*** Settings *** Variables common.py Variables wellknown_acl.py Library container.py Library neofs.py Library neofs_verbs.py Library utility_keywords.py Resource setup_teardown.robot Resource payment_operations.robot Resource storage.robot Resource complex_object_operations.robot *** Test Cases *** Drop command in control group [Documentation] Testcase to check drop-objects command from control group. [Timeout] 10 min [Setup] Setup ${_} ${NODE} ${STORAGE_WALLET}= Get control endpoint and wallet ${LOCODE} = Get Locode ${FILE_SIMPLE} ${_} = Generate file ${SIMPLE_OBJ_SIZE} ${FILE_COMPLEX} ${_} = Generate file ${COMPLEX_OBJ_SIZE} ${WALLET} ${_} ${_} = Prepare Wallet And Deposit ${PRIV_CID} = Create Container ${WALLET} ... rule=REP 1 CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM * FILTER 'UN-LOCODE' EQ '${LOCODE}' AS LOC ######################### # Dropping simple object ######################### ${S_OID} = Put object ${WALLET} ${FILE_SIMPLE} ${PRIV_CID} Get object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${S_OID} ${EMPTY} s_file_read Head object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${S_OID} Drop object ${NODE} ${STORAGE_WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${S_OID} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x ${SHARD_0_GC_SLEEP} ... Run Keyword And Expect Error Error:* ... Get object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${S_OID} ${EMPTY} s_file_read options=--ttl 1 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x ${SHARD_0_GC_SLEEP} ... Run Keyword And Expect Error Error:* ... Head object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${S_OID} options=--ttl 1 Drop object ${NODE} ${STORAGE_WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${S_OID} ########################## # Dropping complex object ########################## ${C_OID} = Put object ${WALLET} ${FILE_COMPLEX} ${PRIV_CID} Get object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} ${EMPTY} s_file_read Head object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} Drop object ${NODE} ${STORAGE_WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} Get object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} ${EMPTY} s_file_read Head object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} @{SPLIT_OIDS} = Get Object Parts By Link Object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} FOR ${CHILD_OID} IN @{SPLIT_OIDS} Drop object ${NODE} ${STORAGE_WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${CHILD_OID} END Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x ${SHARD_0_GC_SLEEP} ... Run Keyword And Expect Error Error:* ... Get object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} ${EMPTY} s_file_read options=--ttl 1 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x ${SHARD_0_GC_SLEEP} ... Run Keyword And Expect Error Error:* ... Head object ${WALLET} ${PRIV_CID} ${C_OID} options=--ttl 1 [Teardown] Teardown netmap_control_drop