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import logging
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import uuid
import zipfile
from typing import Optional
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import allure
import requests
from import Shell
from pytest_tests.helpers.aws_cli_client import LONG_TIMEOUT
from pytest_tests.helpers.cli_helpers import _cmd_run
from pytest_tests.helpers.cluster import StorageNode
from pytest_tests.helpers.file_helper import get_file_hash
from pytest_tests.helpers.frostfs_verbs import get_object
from pytest_tests.helpers.storage_policy import get_nodes_without_object
from pytest_tests.resources.common import SIMPLE_OBJECT_SIZE
logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger")
ASSETS_DIR = os.getenv("ASSETS_DIR", "TemporaryDir/")
@allure.step("Get via HTTP Gate")
def get_via_http_gate(cid: str, oid: str, endpoint: str, request_path: Optional[str] = None):
This function gets given object from HTTP gate
cid: container id to get object from
oid: object ID
endpoint: http gate endpoint
request_path: (optional) http request, if ommited - use default [{endpoint}/get/{cid}/{oid}]
# if `request_path` parameter ommited, use default
if request_path is None:
request = f"{endpoint}/get/{cid}/{oid}"
request = f"{endpoint}{request_path}"
resp = requests.get(request, stream=True)
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception(
f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate:
request: {resp.request.path_url},
response: {resp.text},
status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}"""
)"Request: {request}")
_attach_allure_step(request, resp.status_code)
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, f"{cid}_{oid}")
with open(file_path, "wb") as file:
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, file)
return file_path
@allure.step("Get via Zip HTTP Gate")
def get_via_zip_http_gate(cid: str, prefix: str, endpoint: str):
This function gets given object from HTTP gate
cid: container id to get object from
prefix: common prefix
endpoint: http gate endpoint
request = f"{endpoint}/zip/{cid}/{prefix}"
resp = requests.get(request, stream=True)
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception(
f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate:
request: {resp.request.path_url},
response: {resp.text},
status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}"""
)"Request: {request}")
_attach_allure_step(request, resp.status_code)
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, f"{cid}")
with open(file_path, "wb") as file:
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, file)
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_ref:
return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, prefix)
@allure.step("Get via HTTP Gate by attribute")
def get_via_http_gate_by_attribute(
cid: str, attribute: dict, endpoint: str, request_path: Optional[str] = None
This function gets given object from HTTP gate
cid: CID to get object from
attribute: attribute {name: attribute} value pair
endpoint: http gate endpoint
request_path: (optional) http request path, if ommited - use default [{endpoint}/get_by_attribute/{Key}/{Value}]
attr_name = list(attribute.keys())[0]
attr_value = quote_plus(str(attribute.get(attr_name)))
# if `request_path` parameter ommited, use default
if request_path is None:
request = f"{endpoint}/get_by_attribute/{cid}/{quote_plus(str(attr_name))}/{attr_value}"
request = f"{endpoint}{request_path}"
resp = requests.get(request, stream=True)
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception(
f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate:
request: {resp.request.path_url},
response: {resp.text},
status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}"""
)"Request: {request}")
_attach_allure_step(request, resp.status_code)
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, f"{cid}_{str(uuid.uuid4())}")
with open(file_path, "wb") as file:
shutil.copyfileobj(resp.raw, file)
return file_path
@allure.step("Upload via HTTP Gate")
def upload_via_http_gate(cid: str, path: str, endpoint: str, headers: dict = None) -> str:
This function upload given object through HTTP gate
cid: CID to get object from
path: File path to upload
endpoint: http gate endpoint
headers: Object header
request = f"{endpoint}/upload/{cid}"
files = {"upload_file": open(path, "rb")}
body = {"filename": path}
resp =, files=files, data=body, headers=headers)
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception(
f"""Failed to get object via HTTP gate:
request: {resp.request.path_url},
response: {resp.text},
status code: {resp.status_code} {resp.reason}"""
)"Request: {request}")
_attach_allure_step(request, resp.json(), req_type="POST")
assert resp.json().get("object_id"), f"OID found in response {resp}"
return resp.json().get("object_id")
@allure.step("Check is the passed object large")
def is_object_large(filepath: str) -> bool:
This function check passed file size and return True if file_size > SIMPLE_OBJECT_SIZE
filepath: File path to check
file_size = os.path.getsize(filepath)"Size= {file_size}")
if file_size > int(SIMPLE_OBJECT_SIZE):
return True
return False
@allure.step("Upload via HTTP Gate using Curl")
def upload_via_http_gate_curl(
cid: str,
filepath: str,
endpoint: str,
headers: list = None,
error_pattern: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
This function upload given object through HTTP gate using curl utility.
cid: CID to get object from
filepath: File path to upload
headers: Object header
endpoint: http gate endpoint
error_pattern: [optional] expected error message from the command
request = f"{endpoint}/upload/{cid}"
attributes = ""
if headers:
# parse attributes
attributes = " ".join(headers)
large_object = is_object_large(filepath)
if large_object:
# pre-clean
_cmd_run("rm pipe -f")
files = f"file=@pipe;filename={os.path.basename(filepath)}"
cmd = f"mkfifo pipe;cat {filepath} > pipe & curl --no-buffer -F '{files}' {attributes} {request}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd, LONG_TIMEOUT)
# clean up pipe
_cmd_run("rm pipe")
files = f"file=@{filepath};filename={os.path.basename(filepath)}"
cmd = f"curl -F '{files}' {attributes} {request}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd)
if error_pattern:
match = error_pattern.casefold() in str(output).casefold()
assert match, f"Expected {output} to match {error_pattern}"
return ""
oid_re ='"object_id": "(.*)"', output)
if not oid_re:
raise AssertionError(f'Could not find "object_id" in {output}')
@allure.step("Get via HTTP Gate using Curl")
def get_via_http_curl(cid: str, oid: str, endpoint: str) -> str:
This function gets given object from HTTP gate using curl utility.
cid: CID to get object from
oid: object OID
endpoint: http gate endpoint
request = f"{endpoint}/get/{cid}/{oid}"
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, f"{cid}_{oid}_{str(uuid.uuid4())}")
cmd = f"curl {request} > {file_path}"
return file_path
def _attach_allure_step(request: str, status_code: int, req_type="GET"):
command_attachment = f"REQUEST: '{request}'\n" f"RESPONSE:\n {status_code}\n"
with allure.step(f"{req_type} Request"):
allure.attach(command_attachment, f"{req_type} Request", allure.attachment_type.TEXT)
@allure.step("Try to get object and expect error")
def try_to_get_object_and_expect_error(
cid: str, oid: str, error_pattern: str, endpoint: str
) -> None:
get_via_http_gate(cid=cid, oid=oid, endpoint=endpoint)
raise AssertionError(f"Expected error on getting object with cid: {cid}")
except Exception as err:
match = error_pattern.casefold() in str(err).casefold()
assert match, f"Expected {err} to match {error_pattern}"
@allure.step("Verify object can be get using HTTP header attribute")
def get_object_by_attr_and_verify_hashes(
oid: str, file_name: str, cid: str, attrs: dict, endpoint: str
) -> None:
got_file_path_http = get_via_http_gate(cid=cid, oid=oid, endpoint=endpoint)
got_file_path_http_attr = get_via_http_gate_by_attribute(
cid=cid, attribute=attrs, endpoint=endpoint
assert_hashes_are_equal(file_name, got_file_path_http, got_file_path_http_attr)
def get_object_and_verify_hashes(
oid: str,
file_name: str,
wallet: str,
cid: str,
shell: Shell,
nodes: list[StorageNode],
endpoint: str,
) -> None:
nodes_list = get_nodes_without_object(
# for some reason we can face with case when nodes_list is empty due to object resides in all nodes
if nodes_list:
random_node = random.choice(nodes_list)
random_node = random.choice(nodes)
object_getter = object_getter or get_via_http_gate
got_file_path = get_object(
got_file_path_http = object_getter(cid=cid, oid=oid, endpoint=endpoint)
assert_hashes_are_equal(file_name, got_file_path, got_file_path_http)
def assert_hashes_are_equal(orig_file_name: str, got_file_1: str, got_file_2: str) -> None:
msg = "Expected hashes are equal for files {f1} and {f2}"
got_file_hash_http = get_file_hash(got_file_1)
assert get_file_hash(got_file_2) == got_file_hash_http, msg.format(f1=got_file_2, f2=got_file_1)
assert get_file_hash(orig_file_name) == got_file_hash_http, msg.format(
f1=orig_file_name, f2=got_file_1
def attr_into_header(attrs: dict) -> dict:
return {f"X-Attribute-{_key}": _value for _key, _value in attrs.items()}
"Convert each attribute (Key=Value) to the following format: -H 'X-Attribute-Key: Value'"
def attr_into_str_header_curl(attrs: dict) -> list:
headers = []
for k, v in attrs.items():
headers.append(f"-H 'X-Attribute-{k}: {v}'")"[List of Attrs for curl:] {headers}")
return headers
"Try to get object via http (pass http_request and optional attributes) and expect error"
def try_to_get_object_via_passed_request_and_expect_error(
cid: str,
oid: str,
error_pattern: str,
endpoint: str,
http_request_path: str,
attrs: dict = None,
) -> None:
if attrs is None:
get_via_http_gate(cid=cid, oid=oid, endpoint=endpoint, request_path=http_request_path)
cid=cid, attribute=attrs, endpoint=endpoint, request_path=http_request_path
raise AssertionError(f"Expected error on getting object with cid: {cid}")
except Exception as err:
match = error_pattern.casefold() in str(err).casefold()
assert match, f"Expected {err} to match {error_pattern}"