*** Settings *** Variables ../../../variables/common.py Library Collections Library ../${RESOURCES}/neofs.py Library ../${RESOURCES}/payment_neogo.py Resource common_steps_acl_extended.robot *** Test cases *** Extended ACL Operations [Documentation] Testcase to validate NeoFS operations with extended ACL. [Tags] ACL eACL NeoFS NeoCLI [Timeout] 20 min Generate Keys Prepare eACL Role rules Log Check extended ACL with simple object Generate files 1024 Check Сompound Operations Cleanup Files ${FILE_S} ${FILE_S_2} Log Check extended ACL with complex object Generate files 70e+6 Check Сompound Operations [Teardown] Cleanup *** Keywords *** Check Сompound Operations Check eACL Сompound Get ${OTHER_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_OTHERS} Check eACL Сompound Get ${USER_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_USER} Check eACL Сompound Get ${SYSTEM_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_SYSTEM} Check eACL Сompound Delete ${OTHER_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_DELETE_OTHERS} Check eACL Сompound Delete ${USER_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_DELETE_USER} Check eACL Сompound Delete ${SYSTEM_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_DELETE_SYSTEM} Check eACL Сompound Get Range Hash ${OTHER_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_HASH_OTHERS} Check eACL Сompound Get Range Hash ${USER_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_HASH_USER} Check eACL Сompound Get Range Hash ${SYSTEM_KEY} ${EACL_COMPOUND_GET_HASH_SYSTEM} Check eACL Сompound Get [Arguments] ${KEY} ${DENY_EACL} ${CID} = Create Container Public ${S_OID_USER} = Put object to NeoFS ${USER_KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_USR_HEADER} Put object to NeoFS ${KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_OTH_HEADER} Get object from NeoFS ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} local_file_eacl Set eACL ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${DENY_EACL} --await Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Head object ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} Get object from NeoFS ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} local_file_eacl Get Range ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} s_get_range ${EMPTY} 0:256 Get Range Hash ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} 0:256 Check eACL Сompound Delete [Arguments] ${KEY} ${DENY_EACL} ${CID} = Create Container Public ${S_OID_USER} = Put object to NeoFS ${USER_KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_USR_HEADER} ${D_OID_USER} = Put object to NeoFS ${USER_KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} Put object to NeoFS ${KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_OTH_HEADER} Delete object ${KEY} ${CID} ${D_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} Set eACL ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${DENY_EACL} --await Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Head object ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Put object to NeoFS ${KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_OTH_HEADER} Delete object ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} Check eACL Сompound Get Range Hash [Arguments] ${KEY} ${DENY_EACL} ${CID} = Create Container Public ${S_OID_USER} = Put object to NeoFS ${USER_KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_USR_HEADER} Put object to NeoFS ${KEY} ${FILE_S} ${CID} ${EMPTY} ${FILE_OTH_HEADER} Get Range Hash ${SYSTEM_KEY_SN} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} 0:256 Set eACL ${USER_KEY} ${CID} ${DENY_EACL} --await Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Get Range ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} s_get_range ${EMPTY} 0:256 Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Get object from NeoFS ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} local_file_eacl Get Range Hash ${KEY} ${CID} ${S_OID_USER} ${EMPTY} 0:256 Cleanup @{CLEANUP_FILES} = Create List ${FILE_S} ${FILE_S_2} local_file_eacl s_get_range ... gen_eacl_allow_all_OTHERS gen_eacl_deny_all_USER gen_eacl_allow_all_USER ... gen_eacl_deny_all_SYSTEM gen_eacl_allow_all_SYSTEM gen_eacl_allow_pubkey_deny_OTHERS ... gen_eacl_deny_all_OTHERS ... gen_eacl_compound_del_SYSTEM gen_eacl_compound_del_USER gen_eacl_compound_del_OTHERS ... gen_eacl_compound_get_hash_OTHERS gen_eacl_compound_get_hash_SYSTEM gen_eacl_compound_get_hash_USER ... gen_eacl_compound_get_OTHERS gen_eacl_compound_get_SYSTEM gen_eacl_compound_get_USER Cleanup Files @{CLEANUP_FILES} Get Docker Logs acl_extended