B=\033[0;1m G=\033[0;92m R=\033[0m NAME ?= homo .PHONY: help attach auto up down # Show this help prompt help: @echo ' Usage:' @echo '' @echo ' make <target>' @echo '' @echo ' Targets:' @echo '' @awk '/^#/{ comment = substr($$0,3) } comment && /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ ?:/{ print " ", $$1, comment }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -t -s ':' | grep -v 'IGNORE' | sort | uniq # Auto Tillich-Zémor hasher demo auto: down @echo "\n${B}${G}build container${R}\n" @time docker build -t poc-demo . @echo "\n${B}${G}Bootup container:${R}\n" @time docker run -d --rm -it --name hash-demo poc-demo:latest sh @bash ./auto.sh # Stop demo container down: @echo "\n${B}${G}Stop container${R}\n" @docker stop hash-demo || true @docker rm hash-demo || true # Run Tillich-Zémor hasher demo up: down @echo "\n${B}${G}build container${R}\n" @time docker build -t poc-demo . @echo "\n${B}${G}enter inside container:${R}\n" @time docker run --rm -it --name hash-demo poc-demo:latest sh # Attach to existing container attach: @echo "\n${B}${G} attach to hash-container ${R}\n" @time docker exec -it --name hash-demo /bin/sh