2021-02-08 05:05:17 +00:00
*** Variables ***
${FILE_USR_HEADER} = key1=1,key2=abc
${FILE_USR_HEADER_DEL} = key1=del,key2=del
${FILE_OTH_HEADER} = key1=oth,key2=oth
*** Keywords ***
Generate Keys
${WALLET} = Init wallet
Generate wallet ${WALLET}
${ADDR} = Dump Address ${WALLET}
${USER_KEY_GEN} = Dump PrivKey ${WALLET} ${ADDR}
${WALLET_OTH} = Init wallet
Generate wallet ${WALLET_OTH}
${ADDR_OTH} = Dump Address ${WALLET_OTH}
${EACL_KEY_GEN} = Form WIF from String 782676b81a35c5f07325ec523e8521ee4946b6e5d4c6cd652dd0c3ba51ce03de
${SYSTEM_KEY_GEN} = Form WIF from String c428b4a06f166fde9f8afcf918194acdde35aa2612ecf42fe0c94273425ded21
${SYSTEM_KEY_GEN_SN} = Form WIF from String 0fa21a94be2227916284e4b3495180d9c93d04f095fe9d5a86f22044f5c411d2
Set Global Variable ${USER_KEY} ${USER_KEY_GEN}
Set Global Variable ${OTHER_KEY} ${OTHER_KEY_GEN}
Set Global Variable ${SYSTEM_KEY} ${SYSTEM_KEY_GEN}
Set Global Variable ${SYSTEM_KEY_SN} ${SYSTEM_KEY_GEN_SN}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_KEY} ${EACL_KEY_GEN}
Payment Operations ${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${USER_KEY}
Payment Operations ${WALLET_OTH} ${ADDR_OTH} ${OTHER_KEY}
Payment Operations
[Arguments] ${WALLET} ${ADDR} ${KEY}
${TX} = Transfer Mainnet Gas wallets/wallet.json NTrezR3C4X8aMLVg7vozt5wguyNfFhwuFx ${ADDR} 3
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX}
Get Transaction ${TX}
2021-02-20 14:05:03 +00:00
Expected Mainnet Balance ${ADDR} 3
2021-02-08 05:05:17 +00:00
${SCRIPT_HASH} = Get ScripHash ${KEY}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 15 sec
... Transaction accepted in block ${TX_DEPOSIT}
Get Transaction ${TX_DEPOSIT}
Create Container Public
Log Create Public Container
${PUBLIC_CID_GEN} = Create container ${USER_KEY} 0x4FFFFFFF ${RULE_FOR_ALL}
[Return] ${PUBLIC_CID_GEN}
Generate files
[Arguments] ${SIZE}
${FILE_S_GEN_1} = Generate file of bytes ${SIZE}
${FILE_S_GEN_2} = Generate file of bytes ${SIZE}
Set Global Variable ${FILE_S} ${FILE_S_GEN_1}
Set Global Variable ${FILE_S_2} ${FILE_S_GEN_2}
Prepare eACL Role rules
Log Set eACL for different Role cases
# eACL rules for all operations and similar permissions
@{Roles} = Create List OTHERS USER SYSTEM
FOR ${role} IN @{Roles}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule4}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule5}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule6}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule7}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=DENY Role=${role}
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4} ${rule5} ${rule6} ${rule7}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_deny_all_${role} ${eACL_gen}
FOR ${role} IN @{Roles}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule4}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule5}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule6}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule7}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4} ${rule5} ${rule6} ${rule7}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_allow_all_${role} ${eACL_gen}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule4}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule5}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule6}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule7}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=ALLOW Role=A9tDy6Ye+UimXCCzJrlAmRE0FDZHjf3XRyya9rELtgAA
${rule8}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule9}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule10}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule11}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule12}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule13}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule14}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4} ${rule5} ${rule6} ${rule7}
... ${rule8} ${rule9} ${rule10} ${rule11} ${rule12} ${rule13} ${rule14}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_allow_pubkey_deny_OTHERS ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_DENY_ALL_OTHER} gen_eacl_deny_all_OTHERS
Set Global Variable ${EACL_ALLOW_ALL_OTHER} gen_eacl_allow_all_OTHERS
Set Global Variable ${EACL_DENY_ALL_USER} gen_eacl_deny_all_USER
Set Global Variable ${EACL_ALLOW_ALL_USER} gen_eacl_allow_all_USER
Set Global Variable ${EACL_DENY_ALL_SYSTEM} gen_eacl_deny_all_SYSTEM
Set Global Variable ${EACL_ALLOW_ALL_SYSTEM} gen_eacl_allow_all_SYSTEM
Set Global Variable ${EACL_ALLOW_ALL_Pubkey} gen_eacl_allow_pubkey_deny_OTHERS
# eACL rules for Compound operations: GET/GetRange/GetRangeHash
@{Roles} = Create List OTHERS USER SYSTEM
FOR ${role} IN @{Roles}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule4}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=${role}
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_compound_get_${role} ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_${role}} gen_eacl_compound_get_${role}
# eACL rules for Compound operations: DELETE
@{Roles} = Create List OTHERS USER SYSTEM
FOR ${role} IN @{Roles}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=${role}
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_compound_del_${role} ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_COMPOUND_DELETE_${role}} gen_eacl_compound_del_${role}
# eACL rules for Compound operations: GETRANGEHASH
@{Roles} = Create List OTHERS USER SYSTEM
FOR ${role} IN @{Roles}
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=ALLOW Role=${role}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=DENY Role=${role}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=DENY Role=${role}
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_compound_get_hash_${role} ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_HASH_${role}} gen_eacl_compound_get_hash_${role}
# eACL for X-Header Other DENY and ALLOW for all
${filters}= Create Dictionary headerType=REQUEST matchType=STRING_EQUAL key=a value=2
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule4}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule5}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule6}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule7}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=DENY Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4} ${rule5} ${rule6} ${rule7}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_xheader_deny_all ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_XHEADER_DENY_ALL} gen_eacl_xheader_deny_all
# eACL for X-Header Other ALLOW and DENY for all
${filters}= Create Dictionary headerType=REQUEST matchType=STRING_EQUAL key=a value=2
${rule1}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule2}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule3}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule4}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule5}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule6}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule7}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=ALLOW Role=OTHERS Filters=${filters}
${rule8}= Create Dictionary Operation=GET Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule9}= Create Dictionary Operation=HEAD Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule10}= Create Dictionary Operation=PUT Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule11}= Create Dictionary Operation=DELETE Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule12}= Create Dictionary Operation=SEARCH Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule13}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGE Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${rule14}= Create Dictionary Operation=GETRANGEHASH Access=DENY Role=OTHERS
${eACL_gen}= Create List ${rule1} ${rule2} ${rule3} ${rule4} ${rule5} ${rule6} ${rule7}
... ${rule8} ${rule9} ${rule10} ${rule11} ${rule12} ${rule13} ${rule14}
Form eACL json common file gen_eacl_xheader_allow_all ${eACL_gen}
Set Global Variable ${EACL_XHEADER_ALLOW_ALL} gen_eacl_xheader_allow_all