import os from contextlib import AbstractContextManager from textwrap import shorten from typing import Any import allure from allure import attachment_type from .interfaces import Reporter class AllureReporter(Reporter): """ Implements storing of test artifacts in Allure report. """ def step(self, name: str) -> AbstractContextManager: name = shorten(name, width=70, placeholder="...") return allure.step(name) def attach(self, body: Any, file_name: str) -> None: attachment_name, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) attachment_type = self._resolve_attachment_type(extension) allure.attach(body, attachment_name, attachment_type) def _resolve_attachment_type(self, extension: str) -> attachment_type: """ Try to find matching Allure attachment type by extension. If no match was found, default to TXT format. """ extension = extension.lower() return next( (allure_type for allure_type in attachment_type if allure_type.extension == extension), attachment_type.TXT, )