := restic.LoadTree(ctx, repo, nodeID)
	if err != nil {
		return t.opts.RewriteFailedTree(nodeID, nodepath, err)

	if !t.opts.AllowUnstableSerialization {
		// check that we can properly encode this tree without losing information
		// The alternative of using json/Decoder.DisallowUnknownFields() doesn't work as we use
		// a custom UnmarshalJSON to decode trees, see also
		testID, err := restic.SaveTree(ctx, repo, curTree)
		if err != nil {
			return restic.ID{}, err
		if nodeID != testID {
			return restic.ID{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot encode tree at %q without losing information", nodepath)

	debug.Log("filterTree: %s, nodeId: %s\n", nodepath, nodeID.Str())

	tb := restic.NewTreeJSONBuilder()
	for _, node := range curTree.Nodes {
		path := path.Join(nodepath, node.Name)
		node = t.opts.RewriteNode(node, path)
		if node == nil {

		if node.Type != "dir" {
			err = tb.AddNode(node)
			if err != nil {
				return restic.ID{}, err
		// treat nil as null id
		var subtree restic.ID
		if node.Subtree != nil {
			subtree = *node.Subtree
		newID, err := t.RewriteTree(ctx, repo, path, subtree)
		if err != nil {
			return restic.ID{}, err
		node.Subtree = &newID
		err = tb.AddNode(node)
		if err != nil {
			return restic.ID{}, err

	tree, err := tb.Finalize()
	if err != nil {
		return restic.ID{}, err

	// Save new tree
	newTreeID, _, _, err := repo.SaveBlob(ctx, restic.TreeBlob, tree, restic.ID{}, false)
	if t.replaces != nil {
		t.replaces[nodeID] = newTreeID
	if !newTreeID.Equal(nodeID) {
		debug.Log("filterTree: save new tree for %s as %v\n", nodepath, newTreeID)
	return newTreeID, err